

Roy and Riza have a son, named Oliver whom they have hidden from the world. Oliver has grown knowing that Roy is his father, but he never got to know about his mother. When Riza decides to reveal that she is his mother, something terrible happens. Meanwhile, someone in Drachma is finally stepping into Amestris with his deadly army, now that he knows Father is dead. Find out, whether Oliver will ever know, who is his mother. And will Riza ever get to listen, the word "Mother" or "Mom", from her son's mouth. And what has Father left behind, which can bring down his own legacy. And what is the role of Oliver in all these events. Is he the key to save Amestris or is he the doom?

DreamMerchantH · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Savior (Part 4 - Granny's Cakes)

[Othon – Capital of Drachma]

Boris, Maria, and Danny had reached Othon after solving the chimera problem of village Selonova. Boris left Toby at an isolated part at the outskirt of the city where barely any human went, and which was being used as one of the waste dumping grounds. The city was not populated like any major cities of Amestris. Most of the buildings had a gable roof with a chimney, and the road had tile like flourishing. When the team reached Othon, it was already evening, so they rented a room and rested there.

After relaxing for hours, Maria was the first one to wake up. When she looked outside the glass window, she found out that it was night time. She went to the window to have a look outside and saw people were wandering in the city like the daytime. But, when she looked at the clock hanging on the wall, she saw that the hour hand was in between two and three. So, she was surprised by thinking that people were wandering on the roads at 2 in the night. Then suddenly, she heard the sound of flushing from the bathroom and soon after that Boris came out of the bathroom while yawning. On the other hand, Danny was still sleeping on the floor under a blanket, like a bear hibernating in its den.

"Why are people wandering on the streets this late?" Maria asked.

"It's morning time," Boris stretched his arms.

"But, the sun has not risen yet," Maria said.

"Othon has six months of day and six months of night, and unfortunately for us, the last day ended yesterday," Boris explained and continued, "Now, get ready. We are going to meet your Amestrian friend."

"What's his name?" Maria questioned.

"Looks like your General didn't tell you everything. The person is not a he, it's a she, and I don't know her real name, but she goes by the name Gabriella. She is a maid at the palace," Boris replied.

"From how many years she is in Othon?" Maria enquired.

"Probably 5 years," Boris answered.

In the meantime, Danny woke up and looked out of the window, and spoke in a drowsy voice, "Oh, it's still night?" And soon after that, he got back into his blanket.

Looking at Danny's action, Boris requested to Maria, "Can you please wake him up, we have to hurry."

"Sure," Maria smiled and then moved toward Danny with an annoyed face. She kicked Danny and yelled, "WAKE UP YOU IDIOT. WE ARE NOT HERE ON A VACATION."

After some time everyone got ready and were walking on the street. While walking, Danny asked, "Where are we going to meet Gabriella?"

"At a cake shop. Gabriella comes there every day because most of the cakes for the guests at the palace are prepared in that shop," Boris informed.

"Doesn't the cooks at the palace make cakes?" Maria questioned.

"The shop is very old, it is serving the palace for generations. The first king of Drachma - Ivanov the first used to eat desserts at that place, especially cakes," Boris answered.

Then after a moment, Boris stopped before a bakery shop. There was a fancy name sign board where it was written Granny's Cakes. Maria and Danny were amazed when they entered the shop because it was far huge and far busy compared to what appeared outside.

As soon as they entered the shop, a woman in her late twenties wearing the uniform of the shop which was a turtleneck sweater with skirts and long socks came to them. "May I help you?" The woman smiled.

"Yes, we would like to have a seat for three," Boris replied.

"Of course. Please come with me," The woman said.

The woman then took them to a private chamber where a well-toned white woman in her early thirties was waiting for them. She was a brunette with mid shoulder length hairs. She was wearing red lipstick, two big ring-shaped earrings, a brown turtleneck sweater and a fur coat over her sweater. After accompanying them to the chamber, the female attendant went back.

