
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group [dropped, read the rewrite]

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE NOTE: This fanfic will have a slightly slow pace in order to have some character interaction. Please don't expect instant Godlike Mc. he may be OP but wont be flawless After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Flame Emperor] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Butterfly Hashira] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Self Proclaimed Human]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 89 - Chocolate Pancake

Ryuu only chuckled, imagining how she would react the way he said. He knows that despite her strict outer appearance is weak to teasing. Issei was just traumatized to realize the feelings of his girls. 

He could not hate him since if their shoes were switched then he would also be traumatized. Though, he won't be perverted like him which he dislike and which why he want to absorb Ddraig. 

Killing the creature is out of his reach for now but doesn't mean he can't attach to someone else. Ryuu doesn't care much about the boosted Gear since it's just a one sided power boost with little versatility. 

Many would argue that it's amazing power but it is just good at one thing and that is fighting. Ryuu doesn't care much about overpowering opponents but gaining advantage instead. Annihilation maker and Innovate Clear is better Longinus in his opinion.

Making your own army of monsters with your imagination and creation of the sub world is more useful than destroying everything.

He could always give Tanjiro, Ddraig who would balance them since he is too kind and could show comrady to him. He was like the sun that shines to even the most vile creature. 

[ Exhibitionist: of course not, they just want to know the source of my claim.]

[ Simp for Makima: Hahaha sorry I just want to tease you. ]

[ Pancake Lover: Hey this queen demands an offering! You've mock me the last time and wish for compensation! ]

Everyone we're sweat dripping from the sudden entrance of Lucifer and how self centered she is. Ryuu only chuckled and stood up heading to the kitchen.

[ Simp For Makima: Alright, I'll cook some chocolate pancakes I guess. ]

"Maybe give some to the children."

[ Pancake Lover: Good! I do hope you don't disappoint me or I'll find you and turn your blind into vinegar! ]


Every member thought about vinegar but kept it to themselves. Ryuu uses clones to prepare the meal and make a few dozen whole chats.

[ Simp For Makima: I'm currently letting my Clone cook, is there anything you guys want to ask? ]

[ Flame Emperor: I was wondering why @Butterfly Hashira isn't active? Also is there anything we should know about world missions? ]

[ Simp For Makima: oh right! Well in world mission, once you finish it then it's possible to visit each others world but I'm the only one who can bring you back and forth since I'm the admin. ]

[ Titania: Interesting? Is it possible to bring those other people who finish the mission to join you in another? ]

[ Simp for Makima: I'm not sure but I might have found a loophole since I acquired a Dimensional room to place people and can be brought with me. ]

[ Exhibitionist: wouldn't it place some sort of penalty? ]

[ Simp for Makima: probably not and would only mean that they won't get any reward beside the intend participants ]

[ Pancake Lover: Enough Chit chat! Where is my pancake! ]

[ Simp For Makima: Patience my queen but anyway have any you guys acquired anything in the [ Gacha ] 

[ Flame Emperor: I only got few herbs and materials which still useful. ]

[ Self Proclaimed Human: I got Video clips of Body builder, which is a welcome one. ]

Ryuu paused, recalling that Vandalieu is someone who enjoys and is obsessed with muscle; he even idolizes someone who uses muscle as a weapon. He isn't homosexual and only admired them. 

He does have at least 25+ Wives including his own mother in the future though his mother won't be blood related since she was resurrected with a new body. 

[ Titania: I got Muramasa from Metal gear solid? Is it good? ]

[ Simp for Makima: it is since it could physically cut through anything. ]

[ Titania: I did tested it and able to cut through the boulder without much effort. ]

Erza said remember when he acquired the weapon and tried it in shock to see how sharp it was. She was fortunate that she didn't try it on a person or they would be sliced cleanly. 

[ Exhibitionist: I got Precise Mana Control and it's working quite phenomenally. My power of Destruction improving a lot ] 

She said her abilities were powerful and only like control as it was just an explosive power that wastes too much energy. Furthermore, Rias had been far too spoiled to even try training and only thought of waiting for a prince that would save her.

[ Simp For Makima: Well that's amazing news! Maybe try making your power into different shapes like compressing the Destructive energy or use manga you read as reference. ]

Ryuu wonders if Kiba could make some sword that he has in mind. He only lacks creativity when using his sacred gear and a little push could make any sword. 

[ Exhibitionist: Great Idea! Thanks for the help. ]

[ Simp for Makima: No problems! ]

[ Pancake Lover: Is the offering finished? ]

He only smiled reading Lucifer words that after a few minutes of cooking finished making a few chocolate pancakes similar to the game but better. 

[ Simpf For Makima has sent chocolate Pancake to @everyone ]

[ Simp for Makima: here I don't want to be biased so enjoy! ]

[ Self Proclaimed Human: this is going to be my first time eating a Chocolate pancake, thank you, Ryuu-san ]

[ Flame Emperor: I never had one before when I was on earth. thanks! ]

[ Exhibitionist: I was about to prepare breakfast but Thank you, Ryuu ]

[ Titania: I wonder if you could make Strawberry Cheesecake? ]

[ Simp for Makima: I'll try later and sent to you guys ]

Meanwhile, Lucifer opens the gift and in front of her appears a stack of pancakes. Her realm rarely has these kinds of meals, which is why she's eager to taste them. He called a servant to bring her a knife and fork before digging in. 

Everyone moans in delight upon tasting the meal even Vandalieu's who made a weird sound still having his signature emotionless dead fish expression. 

[ Pancake Lover: @Simp For Makima what do I have to offer to always cook for me!? I'll give you anything be it power, wealth or even woman ]

[ Titania: It's amazing but do you really have to be that excessive? ]

[ Flame Emperor: Holy shit! This is godly, brother!! Perhaps even experts would line up just to have taste! ]

[ Self Proclaimed Human: Can you teach me how to cook it? Our kingdom have cocoa tree hope you can bring some? ]

[ Exhibitionist: This is unbelievable! Even our family head chef can't compare!? ]

[ Simp for Makima: I'm flattered but it's nothing since I only have it because of a skill. Anyway, I'll be sure to buy seed and send it to you, van. @Pancake Lover no thanks but I could still cook for you ]

[ Pancake Lover: I refused such an answer! What if I offer myself as your concubine? ]

Ryuu did an anime drop reading her words and didn't expect for her to be this obsessed with pancakes. He hasn't played the game and only seen a few images of her. He is unaware how deep her love for pancakes is.

[ Simp for Makima: Tempting and would have accepted it if I went on a mission. I already had my hands full in my harem ]

Rias somehow felt disappointed reading it and confused why but shook the feelings. Her society dies accept polygamous relationship since their population is at a decline and had sorted in adding other race to their faction. 

[ Pancake Lover: Nope! I'm not satisfied! ]

[ Simp for Makima: Alright Alright but hope you don't regret it. ]

Ryuu only agreed to stop her from pestering him. He doesn't have many things to say about her besides their difference in her mind to a normal human. He's a bit confused why he accepted it so casually but shook his head.

[ Pancake Lover: Good now, send a pancake to me every meal! ]

[ Simp for Makima: sure sure. Anyway I hope to go offline since I still have things to do ]

Everyone said goodbye and continued their day while Ryuu headed his way to the Dimensional Room to give some to the children. He found them in the living room and quickly greeted him while his lover was giving a kiss.

They once again amaze by his cooking, especially the children who enjoyed the sweet. Ryuu went ahead and took Justine to help her unlock aura and magic since she needed to have something to protect herself.

 Furthermore, he's curious to see what kind of magic she'll gain and for how long it would take to unlock it considering her adaptable trait.