

~NEW UPRISING NOVEL!!!~ P/s: I am a fresh author that just start to delve into this career. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to read my other novel, if you want rated M and 18+, read One Day With You. This is for general view and no romantic scene because it was mainly for adventure and action. Believe me, the story will be boring at first, but I promised you it will be an epic scene as the main character grow up. I have to started it slow for the character development because he is still a toddler. So, please look forward for this novel by put it in your collection. Thank you XD .... Makoto Hiro, a young man from Earth, is reincarnated into a fantastical world known as Mundus Novus by a mysterious entity he calls 'Master.' In this new world, he is reborn as Oruvan, the child of a forbidden union between the Demon King and the Goddess Queen. Hoping for a simpler life in this new world, Oruvan quickly realizes that fate has other plans. As a human, he possesses a unique combination of magical abilities inherited from his parents: the dark magic of demons and the light magic of goddesses, along with the five aptitude elemental magics—fire, water, earth, wind, and electricity—granted to him by his past life. This rare combination makes him exceptionally powerful but also marks him for a difficult journey. Despite his desire for a peaceful existence, Oruvan is thrust into a life of constant trials and tribulations. His parents are captured by humans, leaving him to navigate a perilous world alone. Throughout his journey, he faces numerous challenges, from malevolent beings to political intrigue, all while uncovering the mysteries of his own identity and powers. The true test begins when the demonic blood in Oruvan's veins allows the Demon King to attempt possession of his body. With the support of his loyal companions, Oruvan fights to retain control and seeks ways to protect himself from this looming threat. As he grows stronger, he learns of the Demon King's grand ambition to conquer the world and works tirelessly to thwart it. Just as the humans are weakened by their battles with the demons, the dragon clans seize the opportunity to expand their territory, driven by an increasing birth rate and dwindling resources. Oruvan's strength and leadership enable him to subdue the dragon threat, but this victory brings him to the attention of the Seven Monarchs, powerful beings who perceive him as a threat to their dominion. Oruvan's quest for a tranquil life ironically propels him into the heart of a monumental conflict. His resolve to protect the human lands and secure his dream of a peaceful existence leads to an unprecedented war against the Monarchs. In this epic struggle, Oruvan must confront the mightiest forces of the Mundus Novus and prove that even a desire for simplicity can ignite a revolution. …

Secret_Ethereal · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Ch. 1 – Genesis: Inception of the Universe P.2


The orb not only changed its appearance, but also erased its own memory because it became a vulnerable creature that could not contain its might and grasp.

And so, with all of its might and power, the orb focused its energy on a single thought - to create a new world, Earth. 

It poured all of its energy into this thought, and suddenly, everything went dark.

When the orb opened its eyes again, it found that it had been reborn into a new form - that of a vulnerable baby. 

The orb was no longer a powerful entity of light, but a small and fragile creature that could barely contain its own might and grasp.

Where it transcends itself into its creation what so called, human.

It is now starting to have its first form.

Every form, variation and expression of omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, omni-vastance, etc. The power to do anything, meaning they can apply to anything, Do anything, be anything, etc. They are infinitely above anything and everything. This is the true pinnacle of power. Nothing surpasses true omnipotence. The powers are beyond infinitely better in the hands of a true omnipotent being.

True Eternity - Be unbound and bound by time at the sametimeTrue Omniscience - Have omni-infinite knowledgeTrue Omnipresence - Be present everywhere and nowhere at the sametimeTrue Omnivastance - Be beyond true omnipotenceTrue Metapotence - Be able to achieve anything and everything, achieve everythingTrue Ultipotence - Have Omni-infinite raw power, force, skill, potential and abilityTrue Auto Potence - Be completely true omnipotent over themselfSuperior Reality - Rewrite/Manipulate the laws/rules of everything and anythingMeta Supernatural Manipulation - Manipulate everything supernaturalTotal Manipulation/omni manipulation- Manipulate everythingTrue Omnilock - Exist outside of everything and anythingOmni-potential - Have an infinite amount of potential within youOmnipotence/True omnipotence unity - Embody/Be one with all potencesTranscendent Complete arsenal - Have every power but better than the original in every wayOmni existence - Take on all forms of existing at onceTrue Almighty Magic - True omnipotent magicPower unity be one with power and all powersForce unity - Be one with forces and all forcesTransfictional Author Authority - Be the creator of absolutely everythingThe source - Be the source of everythingEnergy unity - Be one with energy and all energyTranscendent power creation - Be in complete control of all powers and forcesAbsolutence/Absolute Omnipotence - Be beyond omnipotence, Be the creator of all concepts and defy all logic and rulesOmni-Transcendence - Break all limitsSupreme Omniarch - Ruler over all, manipulate all, be in control of everythingTrue Omnilock - Exist outside of everythingTrue Freedom - Be free from allPeak God sense - Have your sense increased on an omni-infinite scale, be able to see everything, even things from other fictions or non-fictionsSupreme omnicide - Be able to kill, destroy and end anything at once or separately

So you're probably wondering "Isn't this just omnipotence", Well no it isn't. Omnipotence means to be all powerful not to be able to do anything. People think omnipotence means to be able to do anything but that simply isn't the true definition , it just means no matter what nothing will be more powerful than it. Not even everything combined.

