
Omega: A Legacy Reborn

Follow the adventures of Richard and his friends as they enter the popular online virtual game of Omega as they battle against other players to become the best team in the world. As an addition to that, they must discover the history of the Legendary Pieces, legendary artifacts with unique powers. Some sentient, most of them even corrupted by previous owners. Throughout this journey to become the best team in the world, they will have to fight Black Hat and some Grey Hat Hackers, other owners and even other entities that will try and destroy the game they love or even worse...The World. So, Hop in and watch as History unfolds in this Online adventure. Are You all Ready? Because Here...We...Go! Entering Omega NOW!!

Richard_Omega · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 46: The Noble Family Tabouillot

"One was born as a rich noble, the other was born in a normal environment..."

When Min was little she had an affinity for plants. From based on age span like Ephemerals, Annual, Biennial, and Perennial plants to based on root types whether they were tap root plants or fibrous root plants like wheat and rice plants for the fibrous root examples and neem and cotton for the taproot example. Her favorite, the Venus flytrap a plant that is mostly known as carnivorous was one among many plants her favorite. From the narrow sphere segmented leaves consisting of two parts. I think the colonial governor Arthur Dobbs described it well: "like the cap of a spring purse, the concave part outwards, each of which falls back with indented edges (like an iron spring fox-trap)" The fact that this plant closes its mouth the moment something enters tells you how perceptive this little creature is.

His mother used to have a garden filled with this many plants. Her reason was that she was curious about their behavior. Although, the most important reason was that her daughter seems to like them a lot so she let her watch how the flytrap sprung into action every time a fly entered its vicinity.

Still, that didn't distract the 11-year-old purple-haired child from being among the nobles. Her grades the highest among the Tabouillot's elites, impressive for her age they might add...this automatically made Min Tabouillot a prodigy among the high-class something their parents were proud about. She didn't have that much of a social life except for one person...that person was a boy.

"Min...this is Cogy Broglie he will be studying with you as well as become someone special in your future." Cogy Broglie, future heir of the Broglie house. The House of Tabouillot and The House of Broglie were great friends and they had promised each other that they will unite each other. With Cogy and Min being the youngest and of the same age it was only fair that both of them would be engaged to marry. At that time the two children were just okay with having someone to interact with each other. Unlike Min, Cogy had a different preference, he loved art...his passion to be a renowned artist among the high historical artist people like Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh & Henry Matisse among others. He was also very good at chess defeating the 2021 chess world champion at the age of 10 in an exhibition match. A calculating genius and a very high spirited one at that. Cogy because being a noble didn't have that many friends his age most of them were either renowned chess players or other members of his noble family. High grades, a prodigy in chess, and maybe future world champion at that many of the members of the noble family praise him as the "Chosen" to lead the family to new highs. Despite all of this, Cogy and Min's chemistry was very high, She will teach him how to understand plants and he will teach her the history of chess and how to play it. Years passed by and they became best of friends...nothing special just great friends.


Going back to today. The purple-haired Tabouillot was facing against a kunoichi...this one was trained by the twin dragons Haruko and Haruka...Yuma Ishitzu age 17 was just your average normal girl who was a fan of ninjas. Unlike Min who was a former noble Yuma has lived her life in a normal house with average parents on an average lifestyle. She study with her friends ate normal food and once in a while went out on dates with other people. She was...not that special just a plain average normal Japanese teen. She trained how to use a kunai by her grandfather who she learned the history of ninjas. That's where her fascination for the stealthy assassins came from it also helped that some of the boys she dated talked about a ninja series that re-aired on T.V. There was one person thou that she started to have a heated rivalry with...it was the calm short-haired Adel Möller. Unlike her, Adel loved Samurai which were noble swordsman that would fight their opponents head-on. Adel was and still is disgusted by the way that ninjas fight which started heated debates as to who was the better of the two. Yeah, let say that they were not the best of friends before Aeris arrived in their middle school.

"Ha!!" Yuma yelled as she threw one of her paper bomb kunai toward Min who had to use her speed to avoid the triggered explosion from the said bomb. Fighting hand-to-hand the black-haired kunoichi and the purple-haired noble exchange punches and kicks. Some damaging the two female combatants before they landed on the ground. Min touches her lips before looking at her finger seeing blood she licked her lips. Yep, that's the taste of blood alright. It must have been from one of those kicks that hit her across her lips. She looked at her opponent at least she did a number, a bloody nose that must be from one of her punches. She felt a bit of pain from breathing meaning she must have a few bruises.

