
A Connection

"Hahahahahahaha" Avil laughed at the miserable state Cain was in completely expecting that result.

Cain's leg was in a mess and twisted in humanly impossible ways.

"Do you think that learning this technique was easy?" Avil said as he walked towards Cain.

"What was your mistake?" Avil asked as he squats down and touched Cain's leg and released his light vint energy to heal his leg.

"I w...was t..to hasty..." Cain replied as he whined in pain.

"And?" Avil asked again with a smug look.

"And????" I replied completely dumbfounded that he asked that.

"You channeled your vint energy in the wrong place"

"And you suffered what is called a backlash, so do you remember where the problem is now" Avil advised Cain as he continue to heal his legs in a rapid state.

And then it hits Cain.

'I channeled it on my knees' He mentally slaps himself for making such a mistake.

'For a moment there, I thought i was taught the wrong technique'

"And you have a surprisingly strong body" Avil voice suddenly spoke bringing Cain from his inner thought.

"You are good to go...Again!!" Avil demanded and stood up sternly...

"Huh" .... Cain asked with a dumb look.

"I said to repeat the technique again" Avil said and smiled back at him.

'What nonsense..'

'Do you want to cripple me' Cain thought as he stood up and walk towards the exit...

'I came to train not to return crippled'

"Where are you going boy" A deep menacing voice resounded directly deep in his ears.

Avil has somehow teleported toward Cain's right ear with a sledge Hammer bigger than Cain's torso.

"Do you want to forgo the training?" the voice said completely different from Avil's own as he releases murderous intent that caused the hairs in Cain's neck to stand on end and shivered down his spine.

"N...n...no" Cain manage to utter those words with a frightened expression.

'Why do i always meet people who don't care about my safety' Cain mentally cried out.

"Good, i thought you wanted to leave"

"Now, do it again"

"Don't worry if your legs are damaged behold repair i will take you to the Ewer's Clinic"

"You will be back to full health in a matter of minutes" Avil said as he gently tapped Cain back in encouragement.

The medical resources of this world have reached a state where a serious injury in the spine that could result in one being forever cripple will just be healed in a matter of minutes but its cost is something that an ordinary will never think of.

It costs more than their entire life savings since such elixirs are bought with yellow-core grade stones.

While an ordinary Ewer stage ends at the Manifesting stage.

And to kill any beast higher than that alone is a sure death sentence.

And for Avil to willingly spend such an amount for my treatment is definitely not a nobody.

As Cain returned back to the first fighting stance and went into the fighting stance nervous, only to end up with a damaged leg again.

But was healed up again completely as a voice reverberated in the practice hall.


With a painful expression, Cain got back up.

Took the fighting stances again.

Broken toes

Healed again

And this continued for four more hours.

Avil kept healing and healing.

Cain began to wonder 'Doesn't he ever run out of energy?'.

A question that would never be answered.

He regulated his vint energy correctly this time around.


Taking deep breaths and stabling his vint energy, Cain took a step and dashed forward and took the next stance.

The Guard Stances...

With the energy at his multiplied by several folds, a little mysterious life essence flowed out from the wooden sword connected with him and also stabilized his vint energy suddenly but being new to this feeling Cain panicked a little and ...


Cain met the wall.

" Hahahaha...You don't listen boy..." a cheeky laughter reverberated in the whole training floor.

"You learn quickly but you don't control your emotions very well," Avil said as squat to heal Cain's battered body.

"Thif techikic iz zo darm divvicut" said Cain as he bit his tongue during the collision with the training walls.

"Owwww itz hurtzz" Cain complained.

"Hahahaha.... i know it's difficult" Avil stated

"This technique also trains you to control your emotions too"

"Take this for example, if you don't learn to control your emotions you will keep on kissing the walls and worst case, forever damage your face no one to heal you" Avil said with a smile.

But his last sentence brought shivers to Cain's spine.

'Ruthless' Cain thought

'Why do i feel that was his plan this along' Cain mentally noted it down to stay far from this man.

"Honestly, i don't expect you to completely grasp this technique" Avil said as he assisted Cain back to his feet and handed him his practice sword.

'Mastering the first dash has shocked me well enough already any more will make me doubt life' Avil thought.

When Avil started this technique it took him a full week to learn the first dash alone and for this monster who learned it in a day.

But was still called a genius when he learned it at the time.

And he felt like one, only for his illusion to be broken by this monster.

'I knew he's a masochist, learning through pain' Avil mentally thought with disgust.

"So, i think that the training should be enough for today" Avil said as he walked towards the exit.

"Safe journey and remember always wear that necklace to keep your emotions in check" he said before leaving through the exit.

After he left, Cain laid back on the ground.

"Eve" i called out.

[Yes Host]

"What do you think of him?" i asked.

[I didn't detect any malicious intentions from him]

[But Host should still be careful, as Eve doesn't read minds]

"Sure" I said as i placed the practice knife sword in front of me.

"I felt a connection with this sword," i thoIght as i recalled the surge of energy coming from this sword when i almost completed the second stance before i ....forget it...continuing that statement will only bring back bad memories.

"Eve scan this" i said i demanded the sword be scanned.



[Scan complete]

[Essences detected]

[13% Druid Treeman essences discovered]

[Do you want to obtain the essences]


"Druid Treeman essences found ??"

"Any information of this Daemon?" i hastily asked.



[Druid Treeman is a Daemon with a strong affinity of plant and life vint energy]

[These beings are docile and nature-loving and won't harm a soul unless they are threatened]

[They are known for their healing skills and abnormal vitality making them near immortal when their feet are on the ground]

'So, i could get a skill if i withdraw its essences' i mentally asked


With an excited expression, i sat back up straight and said "withdraw Druid Treeman essences"


[Withdrawing its essences will permanently damage this item]

'Really, how much damage will it cause' I regretfully asked in sadness.

[This item will be forever damaged beyond repair if the Host withdraws its essence]


[Do you still want to withdraw its essence]

'Well, damaging the only practice sword that I got for FREE for an essence isn't worth it now since he doesn't have core stones to afford an iron-tier weapon.'

Especially when his entire life savings can't even afford a damaged one.

Yes am poor….what do you expect?

After arranging his thought, Cain declined…

"What a day," said Cain as he momentarily went into a daze as he recalled how his life changed when he was given the Omnific Tesseract.

'What a roller-coaster, what else is in-store for me' I smiled as I slowly stood back up as I walked towards the exit.

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