
just smile and don't be a creep, easy right?

Eddie didn't talk to Alfie all day, ignoring him even during his ride to school.

Alfie was surprised that Eddie even was willing to give him a ride to school. Well, considering Gabrielle's temper if she knew he skipped... shudders. They were already a few periods late when they arrived.

Eddie demanded he cover up the indecency for his own sake. He sent Alfie to the bathroom with the first aid kit only for the alpha to come out sheepishly needing more bandages. The pixie didn't know his heart could break anymore than it already was. There were nail scratches all over his back. His shoulders and neck were covered with bite marks and dark hickeys. Alfie obviously had the time of his life last night.

At first everyone thought the two had a romantic evening when they arrived late in the same car but it didn't take long for rumors to circulate when their posse noticed the school's prized omega's dark mood... Especially after gym class when his friends wouldn't let him change in the bathroom. It really didn't take long for two and two to be put together.

That and bandaids were ripped off to reveal Donovan's territorial marks. There were congratulatory hoots and whistles and there were some angry remarks on the supposed cheating Alfie committed.

"Man whore."


Alfie's scowl only deepened with each derogatory remark. Somehow in his heart, he felt betrayed that Eddie would tell others about the kiss. I mean, it was a really personal affair between the two of them. On the other hand, he knew he deserved it for leading his friend on, but it was unfair how everyone thought the two were together no matter how much Alfie protested.

With a sigh, he ignored the jeers from Eddie's circle of admirers and began sprinting. When alone, his thoughts dangerously went towards the lovely evening Alfie had with his dream boy.

The gym shorts suddenly felt tight

Oops shouldn't think about that. Think pure thoughts! Pure! Thoughts!

How the fuck am I going to explain this to Alpha mom?




Donovan sighed as he leaned against the airplane window. The regret he felt earlier this summer when he called off the plan tripled.

Nothing really is what it seems to be.

"Don't worry baby, I'll come back to your daddy..." Tear welled up in his burnt honey colored eyes. "Mommy has to redeem himself first."

Being overly conscious of his navel made Donovan believe he felt the slightest movement underneath his palm. It's obviously impossible.

For such a revealing moment it was...anti-climatic. By the time Donovan regained his senses he was already onboard the plane with only a note from Maverick reassuring him to take his time with the pregnancy and he'll deal with Alfie.

On the back of the note in a small scrawl, as though the writer wasn't sure if he should put the words on paper, was a single sentence: I would never use your mate as leverage over you.

Donovan truly felt ashamed.

Everything. Everything he'd been through. Everything his family has been through. All thanks to the Lab.

Donovan's eyes flashed red at the thought of the Lab. If only the Lab never existed. If only Project Alpha X never existed.

Yes, they shouldn't exist.

Donovan instantly got up to rummage through the backpack Maverick kindly packed for him and pulled out a laptop.

The gears in his mind were turning and a plan was formed.


"Sooo, Easton Oaks right?" Maverick smiled charmingly in front of his mirror before dropping the smile. "Ugh he's going to think I'm a freak! A stalker! It's true! But..."

Maverick frustratedly pulled on his hair, messing up the pompadour hairstyle he painstakingly created with the help of YouTube tutorials.

Finally the biggest obstacle was on a plane to who-knows-where! Of course he has a few bodyguards sworn to secrecy protecting Donovan but finally that third wheel is gone.

"I'm the Alpha X! Eligible bachelor! Rich! Tall! Devilishly handsome! Extremely handsome! I'm handsome aren't I?" Maverick's self confidence suddenly dropped, remembering the times Donovan insulted his looks. "At least I'm rich."

With a deep breath Maverick stood up straight and tall. "I got this. How hard can it be? It's just flirting."

With my one and only soulmate who I've been stalking since he was three years old. Yeah. Totally not creepy.

The digital watch on Maverick's wrist beeped.

It's go time.

He took one last look in the mirror. A blue blazer over a white button down shirt deliberately unbuttoned to show some chest paired with white trousers and a black belt.

The messy pompadour was turned into a sexy bedhead.

While doing the memory share with Donovan he took a peek at Easton in his twin's memories. It seems Easton's got a thing for white and the ridiculous poofy hairstyle.

Whatever floats his mate's boat. With a last double check he went out the door to prey on an unsuspecting Easton.

Just smile and don't be a creep.

Easy right?

it's back

swiggly_toezcreators' thoughts
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