"Tell me...Why did you even bother coming here? If you have waited a bit you might have had Alice Hishikawa back safely." Min told her black-haired opponent.

"How can I trust you?" Yuma replied.

"Hmm, that's a good point, but think about this. Why would we just keep her alive if she was just part of your group and could become a danger to us?"

"I don't know...maybe you are not a very bright terrorist." Min stayed calm at that comment.

"Those kunai of yours. I imagine you have a limited amount."

"You can't fight forever neither can you?"

"You are correct...but, unlike you commoner...I have the high ground." What?

('She vanished.') Yuma got hit but she couldn't see from where. Was she holding back on her speed? She was hit again this time on the ribs. Where did she come from?!

"What's a matter? Have your sight deceived you?" Min said...now she was playing with her. Min has become invisible because of her ability. Like the magical capabilities that are given by a seed of a fern told in fairy tales, Min could make that fairy tale a reality. She continued her assault left and right. A kick to the back before a punch on the shoulder plexus. Yuma felt that last one and could've sworn that she almost dislocated it. That would've been a problem especially if the opponent was this fast...no wait a minute, it wasn't her speed that has increased because otherwise, she would at least be able to tell where she is coming by now plus the sound of wind would be more provident. That can only mean that her opponent. Now she sees, no wonder she couldn't tell she didn't increase her speed. Her speed is the same what she increase was her visibility!! That put a smile on the kunoichi's face behind the mask...this might be a great opponent for her. She has an idea of how to lure her out too. Without wasting any time Yuma started doing hand signs rapidly in successions this should do the trick to catch her opponent off guard.

Min thought that this fight would be easy. The fact that her opponent cannot trace her move has given her a way to resolve this fight without any problems. She will need to finish her off thou, she can only become invisible for 3 more minutes. If she wants to extend she will have to release her M.I.S.T. To do so. Even if she won't suffer the consequences of the M.I.S.T. She wants to avoid it as much as possible. She might need all the strength she can preserve for the others. She has a feeling that if she fought the boy that cast the illusion she will have to go beyond just her coat form.

The girl has stopped which confused Min, then she started doing hand signs. She doesn't know what she is doing but she let her self wide open again. If she goes for a roundhouse kick to the left side she can break the girl's arm making it unable to spam those paper bomb filled kunai. That would be a good plan for the purple-haired former noblewoman but...unfortunately for her, Yuma was anticipating something like this. If she wanted to be close to her she has to be in the proximity of her trap. Meaning...

"What?" That Min was going to be trapped by a cage made of fire.

"So that's what was happening...you didn't increase your speed, you just became invisible. Thou even if you were quick you wouldn't have escaped this. Ninjutsu: Hi no Yõso: Honõ no keimusho." The Cage was pretty tight, no space for movement for those inside meaning that it can only fit 1 person or maybe it needs more Capacity Power to do it on multiple people. A capturing Jutsu, Haruko must use this in case he wants to capture and question enemies. Very handy...which reminds her...

"I have a question. You said that you were part of a noble family Tabouillot, what happened to it?" Yuma will not lie. She wanted to know more about what happened to that Family. The more she thinks about it the more she questions why the purple-haired woman is no longer part of this noble family and their extinction.

"...Humph, I don't have to answer you." Min told the black-haired kunoichi.

"I don't think you have a choice, do you?" So that's the way she wants to play this...fine she will amuse her...not like the black-haired kunoichi will live to tell the tale anyway.

"Alright then, I'll amuse you for a little bit. Where to start, It all started almost 3 years ago. My family was very known around the noble families and the world. Government officials, estates owners, even professions in church and art. We the Tabouillot family were one of the high-class noble families in France."

"Then why haven't we heard of you as much. If you were this high-class family why isn't there any history or achievements..." Yuma had a point if she has heard of this family herself then she would know. Her family...kind of have connections.

"That's the thing...we were...but...they made sure we were completely erased from history, besides commoners like you don't see us as the big families like those from the stories." Stories? Is she talking about the...

"You mean the legendary piece owner's families."