Boris looked at the woman and greeted, "Hello Gabriella."

"Hi Boris," The woman reciprocated and looked at Maria and Danny, and said, "You must be Maria and Danny."

"Yes," Maria replied.

"Have a seat, and let's straight get down to business," Gabriella proposed.

Everyone took their seats around that semicircular table in the chamber. As soon as everyone was comfortable, Gabriella began, "Ivanov the first's birthday will be celebrated after 15 days from now throughout the country, and on that day various artists come to the palace to perform and get rewards from the King. Because of that ceremony, the work increases and hence the palace requires more workers than normal. So, the palace organizes a competition for three days, where they select some civilians to work at the palace," She looked at Maria and Danny, and then continued, "One of you need to be among the winners of the competition, and I will help you as far as I can. That's the only way to get into the palace. But, there is still a problem."

"What?" Maria and Danny looked curiously at Gabriella.

"The first selection process has already ended," Gabriella informed.

"Then how are we going to participate in the competition?" Maria asked.

"The head of staff will come here today. One of you will go to him and try to convince him for a job. He is a very sympathetic guy, so make up some sad story to get employed," Gabriella replied.

"Alright," Maria said with confidence.

Watching Maria's confidence, Gabriella smiled and said, "I guess then Maria is going to participate in the competition. As for you Danny, you will be accompanying Boris outside the palace for clues."

"Roger that," Danny acknowledged without any hesitation.

Gabriella then sighed and asked, "Alright then. Do you have any questions?"

"Can you tell us what other insights you gathered till now?" Maria questioned.

"Sure," Gabriella replied and continued, "I have been tracking down the military activities throughout the city and some meetings which take place in the palace. Recently, the number of chimeras in the military has increased. I am still unable to find where the chimeras are being created in Drachma, but that has something to do with Lab C, and that lab is somewhere in Othon, hidden in plain sight."

Everyone was shocked as soon as they heard the mention of Lab C. "Even we came across a chimera, and we got proof that they are definitely being created at Lab C," Danny informed.

"Are there alchemists in Drachma?" Maria enquired.

"There are a few, but they are not as strong as the state alchemists of Amestris," Gabriella answered.

"Chimera creation is a human transmutation, so it cannot be done without a philosopher's stone," Maria added.

"What? Philosopher stone? Is that even a real thing?" Gabriella looked at Maria with widened eyes.

"Yes. Even we thought it to be just fictional, but it's real. And unfortunately, the process for creating a philosopher stone requires human souls," Maria replied.

"Do you mean like killing people?" Gabriella narrowed her eyes.

"Yes," Maria answered.

After learning those strange truths from Maria, Gabriella took a deep breath. Then after a moment, she said, "Well I cannot assure you about philosopher stones, but chimeras are a real thing in Drachma. And they are increasing very rapidly."

"Do you happen to know about any train that picks up single people from certain remote locations?" Boris asked.

"No, why do you ask?" Gabriella curiously looked at Boris.

"Because the train which we took to Othon was doing just that, and we got off that train before we could get caught," Danny interrupted.

"That's weird," Gabriella looked at Danny with furrowed brows and continued, "All this time, I never heard or saw that train"

Suddenly, the waitress who took them to that chamber entered with three slices of carrot cake. She put the cakes on the table, looked at Gabriella and informed, "He is coming. You should leave."

Gabriella got off her seat and said, "Danny, try to find the lab with Boris. I believe it is somewhere in this city. If you need any help then reach out to her," She looked toward the waitress.

Danny nodded his head, and Gabriella left after that, whereas Danny, Maria, and Boris took their time to eat the carrot cakes before them, in order to reduce the chances of raising any suspicion. After finishing off the cakes, Maria stood up and said, "It's my turn to get a job now. I will meet you two at the bar which we saw on the way."

Danny smiled and replied, "Alright. Best of luck."

Boris followed on and said, "Good luck."

