
Omni-Summoning System: Rise Of The Elven Overlord In Another World

" The God of Light have foretold, of black wings in the cold, That when worlds wage war come unfurled! Alduin, Bane of Gods, Ancient shadow unbound, With a hunger to swallow the world, will come back to our world and devour everything In sight!" And so a Prophecy was told to everyone. A Prophecy that may or may not come true, who can truly tell? ...Well, I guess I can. Being the one who is the start of it. A Great tale unlike any other. A Tale that will be sung throughout the very Omniverse. The Great Summoner from another world. The Great everlasting Overlord of the Elven race. " Let's have fun now~!" ~~ [***Disclaimer: I don't own anything I use In this Fanfic, other than my own creations***] [***Tags: Skyrim | Yandere | Harem | Nasuverse | Naruto | Warlock Of The Magus World | Tensura | So I'm a Spider, So What? | Re: Monster ] [***Disclaimer: I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could count as Wish-Fulfillment. Updates are uncertain and Irregular***]

RinneganGod · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

It's a forest covered in a magic-rich fog that rarely clears because the concentration of magic in the air is too high.

Visibility is poor, and powerful demons that have evolved from the high concentration of magic roam the forest, so not many people willingly enter this forest.

Since it is located in the center of each country, the only people who enter this forest are either Power or foolish, who deal in illegal goods and cannot walk on the main road, and adventurers who want to make a fortune with rare demons materials.

Fortunately, the demons don't try to go out of the forest of the magical mist.

The tentative answer given by scholars from various countries is that they are accustomed to an environment with high concentrations of magic and do not want to go outside where the magic is thin.

However, running throughout this Magical yet demonic forest is a cuts child around 6-8 years of age. The child himself possesses tall, slender-framed human(?) with white skin and somewhat effeminate facial features, and gold eyes. His white hair was pulled back into a single braid.

Flying above him is a large and Demonic-looking black-purple Griffin with intelligent bright blue eyes, holding what looks to be a smile on her face.

" Licht come on, it's time to leave," Solanine said gently, landing by Licht.

" Really, Mom? I was sure we still had some time left." The child Licht pouted at the large Dark Griffin, ever-so-slightly smiling at his Mother.

" I'm sorry my Licht, but we have to go." The Dark Griffin said, shaking her head, still holding that warm and gentle smile on her face.

"... Okay." Blinking his beautiful golden eyes a few times, Licht smiled and nodded hoping on his Mother's back.

Flying Into the sky, Solanine told him softly," Don't worry, we'll play some more later."

" Promise?"

" I promise."


[*13 Years Later: Age-21 years old*]

As far back as I can remember, I felt It.

Somebody else sleeping Inside me.

That person seemed to be very hurt and really angry and terribly sad.

They were weak, and I thought I had to protect them. That my body didn't just belong to me. That I wasn't alone.

It's what got me through my painful lonely childhood with the Griffins, a family I truly did not belong to.

Following these foreign emotions and feelings, I began to have a certain dream frequently at the young age of nine.

Blissful Days.

An ending of treachery, despair, and hatred.

I felt as If I had a mission to protect you.

Because we'd lived our lives together for a long time.

You were like my twin brother, born In the same body.

However, as they say: All great things always come to an end.

Congratulations Licht, my brother, and my only family.


Since your dream has come true.

...This is where we part ways.

Goodbye Licht, my only true family member, and dearest older twin brother.










... If possible, I would love it If we could meet once more...for real this time...


" And so I'm back Into the living world." Opening his golden-colored eyes, the new Licht said In a sinister calm manner that would send chills down anyone's spine.

He was nothing but a lazy 18-year-old Otaku with a bad case of Avolition and Apathy. The only thing that woke him up was games and anime. At school, he used Manga and Light Novels to wake up his lazy and nonchalant thoughts and ideas.

But after dying to Truck-chan and meeting some sort of R.O.B, he was given a new body to his liking and an otherworldly system, from those Fanfics he read. The only thing that was out of his hands was the world he got to be summoned Into, so he's going in blind to the new world.

Looking around, he found himself In the middle of some ruins.

No matter how one would look at it, it's all in ruins. To top it off, it's on the scale of a village.

There are buildings in decay as far as the eye can see. There isn't even a single trace of a person.

Furthermore, it seems more like he just came to another world instead of being reborn into it. Similarly, even though he has been reincarnated, he doesn't feel any sort of discomfort, other than feeling more powerful and free.

" Well, starting off as a baby is tiresome."

Looking around, he smiled feeling the atmosphere. Sure the weather is calm, the temperature is warm, and there's a nice breeze. The air also tastes good and it's the perfect environment for a nap. But seriously, to drop him off in these ruins. Not the best start he can tell you that much, and yet not the worst either.

... Well, it might be a little different from what he was expecting, but it's not actually wrong, so he guess it's fine.

When he entered one of the nearby ruins, he spotted a bed inside. It looks like it hasn't been used in ages and yet it seemed to be perfectly made as If they just brought or made this bed a day before. The bed Itself is a King-size bed with two mattresses with black bed sheets and pillows with golden outlines.

Well, the surroundings offset any complaints he may have about it. Half the roof has caved in and some light and a breeze leak in; it's very pleasant, he would say so, a great place to nap.

Searching the area and discovering dead bodies of Griffins and Tigers, his mouth made Itself Into a smile, remembering his 'Twin Brother' slaughter both groups because it might interrupt his plans he may or may not have.

" Oh~ What a great twin brother I have~" Laying on oddly enough, soft bed, the new Licht smiled and drifted out to sleep.


" Welcome young brothers and sisters." A silhouette stood in the middle of a vast throne room. colored In red and black. Her female voice was the only identifiable trait that one could use to determine her gender. A group of silhouettes sat in the front seats, the dim light making it impossible to determine any facial features

" Is humankind in control of their will? Are they truly free to choose their desires, their destiny, and their fate? Or are they simply following a script? Perhaps, we are driving by the rules of a higher entity, and we pretend to be free. It could simply be that the concept of "freedom" is simply an illusion. It could even be that we humans desire to be controlled. To be guided to where our journey takes us without worrying about how we get there. It is believed that humans are the only intelligent species due to the first humans making a deal with the devil." She stood tall and proud, explaining to the groups of people.

" The way we have to see this it's not what human beings have, but what we can have. You see, we are blessed. Blessed with the choice to carry out the will of the higher force. We have the opportunity to fight and prove ourselves for a noble cause." The woman splayed her hands dramatically." Our sole purpose is to follow his guidance to cleanse this world from the world. In return, we will be given a wish. Any wish your heart so desires. Rejoice! For you have been chosen to represent your Empire and help change the world!"

The crowd of people stood up, hands behind their backs as they stood straight." Stand proud, Saviors. You have been given the chance to aid destiny and make this world a better place. For the sake of peace. For the sake of your noble desires. For the sake of a world without evil and temptation. Being accepted as a Savior is the highest honor in our Empire and will allow you to better the lives of your families in exchange for your services. As for right now, you are the hope of humanity. Bring an end to this era of suffering and grasp the key for salvation. For Our One True God!!!"

""" Our One True God!!!""" They all chanted simultaneously, their left hands going horizontally to their chest.