"Oh...so you heard of them...No that's foolish of me, of course, you have you have two people in your group that are part of 2 of them." She must be talking about Richard and Harry. While is true that she knows about Kishima and Kurosagi, she knows of two more that belong to different families that are in their group...Russo and Lynn. She will count Hishikawa and L'Drem but Hishikawa is their rescue target not in the rescue team and L'Drem they still don't know anything about that boy's family nor history...not like they have more of an idea of the full history of the 12 legendary piece owners and their family branches.

"By they, who are you talking about?"

"We're getting a bit ahead in the story my dear." Yuma just scowled. This woman is stalling for something...whatever she is planing she must get ready for it.

"Now where was I, ah yes...We were going to have our 100th annual unity branch ball between us The Tabouillot and The Broglie. That day...it was going to be special...Until that happened." she will never forget that day...the day that her life as a Tabouillot noble came to an end.


[December 14th, 2032]

Today marked the 100th year anniversary that the Broglie family and the Tabouillot family re-branded themselves as part of the noble family. 100 years of hard work, blood, sweat, & tears. Both families have decided that the future is bright with them, especially when that future will involve both families uniting as one. The main branch families have not shown nobility, except for a few ones. Two that came to mind were the Hishikawa family and the Kishima family. The heir of the Hishikawa family Ayane Hishikawa was the CEO of a well-known enterprise company while the heir of the Kishima family Leos Kishima was the owner of the company that owns the most popular online virtual game in the world Omega: Omega Corp. The Kurosagi family the last time they heard of their nobility was around 40 years ago. To throw their nobility away...what was their heir thinking?! Right now they were celebrating on the house of Tabouillot.

"Ah, Mr. Broglie so nice to see you here." Lucien Tabouillot, the current heir of the Tabouillot family and father of Min Tabouillot. The man that has kept the Tabouillot on the map and might make the Tabouillot family one of the most famous noble families in the world one day. A well-known officer in the government and former member of P.E.P.A. Now aiming to become a politician. He might run for president of France and with his knowledge and power plus uniting with the Broglie family, he might be able to reach his goal and become the leader of a high nation. With that he might be able to partner up with Omega Corp. as being the president meant he will have access to that room. It will be great too as it is a safe place for them to talk about important issues. It is sad to hear that the U.S.A. It is separated as that country used to be one before it became too much...infected in a way...especially of what he heard about an incident a couple of years ago. Anti Full Americans...if a threat like that came here...it will be too dangerous to handle, which is why he must become the president. With the help of the Broglie family and the Kishima family, they can secure this country from any danger that will manifest inside the country. They will not have and anti-group like the one that separated the United States infest this country...not as long as he is alive.

"I would not miss this for anything in the world my old friend Lucien, and I have told you before we are friends and in the future part of a huge family. You can call me by my first name Raphael." Raphael Broglie head of the Broglie family. A retired Entertainer, well known for movies such as Royaume, Le Grand Tour, & Autour du monde. The man was also a good director and writer being involved in over 40 films. The man was a movie legend.

"My apologies, Raphael I am still not used to call members of another noble family by their first name. Even if they are my friends." Is the norm of the nobles after all. He does not mean to disrespect Raphael, far from it he has the utmost respect for the gray-haired noble. The lime green eyes noble just chuckles before he puts a hand on his shoulder.

���Do not worry about it my friend, that's why I respect you as a noble and as a friend, I am sure that you will lead this country one day with hope and prosperity." The brown-haired noble smiled. This is why he became friends with him. He understood the hardship of his work. Becoming the heir of a noble family is something that one must work hard to earn, this is why when he exhaled his last breath, he will like to see his daughter and grandchildren leading the family to a better future.

"Come let us have a drink...for a better future."

"Yes, for the future of the Broglie, & Tabouillot family." The men went on and drink talking about their past accomplishments in the process and their future goals.


Min was getting prepared by the maids of the Tabouillot family. The young lady was not to keen on these kinds of parties. Nevertheless, she will act the part of a lady. After all, she was a noble and the future heir of the Tabouillot family.

"Lady Min turn this way, please." Hmm, this dress...was not her style of dressing but then again she has to be respectful of the noble name. She has become more mature in a sense, learning how to be a lady and studying as much as possible about plants. She also helped someone along the way in exchange for learning chess. Thanks to that she has learned how to think before deciding on her choices. Being three steps ahead in life can make your life a lot easier and less stressful. Min let out a sigh.

"Is something bothering you Lady Min?"

