
Omega In DXD

Darkseide dies In Hand of Superman. But the story Doesn't ends as He reincarnated into Highschool DXD World. He isn't bounded by his True Form Anymore. Now he is Gonna enjoy his New Life. {Harem and R-18 warning}

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


I am Entropy . . . . .

I am Death . . . . . . . .

I am The END. . . . . . .

I am DARKSEIDE . . . . . .

But does It matters right now? I am Currently powerless. . . .

I died

How did I ended up like this?

I wasn't like this . . . . .

My actual name was Uxas. I was just a Lowly Old God or should I say Farmer . . . No even worse a Mud Grubber(Those who Farms in Muddy swamp)

I used to live happily just by farming in fields.

I didn't had family the only I had was Avia my little sister.

Even though I wasn't a God but I didn't liked the Old Gods ways, give and take.

I refused to bow down to them.

They never really cares about poor people. But they needed prayers to survive.

One day they went on War. A long one. Our planet dried up because of them.

I was angry so In order to take revenge.

I sneaked up their castle. 4 old Gods were sleeping. For those who doesn't knows that our planet exists in Spear of Gods.

And this Realm is Beyond any Physical matter,Space and time. Every thing here is Pure Conceptual. Weapons rocks, dirt mud everything.

Even I was and those who were sleeping.

I took my hoe and shoved in one of those gods eye.

The god screamed in agony. I ran away and hide in nearby place. To watch their demise with my own eyes.

He shot up in pain and started to Jumping.

He stepped on a Goddesses face whom he possibly fucked early on.

Her skull crushed and she died on the spot. The one I shoved the hoe was possibly God of strength if I recall correctly.

At this point. Other 3 gods were awake. They saw the dead body and one of them got extremely angry.

Possibly she was her friend. She started to attack the wounded God. As he started to throw punches and energy Blasts.

Those four started what it looked like never ending war.

8 hours passed three of them were dead only the one Survived I impaled with the Hoe.

"Please . . . . Help me" he asked for my help.

The way I could have helped him was by praying.

Will I? Noo.

"Basterd!" I roared in Rage.


After I calmed down he said.

'I . .. .. am sorry"

"DIE" I said as I killed him.

They were concepts, living Ideas so even if their body were dead there powers weren't gone. So their powers which were roaming free in nature entered my body.

I received the Fabled Omega Effect, which is termination itself after that

I went to Farm boy to a Star Lord.

Glow up what those Humans says.

After that I went war with Gods. We won as New Gods were Born. But my Sister Died .

The Planet splits into two half One is ApoKolips which I rule and other is New Genesis.

ApoKolips is only second to Teachnology in this Multiverse not counting Monitors. New genesis being in top 1 .

I started to rule planet ApoKolips as I met my first love Suli scientist and Sorcerer of ApoKolips. We married secretly. I told her my idea about conquering the entire existence with force. Which was my dream all along. She agreed to it and said until she dies she will be on my side.

She made me happy, tyrant, mad God etc was what I know by at that point. But she was the reason why I smiled. She was the only one who tended my heart.

But things doesn't goes the way everyone desires. She was murdered by deesad appearetly. I killed him, resurrected him and then again killed him. I don't remember how many times I repeated the process.

I made him my loyal Dog. My heart became that of stone.

Then I started to conquer worlds. I killed them with my bare hands and turned them into Para demons. I searched for Anti life Equation. A Cosmic force that can Mentally enslave everyone in this Existence. And even can Undo the reality itself.

Earth was the place where I found it. I went to conquer it. I failed miserably.

I was stopped by justice leage.

A Kryptonian, a lantern, a Atlantian, a Demi God, a Half machine and Half human, a man who had acces to speed force and lastly a Human who wears Halloween costume.

They only sounds easy. But they weren't We Fought many times.

I ended up in Defeat.

I accepted it. Throughout my 5 billion years of life I saw so many Facinating things Until . . . .

My End Came Near.

