
Omni Dimensional Incarnation System (Tower of God)

A lost soul stumbles upon an opportunity to get a system. That soul then starts his journey to become a Ruler of countless dimensions with the help of the system. Dimension visited: Fate/stay Night Tower of God ******** This is my first fanfic and I am just writing it for fun. So don't come with high expectations for it or something, keep them low since I am not that talented of a writer. Some plot things will be quite AU because I am making stuff up for some things. So if you don't like that sort of stuff don't read this. There might be some uncomfortable themes here and there in the story, you have been warned. P.S. the cover is not mine, I am not an artist after all.

KenTheSlayer · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Premium Gacha

After returning to their home after the Floor Advancement Test, the team separated into their rooms since all of them had many thoughts to sort out. The Red Witch seemed to want to be with Viole but reconsidered that action after guessing his mood from the expression on his face.

It made her a bit disappointed that her Lord could be shaken, but she felt that it was okay too. Perhaps this may bring her even closer to her Lord. So she left him to his thoughts and went to her room as well.

She then proceeded to contact Jinsung Ha, who she intuitively felt was a trustworthy supporter of her Lord. Her Lord was truly charismatic to win over the Slaughterer of the Ha Family in such a short time, wasn't he?

'Anyway, I should report something big like meeting Mazino to that old man as well.'

She mused to herself and sent messages to her various contacts in the organization. While she was doing that, a certain announcement by a certain someone shook the entire Tower, especially the 21st Floor. Since it revealed why the Jewel used in the Yeon Family's flower ornaments obtained from Zigena is so rare.

'This will hit that Yeon brat especially hard, I truly wonder what designs the Lord has for her. Will she become someone great? Or will she remain inconsequential? I suppose time will tell.'


Some time earlier.

The bunny girl's head was filled with thoughts too crazy for her past self. She thought that this gig would just be a passing one, and didn't hold too many expectations for it.

She did like how that Viole guy operated since it made things easy for her. But after what happened on this test, she had something else on her mind entirely.

'If I seduce him, would I even need money for the rest of my life? I bet I would live like a queen while freeing my tribe as well.'

Such a ridiculous thought passed quite often in her head, considering that she saw Viole clashing against the strongest active Ranker and holding his own. She conveniently forgot that Urek Mazino was only using 1% of his power, but even if she realized that she still wouldn't give up on this thought since Viole hadn't even become a Ranker yet had that much power.

And this thought started taking root in her mind by the time they reached their lodgings on the 21st Floor.

'He does get along with me quite well, so it's not really out of the realm of possibility. However, I do wonder if I have to compete with the other two. Red Witch would be a tough opponent since she already feels quite close to him. But I don't think I need to worry about that Flame thrower since she is from a Great Family.'

In this manner, she convinced herself that this was going to be her plan going forward for the sake of herself and her tribe.

She was doing this while searching for some things on her Lighthouse when a piece of certain news was deliberately spread.

"Oh wow, didn't think that I was involved in such high-level stuff. Maybe this is a chance for me."

She exclaimed out loud. She did wonder about her teammate but that was just for a fleeting moment before she started thinking for herself.


'So he is an Irregular huh.'

Yeon Ehwa was thinking this while laying down on her bed. After seeing his abilities with her own eyes and knowing the identity of who he had fought, it only made sense that he was an Irregular.

As a member of one of the Ten Great Families, she was taught to dislike the concept of Irregulars since they represented chaos in the Tower. Every time an Irregular has appeared, something major has happened. Most of the time, it's not a good thing for Jahad Empire and the Ten Great Families.

This happens because the only ones who can realistically stand up to Irregulars are the Family Leaders themselves. At least, that was what she had been taught. Of course, this in essence is talking about the grown up Irregulars and not the still growing up Viole.

Anyway, it will not be good for her if her Family finds out that she is traveling with not only a Slayer Candidate but also an Irregular. After all, Irregulars don't come under the contract of immortality that the King and the Family Leaders enjoy. This is the main reason that Tower doesn't like Irregulars from her understanding.

'What should I do now? Should I still stick with him and potentially abandon ties with my Family? Or should I abandon him before I sink with him?'

