
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group [dropped, read the rewrite]

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE NOTE: This fanfic will have a slightly slow pace in order to have some character interaction. Please don't expect instant Godlike Mc. he may be OP but wont be flawless After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Flame Emperor] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Butterfly Hashira] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Self Proclaimed Human]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 152 - Meeting the Members

A portal was churning in a circle manner and soon 6 figures came out, one was a young man with long dark hair reaching his shoulder wearing black trench coat and turtleneck. He had blood soaked eyes and indifferent gaze akin to an endless abyss. 

Beside him was a young woman wearing casual clothes with a butterfly theme and a Haori. She had calm and charming beauty emanating from it yet look can be deceiving with her intoxicating beauty could prove fatal to those who dare fight her.

Another was white haired preteen with pale white porcelain like skin and mixed match colored eyes of crimson red and purple-ish blue. His expression was like a dead fish emotionless face yet emanating a terrifying aura to a veteran warrior. 

Vandalieu Zakkart ( Hillwillow, Solder, Ark )

While to the side was scarlet haired beautiful wearing an armor and blue skirt having the symbol of a fairy on her chest. She kept a demanding presence hiding a numerous insecurity within her thick armor.

Erza Scarlet  

A young man with bluish green hair that was tied to the back while wearing a Chinese robe. He looked around feeling the strange sensation of foreign energy that he was not comfortable with. 

Xiao Yan

A girl with pale skin, red irises, a black arrow-tipped tail, and silvery-white hair. Her hair is long and worn tied at the end, with bangs kept in place by a black, spiked hairband. Her horns are white and jagged, she has narrow eyes, underneath her left eye is a mole, as for what she wore a black suit with a red collared shirt underneath, complete with white gloves, a black-tie showing her high status.


The silence was the first thing that happened after we met each other. Every single one of us was observing each other from head to toe. This is the first time they met and the weakest among them is Xiao Yan who is around a Tier 8 Level threat.

This meant because of his usage of Dou Qi which is an extremely violent type of energy and because his world is a Wuxia meant that their power gauge is confusing. 

[ A/N: Xiao Yan world is stronger because of BS. So deal with it ]

Ryuu observed each one find something interesting with Xiao Yan energy and it was the compatibility of an energy around this world. He was able to see the similarities of his own which was Nen or this world call it Touki.

The principles seem to be similar but the other energy within Xiao Yan was being diluted by it and he expected him to grow significantly by training Touki.  

Their arrival especially, Lucifer, Vandalieu and Ryuu cause the faction to notice their presence but are unable to locate them. This is because one was literally a parallel version of their progenitor and the other was a person turned Shin Maou or True Demon King. 

As for Vandalieu, those evil gods and in between are quivering in fear as the abyss were staring below prepared to devour them whole. 

"Your appearance isn't what I have in mind but surely you all have impressive strength. Oh are you my Darling? I can sense an intoxicating air around you."

Lucifer didn't even pay them any mind, setting her attention on Ryuu who was taken aback by her hands caressing his cheek and without hesitating gave him a kiss.  

"*Whistles* brother sure is famous with the ladies. Oh right hi there I'm Xiao Yan from the Xiao Clan."

Xiao Yan introduced himself to Vandalieu who shook his head with having a relatively close age gap but also both were reincarnator.

"Likewise, If I remember correctly you're also a reincarnator right?"

"That's right but my memory is extremely vague. Though, I knew a few things here and there."

Xiao Yan explained hardly recalling his old lifestyle and everyone involved only knew that he was a reincarnator beside that nothing he could recall clearly. They appear to have a dream-like impression unable to know which is memory and which are not. 

"Well I am Erza Scarlet from the Fairy tail guild, it's nice to finally meet all of you." 

As they were introducing themselves Lucifer finished his kiss on Ryuu only to be met with shock as he was still standing unfazed by her kiss. 

"How are you still alive from my instant death kiss?"