This however does technically dwarf omnipotence. The user's of omnipotence are still limited and can't do everything but this however can indeed do so. God may not be able to do anything but have the power to dwarf everything.

If omnipotence transcends itself, then it implies it has limits, which it cannot have everything in its own creation, by only ~0.00000000001% even near of the power it can possess. But the power is unknown of what number is the principal. Just like how one cannot be divided by null where it can't progress and measure its capability only the one itself. 

The orb looked around in confusion, not quite sure what had happened to it. It had created a new world, but at what cost? It had erased its own memory, and now it found itself lost and alone in a strange new world.

But as the orb looked around at this new world, it felt a spark of something new - wonder, and excitement. It realized that it had created something truly remarkable, and it was eager to explore this new world and all of its wonders.

And so, the orb set out on a new journey, this time as a small and vulnerable creature. It didn't know what the future held, but it was excited to find out. The orb had created a new world, and it was eager to see what kind of life it would create within it.

It sought to believe what will happen in the coming future. 

The end of its own memory. 


A happy couple stares upon their firstborn in the grasp of his mother, while the baby cries. Maybe it was his first time to be here when being born and some say it was to cry in happiness for the life blessed on it. But it may also be because they do not want to ever be born. 

"Look, honey, he's a lovely boy," Akira said, his voice filled with awe.

Emiko smiled, tears of happiness in her eyes. "My goodness. You are so beautiful."

The doctor, watching the tender moment, asked, "Have you thought about his name?"

They both nodded and answered it simultaneously, "MAKOTO. Makoto Hiro!"

A child named Makoto Hiro, is born onto the Earth and lives his life as the son of a loving couple, Akira and Emiko Hiro. From the moment he enters the world, Makoto's presence brings immeasurable joy and newfound purpose to his parents' lives. Their hearts swell with a mixture of awe, responsibility, and boundless love as they embark on the journey of parenthood. Even though they are living in poverty, they still try their hardest to be happy everyday. Despite Makoto Hiro being born deaf and impaired vision, his parents did not feel unhappy about it. Their love for him is immeasurable just like other families.

Akira and Emiko are deeply committed to providing the best possible life for Makoto. They raise him in an environment filled with warmth, guidance, and encouragement. As Makoto grows, he discovers the wonders of the world around him, from the vibrant colors of nature to the infinite possibilities that lay ahead. 

His parents instill in him a sense of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, nurturing his innate talents and interests. Makoto's childhood is marked by a series of memorable experiences: his first steps, his curious questions about the stars, and the laughter shared during family outings. Akira and Emiko create a nurturing space where he feels free to explore, learn, and express himself. They support his dreams and aspirations, cheering him on as he endeavors to become the best version of himself. 

As he reaches adolescence, Makoto's passion for learning deepens. He excels in his studies, fueled by his parents' unwavering belief in his potential. With their guidance, he learns the importance of empathy, kindness, and resilience. Makoto's character is shaped by their love and the values they instill in him.

Eventually, Makoto's journey takes him beyond the comfort of his family home. He ventures into the world with a heart full of optimism and a mind hungry for adventure. His parents watch with a mix of pride and nostalgia as he spreads his wings, knowing that they have given him a strong foundation to navigate life's challenges. Makoto's path leads him to pursue a career that aligns with his passions and values. He becomes an advocate for positive change, working to make a difference in his community and beyond. Along the way, he forms meaningful connections, cherishing the friendships and relationships he cultivates.

Throughout his life, Makoto remains grateful for the love and support of his parents. He continues to draw strength from the values they imparted to him and carries their legacy forward. And as he reflects on his own journey, he recognizes the profound impact his parents' unconditional love has had on shaping the person he has become.

The story of Makoto Hiro is a testament to the transformative power of love, the beauty of human connection, and the profound influence parents can have on their child's life. As Makoto navigates the twists and turns of his existence, he embraces each moment with gratitude and a determination to create a meaningful and purposeful life.

-To be continued-

The story started to blossom when the mystic orb was curious about this creature named as human and started to live as a human when he already sparked a life into the random woman's womb which he is now called Makoto Hiro and his memory is wipe out from his own desire to live his life without his past memory as an orb of light.