
Omni Library

*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Tiny Side Adventure

[I have only a relative idea of the Demon Realm so all of this is made up by me]

On a quiet side of the Demon Realm, Demon's could be seen interacting with each other while guarding a depressing castle that held a certain sadistic loli.

"Hey #456, what do you think the lady does in there with her time?" A male Demon Guard asked another.

"No idea, but I can bet 10 Light Soul Coins its destructive." #456 responded as he took out a coin that was more on the light shade but also had dark shades here and there.

Feeling challenged the first demon took out 20 of the same coins

"Alright then, I'll bet 20 that she-." He tied to challenge but was interrupted

"#456, #218. Shut up and get back to work." However before the two Demons could start their bet a female Demon snatched the coins and walked away.

"Tch, what's #067's problem?" #456 clicked his teeth.

"No idea man." #218 sighed before his eyes widened. "Wait, did she just job us?"

Hearing that both of the demons looked at where they had last seen the female demon and noticed that she had already disappeared.

"That bitch!/That bitch!" Both of the demons cursed in unison as they started sprinting in the direction that #067 had disappeared to.


However just as they were getting some distance they heard a loud explosion from where they had just ran from only to see a giant crater.

'Thank you #067/Thank you #067.' Both of the demons thought in unison again.

"Ugh, damnit Aether(Changed it) you didn't have to send me this far, who the hell just flings their future wife into the horizon like that, asshole." Slowly a dark skinned woman with golden horns crawled out of the crater muttering curses.

Seeing the woman crawl out of a crater that would have instantly killed them, unharmed, the two demon friends decided to dip, respectfully.

"Hey you two, where am I?" However the most they could do was turn around before they felt a hand on each of their shoulders as the mysterious woman asked a question with a warm smile that terrified the demons to no end.

"Y-y-y-y-yo-o-o-." #456 stuttered terribly as he tried to form letters.

"Hurry up please." Astrid rushed.


"ow." Astrid covered her ears in displeasure.

"MY APO-, my apologies miss." #456 apologized immediately.

"It's fine, now I'd like to go see that "Lady Violet" of yours." Astrid ordered.


"Somebody call for me?" Just as #456 was going to bring up excuses a purple haired loli appeared and interrupted him.

"You're Violet?" Astrid questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep." Violet answered in an upbeat tone. "Now what do you want from me?"

"Don't know yet, lemme think....Give me all your authority, please."

"Hahaha! You're funny." Violet immediately bursted out laughing, taking what Astrid had said for a joke.

"I'm serious."


Violet disappeared and reappeared in front of Astrid before thrusting her hand at Astrid's head aiming to pierce straight through.

Of course that didn't happen as Astrid moved her head to the side narrowly dodging the attack.

"Oh? You dodged it." Violet gained a wide smile at the chance of fighting someone who wouldn't roll over and die in one hit before flipping her body mid air to give a kick to Astrid.

In response Astrid bent down in limbo form to which Violet just brought her foot down to stomp Astrid into the ground, but could only create a crater in the ground as Astrid rolled out of the way.

Not wanting to let up, Violet dashed after Astrid and threw more attacks only to be dodged again and again.

"Are you only going to dodge!" Violet questioned as she slowly started to lose her patience.

"Not really." Astrid responded as she appeared right.

'Fast!' Alarms rang in Violet's mind as she ducked under the punch Astrid threw, then as retaliation she grabbed the same arm and threw Astrid to the ground before mounting her.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

Terrifying winds blew all around them as Violet threw super sonic punches at Astrid who calmly parried all of them.


Finally a hit landed as Astrid counter attacked with a punch of her own, launching Violet back.

Same as Violet, Astrid didn't let up and followed after Violet who in response sent poison arrows at her.

Not wanting to melt, Astrid chose to dodge instead of block.

'This body is bullshit, I can't use any magic, I'm too weak for this.' Astrid thought in annoyance.


"Muahahaha!" A certain Wyvern was laughing maniacally as giant balls of fire rained down and eradicated all of the demons present.