
Omegaverse: The Alpha X’s Prey

In a world where there are two primary genders and six secondary hierarchical genders, life can’t be easy-especially when an omega has to live as a beta. Easton Oaks (Omega) has never stepped foot outside of his home. He hides his secondary gender while his older brother, Donovan (Omega) has no need to. From a young age, Easton was forced to train his feminine body until he nearly breaks it, achieving a Beta C-like physique. All his life he never questioned his mothers’ strange paranoias. Until one day he receives an envelope addressed to him. Inside a woven wristlet and a brief note. Hiding the ornament from his mothers, Easton manages to convince his parents 18 years of hiding is enough. He's safe now. Getting permission to enter university for the first time, Easton takes advantage his newfound freedom to search for the sender... ...unknowingly handing himself to the very hands of root of his mothers' fears. ————————————————————— In the Morris household, the family motto hereby states: “Opportunity is only granted to those who make opportunity.” And they did. Spending billions upon billions for intensive research for the past three generations, what seemed to be a futile and wasteful investment. But alas! The successful birth of Maverick Morris (the third Alpha X) arrives. Maverick Morris, the boy who has it all. Wealth. Power. Looks. Maverick Morris, the boy who has nothing. Privacy. Choice. Happiness.

swiggly_toez · LGBT+
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70 Chs

enemies (triggering second half - a safe summary will be provided)

TRIGGER WARNING: please do not read the second half of the story if you are disturbed by blood and gore. There will be a warning when the triggering event will start. A non-triggering summary will be provided in the NEXT CHAPTER.

~Easton's Dorm~

Donovan barged in just when Easton was in the middle of having a wonderful dream of a rolling in a field of soft grass swaying to the beat of the sea breeze. There was something off in every way Donovan was acting, but Easton was too disorientated to notice. He had just woken up after all.

"Remind me again," Easton yawned. "Why are you here?" Donovan had barged in yelling some mumble jumble that didn't make it past the sleepy barrier.

"It's going to be your first time meeting everybody!" Donovan was busy rummaging around Easton's now messy suitcase. It was quite obvious his pretend-cousin was looking forward to the event more than the sleepy omega.

"So what?" Easton yawned out.

"I think you'd thank me if you had a good first impression on everybody." Donovan's eyes widened and he smiled.


He just found the perfect ensemble for Easton.

"...I am NOT wearing that."

"By order of seniority, you have to listen to me." Donovan shoved Easton into the bathroom with the outfit of his choice. He thanked the heavens and whoever above hearing him that Iris was the one who packed Easton's suitcase.

With a sigh the younger omega begrudgingly went along with his bossy older brother.

~in an airplane somewhere overseas~

The flight attendants were all in a buzz. There was the rumor that a very pulchritudinous boy was on the plane.

Yes. Pulchritudinous. Some people are just too beautiful to be just "beautiful" or "pretty" or "handsome".

Said pulchritudinous boy, Navo, was dressed in a bunny onesie. With the floppy ears covering his angelic face, one would never guess what a monster he can be on the battlefield.

The staff could only sigh as they watched the angel gaze intensely out the window. If only he could turn those intense steely blue eyes at me!


No response. Navo was a bit worried. Ever since Ceric was abruptly sent on his mission, the link between the twins became weak and weaker.

Navo always brushed it off as long distance but time only made him grow with unease.

He took the plane ride as an opportunity to focus all of his energy on strengthening the link between the two.

<Ceric? Please answer me...>

Beads of sweat prickled at the roots of his hair, Navo could feel his body about to collapse on him, a reminder that he has reached his limit and there is only so much he can do.

"I won't give up." He whispered to himself.


SHRING! (idk \-_-/ some sort of flashy sound effect)

TRIGGERING PART STARTS please skip to read a summary of it (next chapter)































Success! Navo broke whatever limitation that prevented Ceric from reaching out to him and pushed his way through. What he saw horrified him to the core.

Ceric was laying so pitifully on a familiar cold stone floor. His limbs had been brutally ripped off and was bleeding profusely.

This room could only be...

"...help...me," Ceric managed to gasp through a mouth gurgling with blood. Most of his teeth are missing, undoubtedly pulled out by his torturers. Even dark gaping craters replaced soft brown eyes.

Who could do such a thing?

Navo felt his heart wrench as though someone had brutally punctured him an infinite amount of times.

Which dirty mongrel dared to touch his brother? Navo was shaking with an unspeakable amount of rage. Despite being a lowly omega, he was much stronger than Ceric-the alpha of the pair. And the entire LabCor knows that.

There was no time to lose! He needs to inform Rufus and rescue...

"Too bad you don't listen."

That voice! Fear raced through every fiber of his being. Navo's body turned numb as he slowly turned around, begging it wasn't the person he believes the voice belongs to.

But it was.

Rufus stood there, swinging a dismembered limb nonchalantly. On his blood speckled face was his signature smirk. He even seemed to be humming a tune merrily.

Bile bubbled in the pits of Navo's stomach. Such deep betrayal could not be expressed in words.

Navo walked right up to Rufus, even though he knew that the old monstrous mongrel couldn't see him.

"You'll regret the next time we cross paths." Navo seethed.

From this day on they were...


Any guesses where the names Ceric and Navo came from??

Fun fact about me: I have multiple personalities

(aka OSDD-1a it's a subdivision of DID)

Apologies for the lateness. There was a lot going on inside our headspace.

swiggly_toezcreators' thoughts