"Ah! No! I am fine!" Min waved her hands to reassured the maid that she wasn't bothered by her. Min didn't mind the maid adjusting her dress so it could be of her suiting but she is still wanted to feel like herself a little bit. She wonders if Cogy was here yet. She hasn't heard any news about his father arriving at the party, at least if she has her childhood friend being here she will be able to get entrained. She has practiced dancing for the sake of showing that she can be a lady and she is capable of dancing in a refined way. She also wants to get her rematch against him in chess. The last time they faced...completely destroyed, no chance, bodied. He completely dominated her in a spectacular fashion that she wonders if he was even holding back all those other times when they were kids. She'll get back at him...he'll see.


Somewhere in the party room, a boy shivered. Is someone mentioning him? Why does he feel like he should be on guard against someone he knows? The boy dressed in a violet tuxedo with a white rose tied on his tux pocket, violet pants and a white buttoned shirt underneath the tuxedo walked around the big room. So many people.

"Young Cogy!" He forgets how popular he is sometimes. Being the reigning chess master champion Cogy Broglie age 22 was redeemed as one of France's greatest prodigy gems. Exhaled in studies and being a chess expert at such age the young blonde-haired adult had garnered a surmountable amount of fans that includes among his and Min's family. He just wished that he didn't have this much fame but I guess that's what happens when you become not only the best chess player in the world but the next heir to the Broglie family. Letting out a sight he just smiled and waved back at them. He has been used to big parties like this. He has been in countless of them so this is not his first rodeo. He remembers seeing a game called Omega and this year's tournament. The way those players strategically built their teams, the way they planned their every move inside the game...it was like playing chess. However, there was something different, something in the mix...he doesn't know what it was but he got attracted to it, especially the eventual winners of the Team division. Xino Kurosagi...he was part of the Kurosagi branch, and Ayame Hishikawa was from the Hishikawa branch too...those two...they had good chemistry together, whenever they were behind or ahead they never stopped thinking of a strategy to defeat their foes. Even more, the owner was part of the Kishima family. To think that such amazing people lived such a normal life and still retain such fame and recognition...He wonders...if he ever gets into one of those teleporters and enters Omega...would he sees things in another light? The more he thinks about it the more he wants to experience it and become just as strong as that team. But, in order to do so, he needs a team himself...he wonders if Min would like to join in? Min was more interested in plants than anything but maybe...if he convinces her to try and play the game once...she might like it and then they can recruit other people and train to become the best. But the question remains: Who will be the core?! He wants to become one but he doesn't know if he will be good enough...Yeah, he is talented but this is way different than chess in away. While relying on strategy works most of the time, sometimes power can make a difference, perfect example this year's singles division Champion. He completely overpowers the competition. Even more, he was a Kishima...so if Min doesn't take interest in the game then he will have to go through him in order to be the best. At such a young age and he already this strong! He was a prodigy just like himself. That got the challenging blood flowing, it has been 3 years since he felt like that. Alright! He decided, he will try and convince his father to become an Omega Warrior!

"Oh Young master Cogy."

"Oh hello, Mrs. Tabouillot." Fleur Tabouillot was the elegant wife of Lucien Tabouillot who was known as the "Sea Queen". She was the one who arranged his first meeting with Min. Despite her age, the woman looked as young as a third-year college student after she graduates from high-school. Her purple hair tied in a bun sparkled under the lights of the room. Her smile of that of a noble family mother would warm the hearts of the entire world while her blue eyes could reflect one the waves of the sea. She was indeed the queen of the sea and one of Tabouillot's most important figures.

"It seems your fame has been heard even on the family's highest branches."


"Hmm? Does it bother you?"

"Ah! N-No is just that I'm not still used to being this famous is all!" While not true he is not completely lying either. Cogy has never been the type of person to be drunk with fame. He has seen people self-destruct because it goes over their heads and instead of blaming themselves and become better they shift the blame on others. A great mistake that in the long run, it costs them big time to a point that they will never return to those famous days again.

"Is understandable, you are still young. Yet, it is very great that you can control your very own fame...not many have that ability." It seems the "Sea Queen" understand where he comes from with not letting fame go over your head. Has she ever had someone in her family experienced this before? He knows because he has watched it unfold. But he is glad that there are still people in this family that are just very nice.

"I have a favor to ask of you."

"Huh? Um, what is it?" He does wonders, what Min's mother would want of him?

