

The greatest man on earth reborn in Soul Land...well Tang San is done for now This is a fanfic I'm writing purely based on my fantasy Do read it I'll cover the entire verse and more.....it'll be one hell of a journey with worthwile rewards(hehe if you know what I mean

Shashwat_Singh_0989 · Anime & Comics
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That was my life in short these past few years ....

And the reason for that well you'll know about it soon enough(can't give spoilers for my own story ret😉).

If I talk about my life I had always been the best....no arrogance .....just facts.I was born handsome ,extremely handsome . You might say I'm a narcisstic bastard .well ,while that may be somewhat true ....in this it's not.why ,you ask? Cause I suffered because of this face of mine,those rich bitches who asked their fathers to get them for me like I was some toy ,those assholes blackmailing my family,ah my family...the ones I hated the most.They gave me away....just like that.A guy paid them a million dollars to buy me for his daughter n my asshole father complied .Jokes on them ,what the idiot did not realize was there lay an evil and manipulative mind behind that charming face.She wanted to fuck me for a few nights and then leave and marry some rich guy to increase her father's worth....but she underestimated my charm....in a few days she was standing with a blade to her wrist ....blackmailing her father to let me marry her.That asshole might be the most selfish but it was all for his daughter ....he reluctantly agreed.And that there was the biggest mistake of their life.

In a few years I had killed her father and only gave sex to her when she begged me for it..well she loved me more than her life so I def owed her that much.Did i ever feel guilty about it? Why would I?They bought me like body meat...so I gave back to them what they gave to me.It was my life long goal to have this vengeance.i destroyed my family and let them die of poverty.BUT....

As soon as I achieved my revenge...something died inside me ....I dunno what ....I dunno how but I lost all that passion within me.I took over the world govt by secretly privatizing and buying all the armed forces in the name of reducing govt expenditure.Soon i abolished the position of president and took over usa.i conquered the entire world with an iron fist .It may sound impossible but I am after all the smartest man on earth with zero emotions.The name of Dave fairbourne was etched in history as the unparralled genius who took over the world at 21 years of age.After all of it was over ...I just wanted to feel some emotions which were void in my cold and stoic personality because of all I had suffered these years .i thought of finding love.But alas something that's not meant to be will not be .I had to look once and the girl was head over reels and insanely in luv with me .....this isn't what I wanted .I wanted to talk,spend time ,cuddle ,live...not just satisfy my lust with my parterner.The melacholy was so unbearable that despise my strong character I tried to take my life some times .Just as I was hanging by my life's thread I came across it,something that piqued my interest....SOUL LAND .

What is this ...the more I saw the more I felt unsatisfied ....why like that ..oh no ...why her what did she do ....i loathed the outplay ...i wanted to summon tang Jia San shao and make him rewrite the novel I had in mind....but suddenly I recieved a red level threat emergency...."Your Greatness we are facing an extraterrestrial invasion"...

I flew piloting the pcf72 looking at the huge fleet ahead of me .....Earths defenses were totally destroyed .As the leader I was going to surrender ....or that's what they thought .ilIn their dying breath the leader of ikris...the strongest race of our galaxy provided me with their strongest weapon "HEART OF MOTHER CHAOS" to exact vengeance for them and save my planet .... A win win dealfor both of us...I studied the chart and then connected them in a series to all nuclear and hydrogen bomb on our planet ....to add some oil to the fire.The invaders called titamuths used mana and could not recognize the energy in my ship as they used only mana.i approached their ship and a female voice called out "LEADER OF EARTH DAVE FAIRBORNE ....I'll let you and your planet live and prosper under one condition"

"And what might that be "I asked in a cold and indifferent tone.

""Marry me and be my man""

Fuck,here too I thought is that all they see in me .The earthlings sighed hearing this .His charm really is lethal they thought .As long as it is a woman she can't fight our lord,she'll get wet in her pants first.Well ,it's gud at least our planet is safe now.


"HUH,you want me to destroy earth then,ull still become my sex slave after that so there is no point in opposing me.think for your and your planets good"

At that point it hit me out of nowhere ,a feeling that would help me do what I was going to do next .....

"Listen carefully woman ,DAVE FAIRBORNE, etch that name into your being ....even God can't force ,a bitch dares too,I AM ETERNAL AND OMNIPOTENT"

With that I finally activated mother of chaos ,the entire titamuth was wiped out ,not a single speck left and so died the greatest creature in history....DAVE FAIRBORNE


IN a space as still as nothingness I opened my eyes ...so this is death not so bad

I looked in front of me and saw a women as beautiful as words could not describe standing in front of me .