Superman P.O.V

And at the center of all this chaos, destruction and death was the one responsible. I look with anger at this being, or God, as he calls himself. A stone giant, named Darkseid who destroyed everything around him with his omega beams, disintegrating everything he touched, grimaced as he remembered when they hit him, even with his almost indestructible Kryptonian suit and his bioelectric aura all over his body, he ended up unconscious from the excruciating pain, as if his cells were disintegrating one by one.

He watched as the omega beams came out of only one eye, the other was empty with only blood coming out of it, but that didn't stop him in the slightest.

Hearing several breaths behind him, he turned around and looked at the makeshift team that had risen up to protect the world.

The self proclaimed King of the Sea was panting heavily on one knee with his trident in his right hand and his left clutching his stomach, which had several broken ribs, internal damage and a punctured lung. Next to him Flash him, the red speedster was covered in sweat and breathing heavily, his injuries had healed, but at the cost of leaving him without energy.

Cyborg was feeling a little better both of them, but his body had several breakdowns and sparks from time to time. Green Lantern, he held onto his broken arm with the power of his ring, but he had several wounds all over his body and he was running out of energy, but he still wanted to fight, a testament to his willpower.

His gaze couldn't help but linger a little longer on the next one. Wonder Woman was easily the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with impressive height, long legs, a large bust, an hourglass figure, and a face that could rival Aphrodite's beauty, as well as possessing powers similar to Aphrodite's. hers, she could easily pass for a goddess.

Calm your hormones Kent. He thought, he may be a foreigner but he was still a healthy 21 year old.

Getting back to the point. The Amazon princess, despite being covered in blood, several bruises, and a couple of broken ribs (which thanks to her x-ray vision she could see were healing rapidly), held her sword with which she took Darkseid's eye in her hand. right hand, ready for battle. She knew that she was not going to fall to her death. A true Amazon.

Last but not least... Batman. Perhaps the most impressive among all of them, a human being without powers, who only with an impressive ability that seemed inhuman managed to get rid of several parademons with accurate and precise attacks. But he couldn't hide from his vision either, he had six broken ribs, a dislocated jaw and shoulder, plus numerous cuts and bruises.

But he was Batman. The same Batman who entered Apokolips and managed to free him before he became one of Darkseid's slaves. He clenched his fists tightly…

His body had healed from the damage done by Darkseid, but that's not the only way he had been hurt. Time on the fourth world is different than on Earth, a few minutes on Earth are hours on Apokolips. Before Batman's arrival he was physically and mentally tortured, especially the latter. While he was on Apokolips his mind was bombarded with millions of images that became etched in his perfect memory. Fallen worlds across the multiverse, mass genocide, just death and blood and darkness.

That horrible experience was to break his will, forget who he was and make him one of his soldiers.

And he knew why he did it. He is a Kryptonian, the last of one of the most advanced, ancient, and powerful races in the universe, a being with the potential to be a threat to the universe when he reaches the height of his powers. And he wanted her to become the general of his army, sowing destruction and fear.

" Well if he wants a Kryptonian I'll give it to him" Superman thought as he felt how his emotions began to bubble on the surface, like a volcano about to erupt. Part of who he was had broken upon seeing what Darkseid was capable of.

His father's words reached his ears as if he were next to him. "You are stronger than any other man on Earth, you have the ability to do wonders or create great destruction, you are a giant of steel in a mute paper, you will have to live in control all your life to avoid harming others the rest..."

Control. His entire life has revolved around that word, his powers have grown every day, and every day is a constant battle for control. A simple movement of the hands or a blow a little too strong means death.

"...but one day the moment will come when you don't have to control yourself, a day when all your strength will not be enough, that day will be the moment in which you will be able to release all that anger and frustration inside your heart, take advantage of it son. .. just remember... never give the first blow, but always give the last... as long as there is something to fight for, there will be hope... and you... you are the hope of a whole world"

"Thank you dad". Superman thought as he closed his eyes and entered his subconscious. Now was the day that he would show the world what he was capable of, today would be the day that the entire universe will know what a Kryptonian fed by a yellow Sun is capable of.

He felt how all the barriers he put up to contain his powers began to yield one by one, and in the end, within the deepest corners of his mind was the source of his power, it was like a miniature Sun, an incalculable source of heat. and life, or unmatched destruction. She reached out for his hand and touched it.