"Could you pick up my daughter? She has been taking too much time in dress arrangement and I need to arrange some important family business." Oh yeah, She was an enterprise herself. She might not be as big as Hishikawa Enterprise but at least she was someone important in the business as she is the president of an enterprise herself.

"Oh, er, yeah I can do that."

"Thank you." With a smile and a bow, she bid farewell before she headed out to some people in the crowd. Well, he better go find his childhood friend. How long has it been? Well...standing here will not do anything so he better go and contemplates how he is going to ask her about creating an Omega team.

Just a few more adjustments and...

"Done." Finally! The purple-haired young adult woman was wondering if she ever would come out of this room. Not like she would like to get out of it. The more time she is here the less time she has to hang around there.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who could be knocking?" The maid wonders. Everyone was already at the ballroom with the exception of Lady Min. So who could be possibly...? She opens the door and sees the young blonde-haired adult boy.

"Young master Cogy."

"Er, hi. Is Min in? I was tasked by Mrs. Tabouillot to pick her up." Oh!

"Why yes, she is just ready to come out to the ballroom in a few seconds. I guess if you are going to escort her I will take my leave." With a bow, she excused herself and left.

"Fare, who was it?" Elegant...that was the boy's thoughts when he saw Min in the Rose dress. The purple-haired young adult had a cube-like ornament tying her hair in a ponytail. A little bit of lip-gloss and make-up made her look like the most beautiful woman that the blonde-haired boy has seen in his life and he should know he has seen many.


"Er, hi there." So he did arrive!! Well...



"You're late." The girl grin. Cogy rubbed his right shoulder where she hit him with a punch before he returns the grin. That was Min's way of playfully stating that she was glad that her best and only childhood friend was here and that she was very glad to see him.


"How long has it been?"

"Hmm...I think about 2 years now."

"Jeez, that short?! Man, it must have felt longer." Min said. It did felt longer for her. That's probably because she was too focused on her studies and research on the Venus flytraps. Cogy noticed the stack of books about botanists, plants, and flowers.

"That's a lot of plant books."

"Well, how do you expect me to teach you about them? Hmm?!"

"I...guess you have a point." He sweat-dropped. Hmm, he was here to get her to the ballroom but...

"Hey!! I wanted to ask you about something!!" Oh?!

"What is it?"

"Well, there is this one game that I wanted to try, and I wanted to play it with you."

"Sure, thou playing it here will be kind of troublesome." She has wasted enough time here as it is.

"Ah, it is not here! It is more outside of this mansion." Outside of the mansion?

"What do you mean?"

"Well, have you heard of Omega?" O...

"Omega?" So she has never heard of it. Hmm, this might take a while to explain.

After an hour of explanation, the purple-haired understood the gist of the games.

"I see, so the game is like an MMORPG with either a battle royal format or a free for all format depending on what format you choose. There's one problem if you want to create a team format...where are we going to find other people to join our team...that is if I were to join, we still need to look for others. Not only that but we have to find players that can protect our disadvantages." Min was a bit...interested in this because it was new to her. She also likes the way the game work. Your subconscious will create who you want to be and you choose the class you want to be. Hmm, if she ever chooses a class she would probably choose sniper it seems to be the more versatile class out of the five classes that are in the game. Hmm, what class would Cogy choose...Wall? No, he doesn't seem like the guy who wants to tank hits. Powerhouse? Probably but he doesn't seem to be the type to think raw power is the answer to everything. So that leaves to scouter...yeah scouter seems like the obvious choice. It fits his characteristics very well. Fast, strategically beating his opponents with chain combos not to mention he can scout his opponents so they can form a strategy to beating them...just like chess, he will be 3 steps ahead.

"Hmm, you are right. Thou, I am sure we will find people that can join us!"

"Probably girls."


"Oh, nothing!" Cogy had question marks on his head confused as to what her childhood friend said but then shrugged off as something minor. But if she talking about what they must do that means...

"So are you in?" Is Min in...hmm, playing another game other than chess with her childhood friend, one that involves playing outside of their mansions. She can enjoy hanging out and finding out how the outside world looked like. When was the last time she got out? 8-10 years?

"...Yes...I'm in. It should be interesting to play this game. Plus is been a long time since I have been outside this mansion." Responded to the purple-haired with a smile.

