
Omni Sky

This story takes place instead of Alien Force, Ben goes through his old belongings and puts on the Omnitrix by accident after which he gets sucked through a portal into the Skylands. There he will find love and a new world to protect. Pairing: Ben x Hex, Roller Brawl, Chill, Stealth Elf, Looma

Grimm48 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

fixing the Omnitrix

|Next day - Arena|

Eon flies onto the stage of the arena on his podium with Ben, Stealth Elf and Eruptor standing next to Jet Vac and Pop Fizz with Hugo waiting across the stage for Master Eon.

"We did it Elfie, we really made it." Eruptor says excitedly.

"Yeah, we did." She replies proudly.

"Skylands, it's my distinct pleasure to welcome you. And now I shall begin expertly sketching our new members into the book of Skylanders." Eon announces.

"Guys, look up." Ben tells his fellow graduates, looking at Spyro who writes a congratulation message in the sky with his signature being twice as big as the rest of the message.

Eruptor and Elf look up with a smile until they notice the size difference and give their purple dragon friend a deadpan look instead.

"Hugo the book please." Eon says, accepting the book from his assistant and picks up a pen with his beard, using it to draw the three new cadets into the book of Skylanders.

"With this final stroke we welcome out newest members to the rank of Sklanders. Eruptor, Stealth Elf and Ben. Hugo take this to the vault please." Eon says, finishing drawing the three a few minutes later and hands the book to his assistant.

"Yes, no problem. Nothing in the Skylands can stop me from completing such an important mission." Hugo says and starts to walk away when Kaos, dressed as a sheep jumps onto the stage and scares the Mabu away, who drops the book into Kaos' hands by accident.

Kaos then gets out of his costume with the help of his goblin, Glumshanks, revealing his identity much to the horror of everyone present, since he is an infamous villain.

"Now the all-powerful book of Skylanders is mine. Mine, I've been dreaming of this moment all week. Now that I have the book I finally have all the control I need to end all of you Skyjerks." Kaos gloats.

"Skylanders, we must get the book back. Our very lives depend on it." Eon tells them and Jet Vac is the first one to attack, using his gun to shoot Kaos but it's still set to sending out tests, Kaos simply hits the book on his foot, causing the bird to hop away in pain. Pop Fizz gets out his potions but Kaos rips his page out of the book and throws it around with Fizz being tossed around just the same. When Eruptor fires at Kaos, the villain takes a stapler and pokes holes in the fresh Skylanders picture, causing the Lava-man to fall over in pain.

Ben is the next one to jump to action, changing into Wildmutt and jumps at Kaos, only for Glumshanks to throw himself in front of the small Villain, getting tackled away instead.

"Kaos can't defend against all of us at once Skylanders." Eon says and everyone readies themselves to attack again.

"Oh really, what if I just burn the book and all of you with it?" Kaos threatens.

"You dolt. The book is too mighty to succumb to fire. It is too powerful a relic.

"Hmm, can it be frozen?" Kaos asks.

"No comment." Eon says fearfully and Kaos uses his magic to freeze the book and all the Skylanders over.

After freezing everyone over Spyro checks out why everyone is fleeing the arena and finds out what happened to his friends. He tries to beat Kaos head on but the mage sends him flying away in a dark Orb of void while Kaos goes to the academy's vault, where he finds the map to the core of light and copies it in his mind. Spyro gets awaken in the orb by Eon who uses his magic to project an image of himself to the unconscious dragon and manages to awake him. Spyro frees himself from the orb by burning through it with his firebreath. After this he heads back the academy where he challenges Kaos, only to get beaten again but when Kaos is standing near the book's display, the book still in hand Spyro activates the security of the book, causing Kaos to get shocked by an electrical strike. After which Spyro manages to use his firebreath on the book before collapsing from exhaustion.

Moments later Kaos and Glumshanks intend to throw Spyro of the floating island when Eon, Eruptor, Stealth Elf, Pop Fizz, Jet Vac and Ben all show up, beating them up and throwing the two villains off the island instead.

"Spyro are you alright?" Eon asks, once the villains are dealt with and the group helps the dragon on a couch.

"No, can't say that I am. I'm in a staggering amount of pain. You know Master Eon, this entire experience taught me so much. And I want you to know I'll be ready to go next year." Spyro tells him.

"I think you're ready now Spyro. When you were in the bubble and I called you Skylander I meant it. I knew you could rise to the occasion and prove yourself worth. You honored us all by finding the balance between selfless heroism and sacrifice." Eon says, drawing in the book.

"Thank you Eon, now are you getting my good side? Oh who am I kidding they're both my good side." Spyro asks, peeking over Eon's shoulder.

"Skylanders. Meet your newest teammate." Eon announces once he's finished and presents them a drawing of a dragon which even a toddler could have done better.

"Uhh…"Spyro says when Hugo whispers," Don't worry. I always fix them."

Spyro then gets pulled into a hug by Stealth Elf and Eruptor while Ben stands to the side, next to Jet Vac.

"Thanks guys, I owe you big time." Spyro tells his best friends.

"Yeah you do." Eruptor agrees.

"Guess we'll be working together from now on Ben." Stealth Elf tells the human teen, holding out a hand for him, which he accepts only for Eruptor to jank on it, pulling him in the group hug as well.

"Now then, you are all full-fledged Skylanders and will soon share grand adventures on important missions in service of the academy. But for now enjoy your accomplishments and please, no parties." Eon tells them.

"Copy that." Spyro says and flies into the Sky, writing 'Skylanders win'.

"I better find Sprocket." Ben tells the group, making his way to the door.

"Good luck with your gizmo thingy." Elf tells him.

