
Omni Library

*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


Leaving from the battle field the duo of murders and their accomplice continued on their adventure which brought them to a nearby Demon Village that seemed to be especially alert as it was on lock down which could be seen from the fact that every entrance was locked with many guards doing their jobs.

Aether stared at the Village and considered what the trio would do from there, which was between two options; Magic Practice or Temporary Settlement.

Mira, noticing that they had been standing in front of the Village for some time decided to ask Aether what they would be doing.

"What will we be doing Sir Aether?"

Taking his attention away from the Village, Aether glanced at Mira before turning back and speaking.

"Didn't I say just Aether is fine, I swear I did(I forgot), but to answer your question, I'm thinking of either killing everyone in that Village in the name of Magic Practice or settling down there for a bit to gain information about the Demon Realm...And then kill them all in the name of righteousness."

Mira nodded her head slowly at the answer before she realized what he had said.

"W-wait can we not kill anybody?" Mira played with her fingers as she asked that.

"Heh, of course it was just a joke. We'll just torture them until they kill themselves." Aether smiled warmly as he approached the guarded gate.

"T-hat was just a joke too...right? Aether say it was a joke!" Mira called for Aether from behind, but seeing that he wasn't going to give an answer she turned to her only salvation left, Boreas. "He was joking right?"

"*Sigh*, no idea, I can never guess what's going through that psychopath's mind." However Boreas didn't give her the answer she wanted and instead only gave her a look of helplessness and words that made her feel worse as he followed after Aether.


"You two stop right there!" The guard in front of the village gates ordered towards Aether and Boreas.

"Hm?" Aether tilted his head in faked confusion.

"Announce yourself! Who are you!?" The demonic guard ordered. "You're not demons!"

"Huh? Us we're the people who had just slaughtered an army of Demons, what do you want from us?" Aether tilted his head innocently, contrary to what he had just said.

"Y-you th-three did that?" The Demon stuttered, it seems he wasn't expecting an outright answer or for the people responsible for the area lockdown to be so small in numbers.

"You'll let us in yes?" Aether asked with a smile.

"…" However the Demon gave no answer, now normally this Demon wouldn't have believed him so easily, but his instincts were screaming at him that one wrong move was his death, and the look in the man's eyes in front of him gave him the same fear he felt when he saw a Primordial Demon for the first time, so this Demon decided to trust his instinct, and it was a good choice too.

"My friend, we're in a bit of a rush here, we'd like to rest a bit, so hurry up with the answer, because if you don't I'd just have to ask someone else, and would have no more need for your services, understand?" Aether put a hand on the Demon's shoulder making it him feel as if he was shrinking.

"Yes yes sir, right away sir, you can have everything you see in the town for free sir!" The Demon nodded frantically.

"Good choice, oh and I don't like being woken up from my sleep, I have this weird habit of sleep walking at night and when woken up I get pretty violent, if you're catching my drift." Aether said with a wink as he passed the Demon making the Demon gulp audibly.

Seeing that interaction all the two spirits could do was watch with wry smiles, Mira even apologized to the Demon as she went past him and into the village.

Inside the village the trio of Nazi rented an inn with some demon coins Aether had pickpocketed, Aether didn't really need to pickpocket since he pretty much had infinite money, but he felt that would be boring and instead decided to ruin someone's day.

"You two go to the inn, I've got some stuff I wanna do." Aether waved them off as he walked away and into a bar.

"Shouldn't we watch him?" Mira asked worriedly.

"Nah, he's not a child, no matter how much he makes you think otherwise." Boreas shook his head and headed towards the inn like Aether said.

"A-Alright." Mira let it go and followed after Boreas.

However those two should have followed him to that bar, as he hadn't gone there to drink but instead to raise problems, and problems he did raise as everyone in that bar except for Aether were put in emergency care.


Aether went on to raise more and more problems, doing what demons did best, make life hell, but instead of the demons being the ones to do this, Aether had taken their jobs.

Aether continued this torture for weeks until one day the Village Chief went up to his room and called him out.

It was the equivalent of night out in the Demon Realm which meant one thing. I had motive.

I walked outside with my eyes closed and a smile plastered on my face.

"How may I make your acquaintance Village Chief? But I must warn you, I'm a little grumpy." Aether inquired softly.

"We've had enough of your torture you abomination, so we've decided to get rid of you." The Village Chief gave Aether a grin as dozens of Arch Demons appeared in an ambush.

However Aether only gave an even more soul chilling grin as his sword formed in his hand.

"Hm? What's happening I must've been sleep walking, and look at this, I've been woken up, I'm a little tired from being woken up, so lets hurry this up yeah?"


"Pst! Hey get up you lazy bums!" Aether woke up the two spirits.

"Ugh, I'm up I'm up damn." Boreas groaned and wiped his eyes in annoyance whilst Mira just silently woke up and sat up.

"*Gasp!* Aether are you alright!?" Mira quickly got up to check Aether's condition as she saw him covered in blood.

"I'm fine, this isn't even my blood." Aether smiled in a comforting way.

However instead of calming down, Mira instead paled.

"What did you do?"

"Haha, nothing much I was just a bit grumpy from being woken up." Aether laughed her worries away, or at least in his mind he did. "Alright enough of that, its time for us to go since there's nothing left for us here." Aether ordered.

"Cool, just give me a second." Boreas started to swiftly pack up, followed by Mira as even though she questioned Aether about what he had done, and didn't feel too good about it, she was still pretty used to it so it although seeing a demons innards falling from the roof still shook her a little.

I grabbed her head softly and turned it away.

"Oh don't worry about little old him he was just…what's a pun for a guy who was cut in half and hanged?" I looked towards Boreas for help as he stopped and seriously thought.

"Why are you thinking about that seriously!?" Mira exclaimed.

"Hm…actually I can't think of one Oh! A slaughtered pig!" Boreas widened his eyes and slammed his fist on his palm as if he had answered right.

"No." I looked at him in disgust. "What was that?"

"Yeah I know I felt that after I said it." Boreas nodded.

"A Piñata!" I laughed and Boreas smiled with me.

"But that's not a pun." Boreas's smile faded.

"I could just say he was celebrating a kid's birthday party." I grinned.

"Yeah that'd work."

All the while they joked Mira sat down defeated.

'I wanna go home.'