"Really? That's great! Man, this is going to be exciting, I can't wait to meet the reigning champions or even the president! Ah, we should start by looking for an appropriated name for a team...No, no, no we should look for members first...Hmm...can't decide..." There he goes...he seems very happy that she will join him in this game. That face...the way he gets excited...only she can see it, no one else...the real Cogy Broglie...the boy...


So...she had a childhood friend. They must've been like Richard, Alice and Aeris, very close. But...what Harry said...

"Harry mentioned something about the "Tabouillot massacre". What was that?"

"Is as the name mentions, it was the day that my entire family was completely wiped out of existence. Although, it is not as accurate as the name suggests."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There were two families in the party, correct?" So it was...!

"Good, I do not have to explain why the news isn't as accurate as they mentioned. While the Broglie family is still alive as we speak...some of the members of the said family were part of the "Tabouillot massacre" They just hid it under that news." That was smart of them...it would've been a piece of bigger news if they discovered that some of the other Noble family members were mentioned in there. They also took their bodies away to make it seem that the Broglie family was never involved. They were planning to do this from the beginning. But why? Was it because of the M.I.S.T.? She gets the feeling that this reason was minor and that something else was assured...whatever it was they will pay. She will find the two that took away her life.

"But I still don't get it. If you wanted revenge wasn't there a better roundabout way to do so? I understand your anger..."

"Do you...?" The cold answer that Min gave Yuma made the black-haired kunoichi back off. Did she just tell her a bit of her background story and the incident because she wanted to?

Min breaking from the cage using her M.I.S.T. Aura extended her arm. From the remaining soil that was not blown nor surrounded by fire came a thorn. The purple-haired noblewoman ripped it before she whipped it upwards. The M.I.S.T. Aura coated the long whip.

"I don't think you understand how dangerous those people are to this world. They don't care about the casualties only that their job is complete." Min swung the whip sideways making Yuma descend fast to the ground. The black-haired teen had to cover her eyes from the strong wind that the swing emitted. The wind blew away the fire and rose some of the soil.

"You're one to talk! You just want revenge and didn't care what happened afterward!" Yuma dodging the giant whip sees the result. She can't be hit by that thing, Not if she wants to end up like a roadkill rat. If they fight here it might end up with them destroying this room, as a result, they will most likely drown along with everyone inside. The destructive result of that whip attack proves that she can see the mark it left to the ground, even more, it looked like it bends a little. She can tell...the purple-haired woman was holding back.

"You seem to contemplate what to do next." When did she...?! Yuma tried to slash her enemy but Min's speed proves to be too much. Even using her speed at a maximum capacity she couldn't catch her. Is this lightning speed? It has to be.

Min, on the other hand, was strategically thinking of her next move. She could tell...this might not be the black-haired kunoichi's true strength. Should she go to that level if she decides to go all out? That bracelet...Cogy did mention that something similar to that was used by the players of Omega. D.O.B.I. Was it that he called it? She should aim for that, if that is the resource of her powers then if she gets rid of it she will have an easier match if not will be over in an instant. Hmm, how should she do this? Her whip is too big and slow to even catch her...maybe bait her? Hmm...maybe she should take a different approach. Maybe...

The speed of the battle was nothing but a blur to the human eye. These two were dodging and attacking at such a speed that every second equaled two attacks from each of the two female combatants. The only advantage that Yuma had was the fact that Min's thorn whip was a slower weapon otherwise she would be at a disadvantage in every aspect. If she ever wants to use her Capacity Power at her fullest, she will have to teleport them to Omega. She already knows the place she will go to. In that place, she will have an advantage on her opponent. The question is how would she get the time to teleport them there?

This feels like a chess game the more she thinks about it. She used to play Shogi with her brother but...let just say she didn't stand a chance against someone that is named the "Golden General of Shogi". Hmm...if she can...yeah that should.

"Wha...?" The black-haired girl was taken back by the sudden whip that grabbed her leg before slamming her to the ground.

"You are not the only one who can do tricks." Min had found the way to get the black-haired teen and that D.O.B.I. Device. All she had to do was distract her long enough to create a thinner thorn to snared her legs before creating one to snared her arms and bind her in place.


"Now..." Min's thorn whip started to shape itself into a thorn sword.

"How about I cut that hand of yours, that way you can't go into this ninja annoyance." So she figures it out. This woman was a lot smarter than she looks.

"Is been fun. Au revoir."