Maria thanked them and went to meet the head of staff, whereas Boris and Danny waited there for some time before leaving. When she came out of the private chamber section and entered the main hall, she saw the manager was standing before a tall, bulky man in his fifties. The man was wearing a fur coat and the small amount of gray hair he had, were being tied as a bun at the back. The man was very noticeable because the man was speaking with him very respectfully while he was occupying a normal customer table for two people, and almost all the staff members were cautiously looking at him. Maria was pretty sure that the person was the head of staff at the palace when she overheard the conversation going on between the man and the manager.

"How is the preparation going on?" The Head asked the manager.

"It is going as we planned, Sir. You shouldn't have bothered to come here. You could have just told me, I would have come to you," The manager replied.

The Head laughed and said, "No, it's fine. Sometimes it's good to come out of the palace, and see the city around."

"Of course," The manager smiled.

"You must have figured out why I am here," The Head smiled and continued, "As you know the King's day is coming. I need some people who can work at the palace for these 15-20 days."

"I have already selected a few of our employees myself. I will send them to the palace tomorrow," The manager informed.

"As expected of you... Now can you please bring me my favorite cake?" The Head requested.

"Sure. Let me take you to your chamber, Sir," The manager replied.

"No, it's fine. I don't need a private chamber, I will be sitting out here," The Head said.

"As you wish," The manager smiled and went back to the kitchen to bring his order. And in the meantime, Maria took this opportunity to have a conversation with the Head of staff. She went near the head of staff and said, "Excuse me, Sir," to get his attention.

The Head looked at Maria and asked politely, "Yes. How may I help you?"

"I overheard that you were looking for some workers. My name is Maria, I am from village Selonova, and I am in a desperate need of work, Sir," Maria explained.

"Selonova, hmm," The Head thought for a moment and continued, "Is it the village where mostly old people live?"

"Yes," Maria replied with sad eyes.

The Head didn't think for a moment and said, "Fine, come to the palace tomorrow at 8:00 AM sharp." He then pulled out a pen from his shirt pocket, wrote something on a piece of paper and signed on it, and he gave it to Maria. "When you reach the front door tomorrow, show this to the guards. They will let you in," He instructed.

"Thank you so much, Sir," Maria acted to be desperate and The Head believed in her.

"Don't thank me. I haven't given you the job yet, I just gave you an opportunity," The Head smiled.

In the meantime, the manager brought a small chocolate crust cake with orange caviar and saffron as toppings and put it on the table. "Thank you for your patience, Sir," The manager said.

"A delicious treat is always worth waiting," The Head tucked the white napkin on the table, under his collars and picked up the knife and fork like a child. But, before eating, he looked at Maria who was standing and said, "Please have a seat."

"It's okay Sir," Maria hesitated.

"I insist," The Head responded sharply.

Maria sighed and moved to the opposite end and she sat. The Head then cut a slice from his cake and gave it to Maria on a plate. After that, he started eating his portion, while Maria was yet to start. Watching that the Head said, "Eat Maria."

Maria quickly grabbed the fork and knife as soon as she heard The Head. While eating, the Head said, "I have heard that all the young people of your village have come to Othon for a better living."

"Yes Sir," Maria replied.

"What about the animal attacks? Has it reduced?" The Head asked.

"We have become used to live in those conditions, Sir," Maria answered.

The Head stopped eating the cake and put his knife and fork on the plate. He sighed and looked at Maria. "I cannot speak on behalf of the military, but, I can only say that you took the right decision by coming to Othon," He said and continued after a small pause, "So, with whom do you live there?"

"My aunt. She is blind. So, I have to make money in order to feed ourselves," Maria replied confidently as if it was the truth.

The Head said, "Great," and resumed eating his cake. After finishing the cake, he wiped his mouth with the napkin hanging below his neck and put it on the table. He then stood up and looked at Maria. "Show me tomorrow, how desperately you need this job. And don't be late," He smiled and left the shop while the manager accompanied him outside, to his car.