
Breakfast Fit for Animals

Bacon was already sizzling in the oven when the first male came out. It was Liam, his caramel locks dangling in his chocolate brown eyes. He looked stunning; not quite like the boy from her childhood, but close enough so that Victoria could look on him with familiar eyes.

His now-gentle manner was still quite perplexing to her, especially because she was now allowing Liam live with her. It had to be the mating bond forming between them; there's no other way the man who nearly broke her finger yesterday would look so... soft. Liam still held a blanket around his shoulders, making him look even more like the definition of "Saturday."

Speaking of Saturdays; today was still a weekday. Thursday, in fact. Seeing as how if Victoria went to work, Ethan would have to follow. This meant that Ethan would be distracted all day, and Victoria couldn't work without a secretary.

"I'll just have Ethan go pick my work up for me." She sighed as she began to mix together pancake mix. "It's not like I can leave these two alone, either." Of course she couldn't; the second she had done so, they had both flocked to her side.

Making breakfast for the two males was surprisingly easy. Although Victoria only had a few ingredients, she managed to produce mass quantities of food. Pancakes, eggs, bacon. It's not like she would differ from her original breakfast, which was a bowl of oatmeal, but for now, Victoria deemed it alright to eat a few pancakes.

By the time everything was done, Ethan still hadn't woken up. This made Victoria begin to wonder how he even arrived on time in the mornings; if he usually slept this late, there's no way he coiuld wake up at 5:30 in the morning.

"Liam." She asked as she set down the last batch of bacon. "Go wake up Ethan."

Liam grumbled a few words under his breath before getting up. From Victoria's perspective, he looked quite comfortable in his seat. By no means was her kitchen big, but Liam seemed to fit in it perfectly.

He looked like he belonged there, eating her food.

After a few moments of muffled words, Victoria heard a large thump. Soon after, Liam emerged victorious, a his mouth turned upwards into a smirk.

Ethan trailed behind him, slightly tripping on scattered blankets as he went. Victoria could see the events of his awakening; Liam had shoved him, spoke in his ear, told him to get up. When that didn't work, he used all of his strength to send him flying off the bed.

It must've been quite funny, actually.

"Ethan, I made breakfast." She said, and the two men walked over to her. It was time to eat, time to satiate their ever increasing hunger. This breakfast was perfect for them, too. It was a breakfast fit for animals.