
Omegaverse: The Alpha X’s Prey

In a world where there are two primary genders and six secondary hierarchical genders, life can’t be easy-especially when an omega has to live as a beta. Easton Oaks (Omega) has never stepped foot outside of his home. He hides his secondary gender while his older brother, Donovan (Omega) has no need to. From a young age, Easton was forced to train his feminine body until he nearly breaks it, achieving a Beta C-like physique. All his life he never questioned his mothers’ strange paranoias. Until one day he receives an envelope addressed to him. Inside a woven wristlet and a brief note. Hiding the ornament from his mothers, Easton manages to convince his parents 18 years of hiding is enough. He's safe now. Getting permission to enter university for the first time, Easton takes advantage his newfound freedom to search for the sender... ...unknowingly handing himself to the very hands of root of his mothers' fears. ————————————————————— In the Morris household, the family motto hereby states: “Opportunity is only granted to those who make opportunity.” And they did. Spending billions upon billions for intensive research for the past three generations, what seemed to be a futile and wasteful investment. But alas! The successful birth of Maverick Morris (the third Alpha X) arrives. Maverick Morris, the boy who has it all. Wealth. Power. Looks. Maverick Morris, the boy who has nothing. Privacy. Choice. Happiness.

swiggly_toez · LGBT+
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70 Chs

cat out of the bag

~Easton's Room night time~

Easton was lost in his thoughts, time flew by quickly and before he knew it, Iris was calling him to dinner.

His stomach growled. Right. He'd even forgotten to eat lunch. Usually he would eat when Donovan arrived home, but there was company over.

Easton shakily sat down in his chair. Palms wet with perspiration. His voice was stuck.

Where do I begin?

Horrified, Easton realized he had forgotten a crucial detail: bringing up the taboo topic of going outside.

In the midst of his nervousness, he failed to notice the oddly tense atmosphere between his older and younger brother.

"Here, have some mashed potatoes. I know they're your favorite." Iris lovingly scooped a hefty amount onto Easton's empty plate.

"I even added your late grandmother's secret spice." Gabrielle proudly added.

Easton looked up, staring openly at the scene in front of him. His seat at the dining table was the "head of the family" spot as they called it.

His mothers are sitting next to each other, making small talk and smiling. Their love evident in every gesture. His brothers sat across their parents, both were focused on eating. Alfie more so than usual.

A normal everyday ordinary average family. But was it?

For the first time ever, Easton began to doubt everything.

Are they who they say they are?

"I know Donovan's adopted." Easton blurted out. He couldn't take it anymore. The normal family facade was sickening him. He decided to trust M's words. Somehow he just knew M is a trustworthy person. Call it a gut-feeling if you'd like.

There was silence. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

Suddenly Easton couldn't breath.

Shocked, Iris was the first to break the deathly silence.

"How did you know?"

Her question just verified Donovan's adoption.

Alfie was the most affected out of everyone. His head immediately snapped up. He can't be dreaming right?

Gabrielle knew there was something wrong with Easton today. Immediately she glared at Donovan harshly.

"Did you tell him Donovan?" She accused.

"Mom, so what if he did?" Alfie immediately went to Donovan's defense. "It's not a crime."

Donovan made eye contact with Easton. It is true he had hidden that message in the birthday letter, but that couldn't have been how Easton got that information. It was Maverick no doubt about that.

Easton was terrified. What was he supposed to do? He can't make Donovan lie to his parents.

"Yes. I did mention it in my letter to him." Donovan said elegantly.

Easton's eyes widened, not expecting Donovan to cover for him.

"Easton, bring me the letter." Gabrielle's voice was icy.

"Y-yes mom." The boy immediately scurried off. A minute later he shakily stuffed the crumpled letter in Gabrielle's hands.

Gabrielle's eyes skimmed over the letter. "Clever boy. I see what you did." Donovan's "secret message" was a pinhole on letters that spelled "I'M ADOPTED" in that order.

Easton was more than glad, confused but relieved.

"Well darling, they were bound to know one day." Iris tried to console the agitated alpha. She knows what her mate's most worried about. Alfie and Donovan.

Alfie couldn't stop staring at Donovan. It was like a dream come true. No, it IS a dream come true. What he thought was a forbidden love was now acceptable.

They may be brothers in name but not in blood. And that was enough. All the torment he felt over the years was for nothing, and Alfie was glad he never had to feel like a "perverted incest maniac" ever again.

"Well, now the boys know. Donovan you're moving out." Gabrielle said, there was a triumphant look in her eyes.

"I've been living at the dorms since I was eighteen, in case you've forgotten." Donovan's answer was even. He refused to look at Alfie. "And recently I bought a condo I'm to share with Mark."

Gabrielle was dumbfounded. How could she have forgotten? Stupid stupid stupid!

"Ahem, yes... that is true." Gabrielle tried to keep her composure.

"Boys I just want you two to know that even though Donovan isn't your biological brother he is still a very important member of the family." Iris cut in, wanting to stop Gabrielle making a mess of herself in front of the children.

There was silence, Donovan never before felt more ostracized and alone.

"Of course Donovan is." Easton spoke up. This was one of the rare occasions both his mind and mouth were working together. "Nothing should change just because I know. Donovan is still our older brother, right Alfie?"

Alfie nodded absently, eyes never leaving Donovan. Since he found out his brother isn't his brother... there cannot be enough words to describe the immense joy he felt.

Donovan smiled at Easton, that's his little brother. What Easton said next shocked Donovan to the core.

"Mom, Mother," Easton turned to face his parents, smiling radiantly. So innocently. "Thank you for bringing Donovan into the family. He is the best possible thing to have happened to this family."

Dun dun duuuunnnnn....

Stay sober swigglies! ~toez

PS don't worry, my swigglies won't enter 2020 with a cliffhanger... or will they ;))

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