She was in a big dilemma, and if she was being honest she didn't want to abandon Viole or as he referred to himself as "Twenty-Fifth Bam". But she had to be realistic as well, and not just make decisions based on feelings.

Yes, she had realized what her feelings were. And now that she had realized them she had to now make a decision.

As she was thinking all this, the bunny eared Light Bearer sent her the Yeon Family scandal about Zigena. And that news settled her dilemma in a very decisive manner.

'I would rather die with Viole, than regret my decision of abandoning him for such a Family where I never actually felt loved.'

She apologized to her sickly Father for the decision she made, but she knew that she wouldn't regret it. She had an intuition that this was the beginning of another great wave of change that will sweep the Tower.


When Viole reached his room. He was thinking about what he was doing and what he came here for. The "here" referred to the Tower itself. He had to go on to complete that main mission in the most optimized manner. And he now knew that it would take a much longer time, to reach that level with just swords.

'Why was I so fixated on them when I chose Viole as my Incarnation who doesn't really specialize in close combat?'

It felt as if he was...

At that time, he suddenly lost his thought process. As if that doubt never existed in his brain. This was quite a scary thing to happen to him, but Viole himself had no idea that something like that happened.

Who knows if this had happened for the first time here, or maybe it has happened before.

Anyway, now that he had lost that doubt. He was back to figuring out on how to get optimize his ascension to power since he now felt very vulnerable.

He first wanted to check his status.


Incarnation Name- Jue Viole Grace/Twenty-Fifth Bam/???

Age- 23733 years

Sex- Male

Race- Human, Irregular

Shinsu Quality- Void, Orb, Flame, Sword


Strength: A Rank Regular

Endurance: A Rank Regular

Agility: A Rank Regular

Shinsu Amount: Advanced Ranker

Items- A Rank Pocket, Vessel for Thorn, A+ Rank Sword- Rebellion, Arms Inventory

Spells- Time Devil Dahaka

Skills- Void Body, Blessed by Shinsu, Primordial Runes, Jinsung Ha Style Shinsu Control(Incomplete): Master, Shinsu Loop technique: Expert, Arie Family Swordsmanship: Master, Black Hole Sphere Shinsu Control: Expert, Hansung Yu Style Shinsu Control: Master, Jinsung Ha Style Martial Arts: Master, Evankhell Style Shinsu Control: Expert]

[Current System Balance: 952,132,960,000 SP]

"How interesting."

He muttered after seeing the change in his status, he reached Master Rank in Arie Swordsmanship and also unlocked Sword as a Shinsu Quality. He wondered if they had any connection to each other or not.

There was also a new panel for Spells which wasn't there before. And that made him wonder, if he had been neglecting anything else in his system.

So he decided to check if he has neglected any part of the system that might give him more power, aside from the obvious System Shop.

And surprisingly he found that he had 2 Premium Gacha spins left. This truly struck him dumb, since it has been over a decade since he got these and he never used it.

Subsequently, when he checked what Premium Gacha was and how it differed from Normal Gacha. He was flabbergasted that he somehow missed something big like this due to his own negligence and disdain towards gacha even if his luck was supposedly great.

Well, in his defense he had never really gotten anything good from Gacha in his time in Fate verse. So he obviously ignored it.

But, these Premium Gacha spins were very different. They couldn't be bought by points, only through missions. And they can provide you anything from any of myriad dimensions, not just from the resident dimension.

In addition to that, any items obtained from this Gacha can be copied to another dimension without any problems. If the item is a consumable, the effect of it is carried to another dimension in case it is a permanent effect. If the consumable gives a temporary effect then, it has another copy of it generated once incarnated into a new dimension.

"All right, let's enter the rabbit hole of Gacha once again."

He muttered to himself.

[Are you sure that you want to use your premium gacha spin?]


He nodded.

Just as he did that....

[Error..error....outside interference detected due to host's Transcendent luck.]

[System Shop has been sacrificed to stabilize the system.]

Welp, so there's the chapter. Anyway this was always my plan with Premium Gacha. I hope you liked it and that I conveyed it well. Anyway the MC has only read Tower of God till partway of Bam vs White fight so he obviously doesn't know how cool Animas or even Spell Casters could be.

Also poor Traumerei got cucked by Luslec, I don't know how to feel about that.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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