He opened his completely red eyes, a sign that he was using his maximum power, he felt like every cell in his body was overloaded with energy, it was as if his body was on fire, he finally felt like a completely full glass.

"Superman" It was Batman's voice behind him, even though he hid his emotions he couldn't avoid the slight tone of nervousness. Everyone was looking at Superman in amazement and surprise, a moment ago everyone felt the sudden change in temperature, as if Superman's body had turned into a giant oven, No, he corrected himself. A star that has just been born.

"Cyborg" His voice was so deep and carried so much force that it seemed like it could make the Earth shake. This was not Superman or Clark Kent. He is Kal-El, the first naturally born Kryptonian in centuries, the last son of a race that evolved to the point of godhood, a level twelve intellect, a cold logical organic machine, driven by a single instinct. Destroy. "Keep the portal open after Darkseid" And without giving her time to answer he launched into the attack.

He was launched soaring forward at speeds close to light, the air trembled, the oxygen around him burning producing a popping sound, as if the air itself was breaking. That was the only warning for Darkseid who immediately turned in his direction. Too late.

A millisecond later his fist slammed into Darkseid's face with full force, a colossal blow, with the power to destroy an entire island. The force was such that it created an explosion that shattered all the buildings into dust within a kilometer around, the shock wave expanded, knocking down all the glass in the city and creating an earthquake. The barrier that created Green Lantern was the only thing that stopped the heroes from being thrown around like rag dolls. The same cannot be said for Darkseid.

He was thrown back with a terrifying force, feeling like he was hit with a meteor. With a roar of power he planted his feet on the ground destroying the entire street, skidding to a stop just a few feet from the Boom Tube.

He put his hand to his mouth and saw how furiously the Kryptonian had dared to make him bleed and for the first time in centuries he smiled, it was a horrible and dark grimace that would have sown terror in the bravest man. I look at the Kryptonian who had remained floating a few meters away watching him.

"Come" I call him. "Show me your power... Kryptonian" Superman didn't need anything else and he launched himself with all his might on the New God, but this time Darkseid was ready and launched his own blow.

The fists collided with titanic force, creating a sonic boom that was heard for thousands of miles and rattling the Earth's tectonic plates. The final battle had begun.

They were like two gods unleashing their fury on the earth, lightning began to fall around the two of them, their fists created earthquakes and sounded like thunder, it was like the eye of a hurricane, an unprecedented event on Earth.

Superman's blows had the force to destroy mountains, he attacked with relentless ferocity, taking advantage of his superior speed against his enemy, he moved from one side to another hitting again and again at speeds beyond human comprehension, each blow was followed on the other, no movement was wasted, he quickly created brutal combinations, all to do the most damage to his enemy.

Darkseid was not far behind for every three blows from the Kryptonian, one of his own impacted with the force to make the Earth tremble, he moved with a speed that belied his size, and with an ability that can only be obtained by time, no I get to be the ruler of Apokolips for nothing.

Superman kept hitting without stopping bit by bit pushing Darkseid towards the portal. He was taking a colossal amount of damage, each strike from Darkseid splintering his bones, shattering his internal organs and sending excruciating signals of pain down every nerve from him to his brain.

Fueled by anger and his will, he ignored all the pain and kept attacking knowing his healing factor would take over. He gave the New God no let up and continued to attack with ferocity.

An especially powerful punch from Darkseid to his stomach sent Superman slamming across the street, shattering the pavement and leaving him on the ground. He didn't even catch a breath before Darkseid smashed his feet into the place where he stood, thanks to his incredible reaction time he barely managed to dodge.

The blow shook the city, creating a mushroom of dust and debris as if a nuclear bomb had gone off. When dusting off you could see the image of Darkseid that despite several fractures in his stone skin and armor he was unharmed, totally unperturbed as he watched Superman starting to get up.

"Is that all you got, Kryptonian?" he asked cruelly as he began to float in front of Superman who began to push himself up on his arms and knees to get up, without looking up.