"I'm immortal unless my soul and every clone I have is destroyed."

Ryuu was virtually unkillable, capable of using the soul he had consumed as a meat shield to protect himself and also won't die as long as a remnant of his familiar Spirit exists. He can resurrect himself through his followers body without a problem.

Lucifer didn't know what to expect as she never had a man who could remain alive from a single kiss. This made her overjoyed that there is a man worth having.

"If that's the case, you're lucky that this queen shall be your master."

"Stop flirting with you two, we have things to do."

Shinobu separated the two that made Lucifer annoyed, glaring towards her new love rival who gave Lucifer the cold shoulder that caused her anger to boil.  

"Humph! Very well, for now we should find where this place is."

"Oh you all finally arrive."

Everyone turned to a gorgeous and attractive young woman with accentuated vital areas with crimson red hair wearing what appears to be her school uniform.

"Hmm, you do have their power. I believe in the power of Bael?"

Lucifer went closer having a good look of her parallel self descendents sensing the similarities then looked at her enormous melons and without hesitation grabbed it causing her to moan.

"Hyah~!! What are you doing!?"

"Fufufu nothing, I just say you have a nice body for your age. Well then, is there any better place for us to discuss our business in this world?"

Despite her appearances, she was still a regal ruler of the hell in her universe maintaining a disciplined business mindset. Rias, annoyed at her action turned her attention to her group member and the most eye-catching made her taken aback. 

She knew immediately who that person was that made her heart seem to skip a beat. However, Rias notices Vandalieu and causes her to shiver in fear, noticing how her instinct tells her no to fight him. 

She's not even exposed to much danger yet it already makes an alarm in her mind that he wasn't someone to fight with. 

"Then please follow me. It's fortunate that my peerage is on their days off." 

Everyone followed Rias while everyone curiously looked around the place especially Xiao Yan since the world was too foreign and having a culture shock. 

"Are you alright, Xiao Yan?"

"I'm fine but it's hard to fathom that this is another world. The Dou Qi is almost non-existent in this world yet I could feel something else within my body. Brother, do you know what it is?"

"Unsure but perhaps it's called Touki."

"Touki? Can you elaborate what that is?"

"I am also interested to hear this, if you don't mind."

Erza joined in their conversation as Ryuu happily shared what Touki is and how it is applied in someone's body. This made Xiao Yan more interested in gaining the ability of Touki and Senjutsu.

"It's similar to Cultivation huh? Why do people not often use it??"

"I agree it seems quite a useful power."

"Perhaps there's a weakness in using those powers."


Vandalieu who was beside them made them scream in fright as they had been talking nonstop. He had a knack for erasing his presence around people.

"You scared them, Your majesty."

"Well when the boss doesn't he does blend in the background."

"Vandalieu don't worry, you'll always be center of attention when it comes to the undead!"

"Gaah!! Ghost!!"

Xiao Yan screamed causing them to giggle and chuckle while Ryuu was the same but quickly calmed the situation explaining who they were. Princess Levia and the other ghosts were surprised when Vandalieu told them that they were going on a journey to fight new enemies. They didn't hesitate to follow their master to battle 

"I've noticed them from the beginning, I guess you're an expert necromancer, young dhampir?"

"I guess oh right if you don't mind can I bring out my subordinate?" 

"They are welcome to join us." 

Vandalieu then summoned a few of his subordinates that appear to be the most human namelt Bellmond, Isla and Eleanora while the others remained back on Lambda aa they were mostly monsters. 


"Oh this world also has vampires?"

"This is another world huh? Well greetings my name is Bellmond, steward of Danna-sama."


"Wait what!? No, I meant master!"

The word for Danna-sama is the same word for husband causing the abyssal vampire to blush. Though, Bellmond didn't deny that she was his wife considering she's a candidate for Vandalieu's marriage.

"Oh forgive my understanding. Oh we're here."