
Attacked (Pt.2)

Victoria hesitantly exited her office. It was time. Time to meet her worst enemy, time to meet the man that had mamanged to turn even her father against her. Every footstep seemed to mirror a different memory, a different shard of pain that fell around her like the clicks of her shoes.

One step; Bleached tiles as she walked down a long hallway, her father's hand still gripping her upper arm. She had to apologize, he repeated, his voice rough and gritty.

Two steps; The scowls of her father and the well-dressed man across from him as they looked down on her.

Three steps; The boy with a split eyebrow saying, "Maybe your mother could've taught you better."

But of course, your mother was gone, and you were left with a scowling, hating man who wished you hadn't been born.

These memories hurt so much. They burned, they burned inside and outside, until one was itching to escape their own skin. Victoria would deal with this. She would root out the cause of her pain and smash it like a bug, destroy him until he no longer made her burn.

Finally she was close to the front door. It was packed with people, their grubby fingers grabbing and leaving greasy marks on the glass. How nasty, the way they looked at her. The way that in their eyes, she was only a story, someone they could profit off of.

One step, two steps, three steps- the blinding light of the sun as the door was pushed open, and Victoria began to shove through the crowd.

The clamor was immediate. All that could be heard for miles around was her name, people asking her to stop and talk to them.

How dare he.

Victoria thought, her mind still stuck on Liam.

How dare he pit all these people against he-

Victoria's thoughts went blank as a warm cup full of sticky soda was thrown on her head, and the crowd began to push in.