
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group [dropped, read the rewrite]

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE NOTE: This fanfic will have a slightly slow pace in order to have some character interaction. Please don't expect instant Godlike Mc. he may be OP but wont be flawless After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Flame Emperor] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Butterfly Hashira] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Self Proclaimed Human]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 32 - Accept and Deny

Ryuu remained silent looking at Sanemi giving a deadpanned feeling tired at his remarks. He let Kagaya make the final decision since he was not able to convince them that easily. His expression only infuriates The Wind Hashira after being treated as if he was a child. 

"I understand your point, that is why I'm letting Koncho-san observe any of his actions and act accordingly if he plans to betray us."

Kagaya calmly explained believing it was only fair and was told by his children that Ryuu was nodding after hearing his words. 

"How about this, I'll only study and train those that are willing?"

Ryuu didn't need to study every breathing technique since he only had 5 years to study them and even if his intuition telling him that everything is going to be fine knew how difficult studying a Breathing Form was. 

Breathing technique and Breathing form are two completely different things. The former is the basic understanding in flowing your blood to strengthen your physical strength while the latter is the martial art of using the breathing technique. 

In other words, everyone in the Demon Slayer corp understands the principle of Total Concentration Breathing which is the basic yet they have different style or form that all of them use to suit their fighting technique. 

Ryuu would learn from them and revise it to his own before he realized while pondering on creating his form. 

'Wait? What if I make multiple Breathing forms?'

It was difficult but not impossible as Tanjiro was able to use the Sun Breathing Form and Water Breathing Form. He may be underestimating the level of skills needed to learn them but didn't care. It only excites him even more as life isn't boring anymore. 

"Raise those who are interested in teaching, Ryuu-san?"

"I have to refuse, Oyakata-sama."

Giyu was first to answer indifferently at the whole ordeal, feeling neither bloodlust nor anguish to Ryuu. He didn't care what Ryuu had done since the others could handle the rest for him. 

"I'm not fond of training some rant. I have been busy preparing for battle."

Obanai voiced his answer giving a hostile glare towards Ryuu but shrugged it off. Everytime the thought of killing him made him grim, confirming that as long they are not considered an enemy he would feel remorse. 

"My answer is clear. I won't teach him anything or rather I'll want to tear him to pieces after what he has done!"

Sanemi screamed out that made Ryuu dog barking unable to attack him without a valid reason in front of their master. He was as annoying and brash in the anime as he is in person. Similar to a certain combustion boy.

Ironically, Ryuu has some similarities to him when viewing criminals having a deep hatred towards them but his violent nature is hidden deep within his bore gaze. Sanemi fell silent when Kagaya placed his index finger into his lips to shush him.

"I've already proposed my idea of training him."

Shinobu said looking at Ryuu who gave her a wide smile before a thumbs up. She is still trying to understand his character under the laid back and stoic gaze. 

"I would like to train him. He seems to be trustworthy after showing that he could easily harm us with his ability but did not do so."

Rengoku voices his opinion showing his approval to train him in mastering the breathing technique. Ryuu knew that the reason his breathing technique was incredibly powerful is due to being the closest to the original Sun Breathing.

"...I'll do it if Oyakata-sama wills it."

Muichiro emotionlessly replied before his thoughts wandered off into the sky. Ryuu warily smiled looking at him if didn't know then he'd assume he was an Idiot. 

"For a boy to help us despite our distrust then I am willing to train him."

Gyomei said while crying while Ryuu was a bit shaken knowing how intense the training would be but then recalled that his body had already surpassed human limits. He only lacks proper training and experience. 

Though he's been in a fight before when he was younger, it's been too long that it would be rusty compared to how he used to brawl. 

"Uhmm i-if it's alright then I'm willing to train him."

Mitsuri said that made Ryuu smile, liking her personality in the manga but sensing the glare of Obanai forgetting that he has infatuation over her. He couldn't decide to pursue her hesitant due his heart still conflicting after Justine confession. 

'Wow I'm really confused huh? Or rather a big asshole.'

Ryuu to himself having the desire to both continue his selfish dream of a harem and not wanting to hurt Justine. He felt his intuition reassuring him that every step was the correct path and just needed to continue moving. He only hope that she'd accept polygamous relationship. 

"This boy seems worth teaching! I'll train him to be flamboyant and show him my flamboyant skills!"

Uzui flamboyantly yelled out posing slightly to show his imposing presence as his the second tallest among the Hashira. Ryuu reminds him a lot like his older brother who always acts rather enthusiastic and lives the way he wants which ultimately leads to his demise. 

"Out of the Nine Hashira, 6 had agreed to train Ryuu-san. We will cooperate with him and accept him under the Demon Slayer Corp."

The Hashira accepted their task to cooperate. Ryuu soon gave half of the Healing potion and pills towards Shinobu in order for her to distribute.

"Please don't drink it. The taste is rather bitter and horrible but do so if you ever poison. "

[ 2nd grade Healing Potion ]

[ Effect: Able to heal any wounds within seconds and capable of cleansing any poison within the body if drank. It is unable to restore lost limbs and stamina. 60% health Restoration. ] 

"We'll bear that in mind. I hope you don't mind if we recreate this Medicine of yours?"

"I don't see any problem."

Ryuu didn't care since he knew it was impossible without a Monster core and other ingredients that could only be found in Lambda, Vandalieu home world.

"Then you will be staying at the butterfly Mansion for Koncho-san to observe your action while training under her."

"Alright, I would like to train with Kyojuro-san after I'm finished studying under Koncho-san."

Ryuu tried to show respect by calling Shinobu by her last name and was unsure if he called by her first name since he wasn't used to this kind of courtesy.

"Then you all are dismissed and may you all stay safe."

Hashira soon disappeared to do other tasks leaving Ryuu and Shinobu alone before the latter began to walk and bicker with him to follow.

"If you'd follow me, Ryuu-san."

Shinobu called out his name and followed her towards a Japanese mansion made out of wood and stone showing the era of construction. He could smell the thick aroma of poison around the place among other things.

"Koncho-sama! Koncho-sama! Koncho-sama!"

Ryuu heard someone screaming out to see three children that he recalled as Sumi Nakahara, Kiyo Terauchi and Naho Takada. The three saw him immediately and grew curious about his presence.

"You three! I've told you to be careful!" 

Another young girl walked her way towards them with a large frown flustered into her face. 

"Ara~ what's going on here?"

"Koncho-sama, these three had just ruined the dish I've been cooking!"

"You don't need to be so violent."

The young girl sigh in frustration looking at the children hiding behind Shinobu that made Ryuu chuckle, making the young girl notice his presence.

"Who is this person, Koncho-sama?"

"Hi, call me Ryuu, it's to meet you. I'll be studying under Shi-I mean Koncho-sama."

"Aoi-chan, why don't you bring Ryuu-san to the spare rooms that I've prepared."

The young girl, Aoi nodded before heading their way inside the mansion and Ryuu followed the young girl toward his room as Shinobu had things to do, especially studying the potions. 

He soon arrived in a room with a single futon at the center and a wounded desk that had paper with a brush and Ink. Fortunately enough, Ryuu was already used to sleeping on the floor when his family couldn't afford a bed. 

"Thank you for guiding me."

"It's no problem and I'll call you when we finish cooking dinner."

Ryuu gave her a nod before entering his chamber to lay down while looking at his phone to look at normal missions.