*Slash* Sad to hear a teen scream...the same screams she heard back then. But...she cannot allow someone to stop her...not when she was this close...wait...why hasn't she changed back?! That D.O.B.I. Device was on the floor and there was blood to confirm this was the...

"I can't say that using that move is fair." Behind her?!

*Slush* Yuma was behind her and have finally struck Min. It might have been minor but the black-haired teen knows that she can hit her opponent if said opponent let their guard down. Blood Clones was a forbidden technique that was not welcome even on Ninjas and for good reasons. Using your very own blood to create a realistic blood clone of yourself was not something you should do especially when it involves a bit of magic. But...she has to be careful...losing blood is not something she can afford if this fight drags on for too long.

"But...I will not hold back! D.O.B.I. Initialize Ninja Village. Players: Yuma Ishitzu & Min Tabouillot!"

"Tch!" With this, there will be no worries of risking destroying the base or worse...the planet itself.

Now teleported to a world where she is familiar with Yuma felt a lot more different in here than when she fought in the real world. Despite that, she was still as careful as she was in here. Just because she was here it didn't mean she will be fine. Sacrificing the safe lock for this was a big gamble but if it was for a chance to fight and defeat LeGrace and save Alice they will take it. That is what teammates/friends do.

"I can't allow you to get to the others. I'll stop you, even if I have to kill you to do so." So she was going to fight her to the death then.

"Fufu...I see." Hmm...?

"If that's the case then I have to go all out on you. I can't allow anyone to get in the way. Not when we have our next move insight. Not when I am so close to avenging him...NOT WHEN I AM SO CLOSE TO AVENGING MY FAMILY!!" What is...? Yuma had to dodge a lot of thorns that appeared below the ground. They are so fast still.

"Ninjutsu: Hi no Yõso: Hinoiki!" Taking a deep breath before she opens her mouth the black-haired kunoichi unleashed a torrent of fire to disintegrate some of the vines that went her way.

"Venez a moi. Mon jardin de vie." The thorns surround the purple-haired woman in a cocoon state. Yuma tries to throw her kunai with paper bombs but it did nothing. She tried her Fire breath technique it burned some of the turns but they were still covering the cocoon. The black-haired kunoichi was wondering a strategy to stop whatever the purple-haired Tabouillot was planing.

('That blue aura.') Yuma has seen this blue aura before...it was the M.I.S.T. So the M.I.S.T. Was controlling the thorns and protecting it. That will explain why the thorns were sturdier. What the purple-haired woman said...her garden of life? Does this mean that every plant...every seed that was in those Venus flytraps...her weapons...it was all the M.I.S.T. Doing?

"I won't let you get in my way." That came from that cocoon.

"He was...everything to me...My name...the name of my family it was everything to me...As the last survivor of the Tabouillot Massacre..." She is different...way more different. Glowing blue eyes, purple root thorns shaped like the head of a Venus flytrap. As a matter of fact, she can see teeth similar to the plant on her hair while some of the thorn roots went down. Her dress the white dress that she had was replaced by a rose-shaped dress. There were small rosebuds attached to her ears like earrings. The lower half of her body was just a huge stem with thorns. Min has become one with her plants...she has become the garden. From her hands, two thorn whips sprouted this as red as the rosebuds attached in her ears.

"I will avenge them." This...Min Tabouillot will guarantee that. Even if she ends up dying at the end of her revenge.

"The Garden Of Life...Can Yuma...?"

Current Capacity Power:

Richard Kurosagi: 180,000 (Base)

Harry Kishima: 85,000 (base)

Aeris Russo: 80,000 (Base)

Sexan Arifer: 70,000 (Base)

Adel Moller: 65,000 (Base)

Yuma Ishitzu: 63,000 (Base)

Frederick Santos: 62,300 (Base)

Genre Lynn: 60,000 (Base)

Emuna Chariot: 100 (Current Condition)

Soldiers: 10-15

Alice Hishikawa: ???

Rusher: ???

Grew: ???

Kula: ???

Min Tabouillot: 110,000 {Scanned by Richard}

Min Tabouillot: 2,200,000 [M.I.S.T.]

Yuma Ishitzu: 6,300,000 [Full Capacity Power]

Min Tabouillot: 11,000,000 [M.I.S.T. Deuxième évolution: Jardin de vie]

Richard_Omegacreators' thoughts