"It's called Omnitrix. And thanks." He informs her, leaving the building to go over to his dorm first to check on his friends.

|3 minutes later – Ben's dorm|

"Hey guys, is everyone OK?" Ben asks the group, entering the dorm.

"We weren't frozen solid for 10 minutes." Roller Brawl replies, giving him a hug with Hex following her actions.

"Yeah, it was interesting. Anyways, do you know where Sprocket went by any chance? I was supposed to wait for her at the Arena." Ben asks them.

"Oh, I'm here." A voice says and Sprocket comes out of the kitchen area, drinking a cup of tea.

"Great, so what do you think about my design, can you help me?" He asks hopeful.

"Sure, Come on let's go outside." She tells him, getting out her tool which is an enormous wrench.

"Ready?" She asks him once Ben is waiting, standing across from the redheaded mechanic.

"Yeah, do it." He tells her and she twirls her wrench around before hitting it on Ben's Omnitrix.

"That should've done the trick." She tells him.

"Let's test it." He says, dialing up an alien on the Omnitrix and moments later he's changed into ditto.

"Aww." Hex says seeing the cute creature in place of her secret crush.

"So if I can change into another form directly, that means…" Ben starts to say, hitting his chest and turns into Humongosaur, hulking over the group, finishing his sentence, "It should've worked. Only remains to see if I can stay in my forms indefinitely without timing out."

"Thanks Sprocket. This is really great. Now feel like I can really help protect this dimension." He thanks her, turning into his human form.

"No worries, we're colleagues now after all." She tells him, giving him a wink and leaves him to celebrate with his friends, with Roller Brawl glaring after her, having seen her wink.

"Guys, Isn't this great? I'm finally at 100%, if I can stay in my forms that is." He says.

"No time like the present right?" Roller Brawl tells him with a smirk and turns around on his device, pushing it, transforming him into Big Chill.

"What's that one do?" Hex asks interested, touching the new form, janking her hand back saying "Ohhh, cold." And starts rubbing her hands together.

"Let me see." Chill says, going over to Ben and touching his arm, only to pull him in to a strong hug, moaning "Ahhh, cool."

"Hey, what's your deal?" Roller Brawl asks, practically having to pull her off Ben.

"Oh, sorry. His temperature is just so comfortable, I never feel at home in this environment." She tells them, blushing slightly.

"Don't worry. I didn't mind." Ben says with grin, which looks rather unsettling in his current form.

"So, how long does your transformation usually last?" Roller Brawl asks, wanting to change the topic.

"Uhh, usually like 10 minutes I'd guess. I think if I can stay an hour like this, I know it worked." He tells her.

"So, what shall we do guys?" Ben asks the group.

"Celebrate you becoming the newest Skylander of course!" Foodfight yells, shooting a tomato at Roller Brawl accidentally, only for Ben to pick her up and fly her out of the projectile's way.

"Thanks." She thanks him embarrassedly, pulling her bang further over her eye.

"No problem." He says putting her down.

"Come on then guys." Ben tells them, flying towards the house and shifting through the door with Food Fight who's been blindly running after him running into the door, Ben sticks his head out of the door and laughs. "Hah, sorry couldn't help myself." While helping up the green student.

"So, what are you going to do now that you're a Skylander?" Hex asks Ben, when the group are gathered in the communal living room.

"Uhh, go on missions with the main team I'm guessing." Ben tells them.

"So, do you have to move into their dorm?" Roller Brawl asks fearfully.

"No, I don't see why?" He replies.

"Good." She says, breaking out in a big smile.

Ben sees Chill, who's sitting across from him at their big table look at him with intensity and longing while Ben is flanked by Hex and Roller Brawl respectively.

He secretly puts a hand under the table and fires an ice blast at the fellow ice user, causing her to sigh out inaudible with a contend expression on her face.

Over an hour of talking later Ben turns back to his human form, convinced that Sprocket's help worked.

Later that evening Ben is in his room, fiddling with the Omnitrix when Roller Brawl enter his room.

"Hey." She says, snapping him out of his trance when she's already sitting down on his bed with him joining her.

"What's up RB?" He asks.

"Say, I was wondering have you ever thought about you know being in a relationship?" She asks.

"Sure, why? Do you think that just because I'm going to be on a team with a cute girl, I'll forget all about you?" He asks her.

"Will you?" She asks fearfully.

"Nope, you're my best friend. Everyone here at the dorm means a lot to me. Well OK maybe not Food Fight. And even if Stealth Elf and I were to become a couple I'd still be there for you." He tells her with a smile.

"Good. I just had to hear it from you. You mean a lot to me too and I don't want to lose you now that you're on a team." She says.

"Hey, I promised I'd train you all. And I never go break my promises. So don't worry I'll be around so much you won't even notice." He tells her.

"Yeah." She says quietly and leaves the room, going across the hall into hers, finishing her thought "I doubt that. Wait, he called Stealth Elf cute!" 'Great, more competition.' She thinks to herself as she falls down on her bed with a tired expression.

Unknown to the two Ben was about to have a visitor when Roller Brawl was in his room. Stealth Elf went to their house to check on him and see if his problem with his powers is fixed and stops when he overhears the conversation in the room, blushing up a storm when Ben calls her cute and talks about them becoming a couple.

When she hears Roller Brawl approach the door she panics and immediately blinks away, ending up against a tree next to the dorm where she tries to calm her nerves. 'Sure Ben is hot, but I don't know the next best thing about him… Other that he's courageous, strong… , Get yourself together Elf. You've finally become a Skylander. Now it's time to prove yourself, not to chase after a guy. I'll get to know him when we're working together, so I'm sure I'll have forgotten about this in just a few days.' She thinks.