
Omega and the Vampire prince

Rejected by her Alpha male because of her father's origins, Tala decides to leave the pack to find a new life, but the Lunpa clan then dubbed her a deserter, a stray, or in other pack terms a rogue. Always having her wit as her best weapon she went into hiding among humans, knowing her old pack will not come looking for her there, she is no pushover, but Tala never won a fight, and luckily all those before her where playful sparring and tests of strength, Tala failing to grow as a werewolf was frowned upon by her clan, and this is the reason Mike, the Alpha of the clan rejected her, if her father's native American background wasn't enough of a slap to the face already. She applies for a bursary at a highschool far away from the Lunpa clan, and joins a new pack called the Sassaba who was led by her older brother she never knew. Tala didn't expect much from boys, or men among humans, but she was not educated on vampires, and one night during a school dance she was spotted by Ray Vladimir, the most popular boy in school, unbeknown to her also the prince of vampires. Ray found an interest in Tala but she didn't notice, at first her mind focused on stacking the foundations of her new future, thinking being alone, and fending for herself will be the way forward. But the shadows of her past continue to haunt her as the Lupen pack sent their hunters to find her, and either bring her back to be judged for deserting, or kill her to keep the name of Lunpa clean. Little did her old pack know that Tala was being watched by the prince of vampires, and he had something to say about the clan wanting their Omega back. Will Tala find Ray? To what lengths will Ray go for her before she considered it stalking or suspicions, and with Ray also baring the burden of Vampire prince, will he be frowned upon for falling in love with a werewolf? Schemes around both ends by dark hearts threaten the possibility of them having a peaceful life together, the alpha of her old pack Mike suddenly got killed, and on Ray's side there is betrayal inside the walls of the castle, with his father and mother assassinated, Ray cannot assume the crown of he has a werewolf as a loving partner, will he step up for the good of his people, and take revenge for his father and mother? Or will he leave the life of royalty behind to be with Tala? [Rated 16: LVS]

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


"Father!" Ray said bursting into the throne room, it was now quiet, the ball over, all that remained was servants to clean up.

"You still high off that wolfblood son?"

"No! You told me to stay away from Sara, and I did, but she came and offered me her neck"

"And did you drink?"

"You told me I'll be exiled!"

"Not if she offers, if she so much as wink the idea that you forced her neck, then that's exile"

Ray was still rattled up, that blood, he wanted it so badly, but Sara clearly doesn't understand what he meant by 'killing her'


Victor frowned and sat forward on his chair "You are severely bothered calling me that?"

"I will kill her... She will die by my fangs"

"Are you sure? She offered her neck to me once and when she felt it was too much she effortlessly shunted me away"


"Yes..." Victor smiled at him "Next time drown yourself in it, it's not the amount you take, but the amount she doesn't allow you to take that makes her blood that much more sweet"

"We are vampires, not monsters"

"Tell that to the humans boy"

Ray didn't know what to make of it, he felt deep in him this will end in disaster, he knew his own strength, and never as any of his victims ever managed to just 'Shunt' him away, when excessive thirst drowns him he had this primal rage about him when he feeds, and fears one day that will be his downfall.

"If I kill Sara?"

"I'd she offered her neck, then that was her fate"

Ray turned to the staff cleaning the floors, all beautifull human women, here and there a man, Victor didn't like biting into the neck of a man, and Mishka never bit another woman, they liked the blood of opposite gender.

"You!" He pointed at a servant girl sweeping the floor.

"Yes my lord?" She asked.

"Come with me" He ordered and left, the girl trotted behind him quickly.

He entered his room and stood aside, allowing her to enter, she had a slight excitement about her.

"You know why I called you?" He asked closing the door as his fangs grew, but she was already loosening her maids braid, tucked her miads dress around her collar and unbuttoned it, exposing herself compeately from the shoulders to the navel, only her lingerie sat snug on her bust.

"Why do you accept this so easily?" He asked feeling his fangs now lengthened fully.

"It is both a pleasure and an honor to be of service to you my lord" She said, Ray could hear her breathing picked up as he took her by her shoulders.

"You do not fear me?"

"No, in your castle no servant has died by the bites of our lords and Mistresses, in fact, the feeling we get from your bite is like ecstacy"

Ray was pushing her until her back met the cold stone wall, she peeped at the sudden feel and looked into his eyes, now red she was taught this is a sign a vampire is craving blood, to a possible extent that he might be dangerous.

She took his face in her hands, then guided him to her neck "You are your father's son, I know you have control over your thirst... Be gentle with me my lord"

Ray wanted to slam his fangs into her, but her words slowed him down, he came in easily and pricked her neck, the warmth flowed over his fangs and into his mouth, flooding his taste receptors, making him suck at the nectar and she heaved a gasp.

It felt normal, this he could taste was not wolf blood, he drank his fill and drew his fangs out, she sighed trembling, he felt her get heavy in his arms, with the little strength she had left she lifted a hand and brought it around his neck "Make love to me"

"I'm not in the mood" He said and picked her up.

"The feeling, of losing blood that quickly, but not dying, that's is the ecstasy, I am practically at your mercy my lord, my body has pins in needles all over... Please, the warmth of the embrace, let me keep you warm tonight"

Ray felt a stir in his loins, somehow the way she asked it aroused him.

"What is your name?"

"Annette" She answered.

"Then so be it" He said "Annette, you are not in service to the palace tonight, you may serve me in person"

She smiled as he placed her on his bed, then climbed in between her legs as she spread them.

'The warmth of the embrace' Ray remembers how she asked it as he made love to her "Where did you learn that phrase?" He whispered in her ear.

"Which phrase, my lord" She said between lustful sigh's.

"The warmth, of the embrace?"

"It's merely what we as women gossip among eachother, words we can use to better seduce a man"

Ray stopped his movement and she opened her yes "My lord?"

"Nothing" He said and got up.

"But!? I'm not finished!?" She said disappointed.

"I'm sorry Annette, it seems I truly was not in the mood for love"

She sighed and got into her dress again, still shaking and off balance from the bite, when she made herself proper she turned and tipped her dress to him formally "Glad to be if service my lord"

"Next time..." He said and she stopped at the door.

"My lord?"

"Forgive me Annette, next time I will make the night more special for you, I realise even if I am what you consider a lord, I still need to respect you, so, next time"

Annette nodded and left with a smile.

Respect? Considering human years, thats what he'd relate it to, he was only 18... The warmth if the embrace was a powerful term, a strong sentence that made him shiver, Annette was probably way older than him, and she had a lot of experience.

He got his shirt back on and buttoned it up, he's not being shy, it's disrespectful towards her, Ray respected all life, and that woman deserved a good man, he wasn't that, not to her.

He walked to his window and looked out over the kingdom, the moon just started rising, somewhere out there a werewolf pack was probably setting off to hunt... How exciting that sounded.