
Meetings, Expectations, Mates

"You're choosing me?" Liam asked, his voice incredulous. "After all I've done?"

"Of course I'm choosing you." Not even Victoria knew why she was choosing Liam; it was just instinct on her end, a pull in her mind telling her that he was the one.

"That's... that's..." Liam was left speechless, his mind no doubt running at a mile a minute.

Victoria could almost hear everything, his mind blown open by her decision. Liam was hers now, and he'd be hers for the rest of her life.

"Say that out loud." Liam asked, his face falling dramatically. "Say it."

"Say what?" Now Victoria was confused. What did he want her to say? She hadn't been thinking anything upsetting, had she? All she had thought was that he was hers-

"That, say THAT." Liam's eyes were blown wide, so much so they were nearly all white.

Victoria knew what he meant.

"You're mine, and mine forever, Liam Gale."

With that, Liam charged forward, capturing Victoria in a kiss. They were one, shaped out of an accidental mating bond, destined since their childhood. The childhood that they had both relinquished, given up to the sands of time and mutually agreed, through their kisses, that everything would be alright.

Liam was beginning to get stronger as he went as a thought popped into Victoria's mind.

How would she tell Ethan?

(Sorry for the short chapter)