"No... I'm just getting started" And he raised his face whose eyes glowed red-orange unleashing his heat vision directly on Darkseid's face. He didn't have time to react and he could only take his hands to his face and scream in agony and pain while he felt how his face was burning.

Seizing the opportunity Superman flew at super-speed and smashed both of his fists into Darkseid's stomach with all his force causing him to double over, and he was thrown in the direction of the Boom Tube.

Sensing where Darkseid was going, he planted his feet hard on the ground, but that only slowed him down, so he spread his hands to his sides and grabbed the edges of the portal, stopping. He took a step forward, opening his one eye and watching as the Kryptonian charged towards him at full speed.

The moment he was in front of him, he reached out his hand and grabbed the Superman's head and smashed it hard against the concrete.

Observing that he wanted to get up, he joined his hands and raised them, then brought them down with all his strength. Sensing the fearsome blow heading towards the Superman he crossed his arms over his head and waited for the impact.

The impact generated a shock wave that shook the air, possessing the kinetic energy of more than a dozen nuclear bombs. They made all of Superman's bones tremble and more than one broke, his muscles began to tear from the effort.

"You're mine," Darkseid blurted out as he continued to push his arms over the Kryptonian's head. "Will you come with me"

"No..." Superman snapped with a grunt of effort as he felt his feet break the concrete. "You are coming with me!" and with a whoop of effort he pushed Darkseid's arms up, causing him to take a step back in astonishment.

"As-?" His question was cut off as he watched Superman shoot his heat vision in his direction. Reacting in milliseconds he managed to dodge it, but too late he realized that the target was not him, but the boom tube portal behind him.

Being hit by Superman's heat vision, the portal began to distort, lightning began to come out from inside and it began to attract everything around it with the force of a black hole, it had become unstable and would soon explode.

Using his incredible strength Darkseid managed to resist being swallowed by the portal and began to move away from it until to his surprise he felt arms around his waist that with a titanic force kept him in place.

"I told you you'd come with me" It was Superman grunting with the effort to keep the God within range of the portal. "I won't let you harm any other innocent." Even if it costs my life, he thought with determination.

Darkseid began to hit the Kryptonian's back trying to escape his grasp. Superman just grunted in pain as his back took all the punishment, never diminishing the strength of his grip. He was willing to die if it took Darkseid with him.

He knew that if the New God survived and escaped, he would return to Earth seeking revenge and millions would die. That's why he hit the portal making it unstable, he would make sure that Darkseid wouldn't attack other worlds again.

"Superman!" He heard the scream of the heroes behind him, he could hear them trying to get to him to save him, but the gravitational force of the Boom Tube wouldn't let them get closer. I hear their desperate but futile attempts to get him to safety.

Superman smiled.

He may die but the world will still have heroes to protect them, as long as there is something to fight for none of those heroes would give up. He could go away sure that the world that adopted him would be fine... and he would have a new tomorrow full of hope.

His grip on Darkseid grew even stronger.

"Kryptonian!" He heard the cry of the New God trying to escape, he took deep pleasure hearing a bit of fear and despair in his tone.

A second later they were swallowed by the portal in a brilliant explosion of light, he felt like his body was torn apart and his cells screamed in agony, but he never released his grip. Thousands of images went through her head.

A second later it was only dark and cold...


My P.O.V

*Groans* "ugghhhh . . . . .were am I?" Darkseide asked himself

He realised that he was in a Full White horizon.

"Welcome Darkseide" I greeted him

Darkseide was visibly shaken. Of course he would there isn't any way for him on current state to survive.

"Who are you?" Darkseide asked in a alert tone.

"I am Writer. My user name is Powerking call me Power." I said

He was shocked and stared at me for a moment.

"Writer? So I am in Limbo?" Darkseide asked

"Yes of course you are. Welcome to Limbo domain of Authors and Writers. where all stories exists and forgotten characters of DC are dumped" I said as I walked near him.

Darkseide thought for a moment then said

"I . . . Wasn't supposed to be alive . . . You brought me here?  . . . Why?" Darkseide asked in a Curious tone.

