
Nest Rules

"Number one. No fighting." Simple, yet extremely intricate at the same time. Telling these two warring males to Not Fight seemed like an insane expectation; there was bound to be at least one physical fight between the two, and it could be over something really simple, like...

Oh god.

"Number two. No... overtly sexual actions." Both boys faces fell as if they were expecting to force themselves onto Victoria immediately. How could they even think of doing that, as if forcing her into doing things with them would make them more likeable. If anything-

"Number three. I choose who I want as my mate. Do not choose for me." The rule made complete sense; she was the mate they both shared. She was the intersection of their minds, the underpriviledged Omega. If anyone were to choose their mate, it'd be her.

Alpha or Omega, picked with extreme care by her.

"Number..." Victoria's mind stopped there, unable to think of anymore rules. It was getting late, and her mind was shutting down for the day. "I can't think of anything else. Tomorrow, on the other hand..." Her voice trailed off into a long yawn.

"Hey." Liam said, standing up from the couch. He apporached her, his movements slow and steady. "You should go to bed." His voice was calm, nearly hypnotizing. It was begging her to go to sleep, lulling her into a soft silence that craved a nice pillow and warm bed.

"But before you do, we need pyjamas and pillows." The cycle was broken instantly by Liam's brash words. Of course, the day was not yet over, and Victoria could not yet relax.

"Fine, follow me." Beckoning to the both of them, she trudged over to her bedroom. It was quite small, filled with only a bed, bedside table, lamp, and bureau. The closet was hardly what you could call "walk-in." It could only fit a limited amount of clothing, and by no means could a person fit in there standing. If someone had broken into Victoria's apartment, there would be no way she could hide in that closet.

Walking past the bed, she accessed the small dresser. Rifling through it, she pulled out a few random items, things she thought would fit the two tall males in front of her. Of course, nothing would really fit, but she had to try anyways. "Grab some pillows!" She called out to the two males before continuing her search.

After moments on end, the sleeping spaces of both males were set up. Pillows and blankets were laid out across couches and chairs, ready for tired mates. Out from various closed off rooms came the two men, dressed in Victoria's finest flannel sleepware. Even then, it still didn't reach their ankles, choosing instead to look more like capris.

"Goodnight, boys." She said, two tired to find the humor in the situation. "Remember the rules." With that, she padded off to her own sleeping quarters, or as the pack leaders liked to call it, "Her nest."