

~NEW UPRISING NOVEL!!!~ P/s: I am a fresh author that just start to delve into this career. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to read my other novel, if you want rated M and 18+, read One Day With You. This is for general view and no romantic scene because it was mainly for adventure and action. Believe me, the story will be boring at first, but I promised you it will be an epic scene as the main character grow up. I have to started it slow for the character development because he is still a toddler. So, please look forward for this novel by put it in your collection. Thank you XD .... Makoto Hiro, a young man from Earth, is reincarnated into a fantastical world known as Mundus Novus by a mysterious entity he calls 'Master.' In this new world, he is reborn as Oruvan, the child of a forbidden union between the Demon King and the Goddess Queen. Hoping for a simpler life in this new world, Oruvan quickly realizes that fate has other plans. As a human, he possesses a unique combination of magical abilities inherited from his parents: the dark magic of demons and the light magic of goddesses, along with the five aptitude elemental magics—fire, water, earth, wind, and electricity—granted to him by his past life. This rare combination makes him exceptionally powerful but also marks him for a difficult journey. Despite his desire for a peaceful existence, Oruvan is thrust into a life of constant trials and tribulations. His parents are captured by humans, leaving him to navigate a perilous world alone. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous challenges, from malevolent beings to political intrigue, all while uncovering the mysteries of his own identity and powers. The true test begins when the demonic blood in Oruvan's veins allows the Demon King to attempt possession of his body. With the support of his loyal companions, Oruvan fights to retain control and seeks ways to protect himself from this looming threat. As he grows stronger, he learns of the Demon King's grand ambition to conquer the world and works tirelessly to thwart it. Just as the humans are weakened by their battles with the demons, the dragon clans seize the opportunity to expand their territory, driven by an increasing birth rate and dwindling resources. Oruvan's strength and leadership enable him to subdue the dragon threat, but this victory brings him to the attention of the Seven Monarchs, powerful beings who perceive him as a threat to their dominion. Oruvan's quest for a tranquil life ironically propels him into the heart of a monumental conflict. His resolve to protect the human lands and secure his dream of a peaceful existence leads to an unprecedented war against the Monarchs. In this epic struggle, Oruvan must confront the mightiest forces of the Mundus Novus and prove that even a desire for simplicity can ignite a revolution. …

Secret_Ethereal · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Ch. 2 – Elixir of Existence: A Glistening Tear of Life P.2

(Spirit Realm)

"Woah, what... what the... Am I dreaming?" I was surprised to find myself in an all-white space, an infinite expanse with no discernible end. The sheer size of the place left me in awe and confusion.

"No, you are not," came an unknown voice, resonating through the vastness.

"Woah! What is this place? Who's there?" I called out, my voice echoing in the emptiness.

"You do not have to mind that. Just call me your master," the voice responded.

"Master? Where are you? Am I still blind to this life even after death? Why can't I see you?" I demanded, my frustration growing. I had been born without the sixth sense in my past life, unable to perceive what others could.

"No, you are not blind. This is my original form. I am a divine substance," the voice—my master—explained.

"Then, where am I? Is this the afterlife?" I asked, a mix of fear and curiosity in my voice.

"Not quite. You are in the spirit realm," my master clarified.

"What the… What am I doing here?!" I shouted, my confusion turning to panic.

"I have something to tell you. For your information, you have passed the seven bitterness of life. I will give you a special treatment for passing it. You will be reborn," the master said, their tone calm and reassuring.

"Reborn? Hmm…" I murmured, pondering the implications.

"Why? Do you dislike it?" my master asked, a hint of concern in their voice.

"No, it's not that," I replied, my mind racing. I took a long moment to think, weighing the possibilities and the unknown future that lay ahead of me.




Finally, I made my decision.

"Alright. I have decided." I gave a determined gaze. "I'll accept it. I guess I should be thankful to you, Master." I bowed down to pay my respects.

"I knew you would accept it. You're welcome. After all, I know everything," the master responded, a hint of amusement in their voice.

"I have a question. Will I still lack my sixth sense in my new life?"

"Everything about you will be new. It is your brand-new life. I can also erase your past life's memory if you want." he answered with an offer.

"What? No! Can I keep my memory?" I asked, surprised by the offer.

"If it is not a problem, may I know your reason?" the master inquired, their tone curious.

"I really love my life with my parents. I'm really worried if they knew I had died. Could you replace someone better for them? At least, I do not want them to be sad."

"Do you mean to alter their memory about you?"

"Yeah. I don't want them to be sad about their loss." (Maybe it would be best if they do not know about me at all. I hope you both can be happier without me. Mom… Dad. I love you.)

"What a pure soul. Alright. I will do so," the master agreed.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate that."

"Anything else?" he added.

"That's all. Having a new life is a blessing for me. I cannot ask for much because I am not a good person deserving of such kindness." I humbly declined his offer because I wanted to be modest in front of him.