"Hmmm 🤔 I wonder, . . .  What do you know about writers?" I asked him

He thought for a moment . . . He can't seem to recall his memories . . . . . .

I pulled out my pen and Rewrote all the information he previously had .

"Writers! A higer tier beings who sees this entire creation as nothing more than mere fiction . . . . . . You write us add our stories life and. . . . . . . Use us for entertainment for beings called Readers " Darkseide said in wonder.

"Are you really a higer tier being? You look pretty human to me" Darkseide asked

"Ohh I am Human! But this form is Just my Avatar to talk with you" I replied 

He listed to me and shrugged shoulders.

"So? What happened to them?" He asked

"Your army is dead,and JL they will win" I said reassuring him.

He smiled lightly

"The Kryptonian stole the spotlight didn't he?" He asked

" Well see for yourself " I extended him a comic book

He read the comics for a while. He chucked at bit

And ripped it apart.

"I knew it" he said as we both laughed a bit.

"Sit here" I said as table chair spawned

I served him tea as we take sips.

What it looked he was recalling his past memories. He was searching for something to Regret off.

"Found any thing to Regret?" I asked

"Nahh, I am happy as I am, so what do you need from me?" He asked

"Well. . . . . .  . I wanted to give you another chance . . . . In a different multiverse as a Different person." I offered him the deal.

He was caught a little bit off guard from the comment.

"Another chance? Why?" He asked

"Umm well it was my Idea actually, I thought it will be interesting to Reincarnate the Fabled merciless tyrant into a Different word. Wouldn't it be  . . . . . . . . . Facinating?" I said

He absorbed my words then thought for a bit.

"You sly dog,. Just say you want to entertain Those readers" Darkseide asked with a chuckle.

"Umm that's 50 percent true!" I said

He again Shrugged from my comment.

"So what will happen to me if I say no?" He asked

"You will be thrown into Limbo. Since your story ended here you will live there forever as a Discarded story." I replied

"And What if I said yes?" He asked

"You will get a new life, family, Adventure and. . . . . Facinating beauties waiting for being conquered by you" I said with a Sly grin 😏

He thought for a moment. A moment will be understatement.

He took his own sweet time, it doesn't matters to me though who can do a Time skip.

"Okay, I take your offer then either way it's better my story running than rotting in store room" He agreed

"Wow, it's great then. Is there anything you ask before getting Reincarnated?" I asked

"What is your profit doing this?" He asked

"It's for both my own entertainment and for my fellow readers. I won't interfere in your personal life, unless you want to" I replied

"You ain't gonna give me some bonus which will make my life easier?" He asked

"As for that! You will have your memories of your past life of 5 billion years Intact AND You will have your Father Box . . . . . . .  And your portion of Omega Effect." I asked gaining a question mark.

"Why portion of my powers?" He asked

"Because Gods, Demons and other stuff does exist in that Multiverse. But it is weaker Cosmology " I said sheepishly.

He laughed off

"As long as I get a peaceful life, just make sure none of my last life trauma or feelings kicks in" He Said.

"Don't worry!" I said as we both stands up.

I brought out my pen and paper.



"Do you want to conquer the universe like past life?"

"No, I want to try new things " He Said

"Roger that" I said as I brought out my Ink pot and dipped my fountain pen to extract some ink.

"Is that Bleed?" Darkseide asked

"Yeah, Bleed the meta fictional ink which contains infinite stories . . . . . . Now good bye" I said

Darkseide closed his eyes as I sucked him inside my pen alongside with Ink.

Then I started to write his story


No My story


Darkseide P.O.V

"What is this warm feeling?" I thought as I opened my eyes.

I feel funny.

Who is she

"Look he is UP!"

A beautiful woman with extraordinary large breasts.

She is holding me?

"Yeah he is my son after all!" A man said as he pulls me up.

Then I realised I am a BABY!

I looked at my both tiny hands.

I was successfully Reincarnated.

As human?


"Surprising thing is he hasn't cried yet" nurse said

"Oh no" I thought now I have to cry? Forcefully?

I looked around, I don't want them to think that I am incapable of talking

So I started Crying