A voice sweeter than nature said"Even as a mortal your mind traverses past reality and being....you knew this would happen and you would be here ,didn't you?"

" Well,I had idea of something of the like"

"Still won't U explain how u knew that"

"Nope,it's too much of hassle ,I'm kinda tired ryt now,tell u later" i said.

"Well,u have the belief and trust of a trillion creatures,ryt now so u can ascend as a god,tell me what God do wanna ascend as "

she asked

"I don't wanna ascend as a god,at least not ryt now"I told her

"Then what,I can only grant u one wish "she said

"Ure a god ryt ,look into my mind"

She did and exclaimed "are u fucking kidding me ,ull end up even stronger than me like that ,strongest in the Omniverse actually"she said clearly irritated

"Well,I'm sure gods can't go back on their words" i chuckled

"But this is just too much ,unless of course you promise me something"an evil glint shone in her eyes


"Be my man when it's all over "

I didn't mind it ,she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and she seemed secret and interestng unlike those boring divas who has all looks but no character.

"You sure with that many women already...."I asked considering my wish she would grant

"Ah ...uh"she nodded

"Ok then"

"Well enjoy your second life then Dave fairbone "she smiled" and until we meet again my Casanova".



a small 6 year old child sat on a woman's lap gasping for air as she hugged him too tightly.

If women saw this child there would be an all out war between kingdoms .Yes,that's how pretty he was,silvery white hair that shone as if he was a god,heterochromatin big eyes golden and sea green that had a world within them,a face that one could not look away from once they saw it

The woman's name is Tang xiao .... a level 70 spirit saint. She had a younger sister named tang chia who was 6 years old .Their parents died while hunting for a decade millenium soul beast and later getting attacked by an entire horde.Many men tried to have xiao but she cultivated and killed them all...and left the clear sky clan furious with their mistreatment .She bought a mansion in spirit city as martial soul hall under Bibi dong was strict with womens safety and she was safe here.

One day on her balcony she found a beautiful child....so pretty that she stared at it in a daze for an hour before she came back to her senses ...her nose bleeding from the overloaded cuteness.

The child had a note beside him saying DAVE FAIRBORNE.what kind of a weird name is that she thought.So he is a boy .Her traumatic experience and her loathed for men had made her vow she would never touch or let a man touch her .She was untarnished but there hungry and lust filled gazes still bugged her .But she felt different about this child ....something about him just felt divine ,an inevitable urge to be with him,to feel him ...."what am I thinking ,hes just an infant ,but maybe when he grows up",she blushed"shud I adopt him,but if become his stepmother it'll be too shameful being with him in the future,how about I become his elder sister ,don't worry elder sister will always protect you",she said cuddling him in her arms.she felt spirit power leaking from him and her gaze widened in horror and shock,"LEVEL 30 innate soul power ,how is that even possible isn't level 20 the max and their is only one like that in the entire world ,how?"she thought,"He is too special ,hell definitely rule the entire world in the future,only spirit hall and her highess the pope can protect him and be his teacher "she thought,while smiling at the chic magnet in her arms.

4 years have passed and Dave has grown into the most handsome young man known to existence.Both of his elder sisters cling to him all the time never leering him rest .

Dave pov.....

Yup ,it's me .i reincarnated into Soul Land according to my wishes .I turned six today and my system unlocked .Tomorrow I'll unlock my martial spirits in the spirit hall. Well I know what theyll be anyway...but lets see,after all I luv showing off.

My adoptive sister Tang xiao and tang chia are already in deep love with me .The reason I chose to reincarnate here cause I loved all the women in Soul Land .....not only are they absurdly pretty and hot ....but their dominant character and strength made me fall head over heels for them.....in this world I'll change all their fates .....and I'll personally crush that narcisstic,manipulative hypocrite Tang San .Why you ask,well tang san wasn't wrong but neither was spirit hall,anyway right and wrong are only relative and spirit hall was way better than the corrupt nobles backing tang san in the war.....as for ah yins death ....didn't tang san hunt hundreds of soul beast for himself ,what about them huh?what about their loved ones ,and when spirit hall did what everyone else was,they became evil huh?

Stop kidding me .The only reason tang san won was because he was lucky and stronger ....n well this time tang san and tang sect and both the kingdoms are fucked coz I'm not just stronger ...I'm freaking omnipotent ,rejoice Bibi dong and Qian Renxue ,this time I'll not just ensure that you win,I'll be a man whose embrace u can lie in for eternity my sweethearts ...