
Omega rebirth

Su Ha-eun is a girl that wants to find love and as she's reading a novel she starts feeling sorry for a boy whose name is Sang Tae-won. without thinking she think about wanting to be him and then as she falls asleep she feels different, as a girl she was dying of an illness and now she's the boy she felt sorry for out of nowhere, will she find happiness in this new world?

Dinaliya · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Fated pairs, Running away.

Chapter4: Fated pairs and running away from room.



"it's hot..."

we gets to a room which seems to be his and he kisses me passionately as he pulls me as close to himself as possible.



Han Jun-shin Pov.

I'm walking with my brother into a club but wishes to turn back since the stench of all the pheromones are just too much.

"Han Dai-Shu why are we here hmm? don't you dare say it's because you wish to hang out with me as your big brother" *Alpha voice*

(Dai-shu) "brother please you need to relax" *worried*

(Jun-shin) "fine but if I hate the smell too much I'm out"

I'm walking inside wearing a black mask as I'm wearing a black suit and shoes as well as a dark grey shirt. I talk with some as I feel a headache coming but the headache seems to stop as I smell a sweet and intoxicating scent, looking around I see an Omega sitting alone as he gets something from a waiter to drink. not long afterward he starts getting red in his face as he's panting heavily but as soon as I stand up, he stands up as well and runs away. I wish to smell his scent again and walks out of the big masquerade Hall, into the hallway, up the stairs and finally found him opening a door. as he's about to close it I stop him from closing it as I let my own pheromones out. he looks up at me and says stuttering.

"S-Stay away"

as soon as his green eyes meets my own blue ones, I smile sexily at him and says.

"so you are the one that smells so sweet and intoxicating?"

my voice sounding horse and sexy, in a deep and manly way that makes his legs want to almost give in to make him fall but he endures well as he says.

"I'm drugged with heat inducer, stay away please and let me find a room to stay in alone..."

smiling sexily, I move closer to this little Omega that's so sexy and whispers into his ear.

"why should I leave you alone when you are my fated mate?"

he blushes and can't come up with something to say as I pick h up and slowly walks toward my room I'm this hotel where the masquerade party is.

"it's hot..."

he says softly and I feel his scent growing stronger and mumbles as we are in my room.

"I will not let you go my sexy mate"

he blushes even more and I end up kissing him as I lay him down on my bed, following him down.

Tae-hyun's POV.

I feel so hot and starts to kiss the man passionately as he's undressing me as well as himself, then he lays down on top of me as he slowly moves a hand down toward my ass, slipping a finger inside my asshole. my moans fills the room as he continues teasing me by licking and sucking on my nipples as well as biting gently at them, making them perk up and get really sensitive as he adds a second finger into my asshole.

"no ahhh not t-there ahh ahh"

my moans fills the room as he gets even more exited, adding a third finger before he starts to finger pound my asshole, soaking his hand as I'm getting even wetter in my asshole as it's twitching and dripping.

"you're my Omega"

he growls in a possessive Alpha like voice that makes me shiver as he pulls his fingers out, licks on them slowly before he dries them off on a napkin he throws into the trashcan then he rams his dick into my asshole and starts pounding it like crazy, making me a moaning mess as I'm holding onto him, shivering in pleasure.


cut for now

stay tuned

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