"Well, if that is all, I will send you now to another world. It is a new world that I created at the same time I created Earth. Try to learn this new world even if it is totally different from yours. I will be rooting for you." his voice echoed and started to disappear.

"Yes, I will. Thank you for everything, especially for this second chance." I thanked him.

A bright light shone again, and I covered my eyes.

"I have a little gift for you for being modest. The gift of knowledge in both worlds," the master said.

My soul felt like it was jumping from a high place or moving at an incredible speed. The sound of wind rushed through my ears, deafeningly loud.

In a moment, I remembered back the thought I considered earlier whether I want to be reborn. That is because I would be lonely there and waiting for my parents would take a longer time. Maybe I should try out this new world and have a little fun before reuniting with them again in the afterlife.

"Nope. I won't falter. I hope this is the right choice! I won't regret it! See you later, Mom and Dad!" I shouted into the void. (I will have to try to live longer and not die so soon.)

As the light enveloped me, I felt a sense of resolve and excitement for the unknown adventures ahead.

His world momentarily turned black, and darkness surrounded him. After sending him to be reborn in another world, the master opened a projected screen that displayed the past life of Makoto Hiro.

"What a poor thing," the master said with pity in his voice.

For all this time, he knows, he has been watching. When Makoto Hiro was born, he was an unlucky child, born with a cruel faith which he had to suffer in his life. On the hospital bed while in his mother's arms, they both look at him looking pitiful. The poor soul didn't shed even a single tear which made them worried. The baby didn't cry.

Later, his parents discovered that Makoto was born deaf. His bad luck didn't stop there.

As he grew up, the earliest memory he had was from when he was five years old. His mother showed him a colorful rainbow right in front of him, which he couldn't see. His mother brought him to the doctor, who diagnosed him with color blindness.

When he turned fifteen, his parents found out about his secret that he didn't intend to tell them about his disability to feel pain unlike normal humans. He just doesn't want to make them worry about him.

He can't believe he would make them cry once again. That was the last thing he wanted. His kind-heart can't bear to see their tears. But little did he know, their crying was not out of anger or disappointment but pity for their child's fate. They found out that when he was returning home from school one day, Makoto was involved in a hit-and-run accident. He thought he was fine until he realized his head was covered in blood. His parents rushed him to the hospital, where the doctor diagnosed him with Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis (CIPA). This rare condition explained why he never felt pain and never cried as a baby.

All these cruel fates became his destiny, living a life full of trials. The master reflected on the seven trials Makoto had endured:

Sorrow: Enduring deep sadness and grief. From the moment he was born, Makoto faced a life filled with sorrow due to his disabilities and the constant worry of his parents.Regret: Living with the consequences of past mistakes and missed opportunities. Makoto regretted not being able to be a normal child, always feeling like a burden to his parents.Fear: Facing and overcoming fears and anxieties. Makoto lived in constant fear of what new hardship life would throw at him next, yet he faced each day with quiet courage.Loneliness: Experiencing isolation and solitude. His disabilities isolated him from other children, leading to a lonely childhood despite his parents' love.Pain: Enduring physical or emotional pain. Although he could not feel physical pain, the emotional pain of his condition and the effect it had on his family was profound.Failure: Experiencing setbacks and failures. Makoto faced numerous challenges and setbacks in his education and social life due to his conditions.Betrayal: Suffering from the betrayal of trust. The only betrayal Makoto felt was from his own body, which failed to function like that of a normal person, leading to a deep sense of frustration and helplessness.

The last moment of his death was the final trial that he has endured in his life. "Such a miserable life filled with trials," the master murmured, looking at the projection with a heavy heart. "But now, he will have a chance at a new beginning."

SNAP. A sound of a finger snapped was echoed and the screen disappeared. 

"But that was also an evidence when the destined time was close. Soon we will meet again"

It was a sorrowful writing that the Master speak with his voice resonated over the entire universe:

In the timeless expanse where all is still,

A stirring begins, a cosmic thrill,

For when the time has come at last,

The chosen one shall rise, unsurpassed.


From the depths of the void, where shadows dwell,

The omnipotent being emerges, breaking the spell,

Through realms of boundless possibility,

It claims its place in cosmic infinity.


With power unmatched, it commands the stars,

Guiding the galaxies, erasing scars,

And as it ascends to the cosmic throne,

The universe echoes its resounding tone.


For in its wake, all existence trembles,

As the omnipotent being assembles,

The forces of creation at its command,

Shaping the cosmos with a gentle hand.


So let the cosmos sing its praise,

For the chosen one has come to blaze,

A path through the infinite expanse,

And lead the universe in its cosmic dance.


With each step, the universe aligns,

To the rhythm of its celestial signs,

And as it strides across the cosmic floor,

The universe bows down, forevermore.


For when the time has come to rise,

The omnipotent being claims the skies,

And in its wake, all shall be reborn,

As the cosmos celebrates the dawn.


Suddenly, the noise disappeared. It is feeling quiet.
