

Roy and Riza have a son, named Oliver whom they have hidden from the world. Oliver has grown knowing that Roy is his father, but he never got to know about his mother. When Riza decides to reveal that she is his mother, something terrible happens. Meanwhile, someone in Drachma is finally stepping into Amestris with his deadly army, now that he knows Father is dead. Find out, whether Oliver will ever know, who is his mother. And will Riza ever get to listen, the word "Mother" or "Mom", from her son's mouth. And what has Father left behind, which can bring down his own legacy. And what is the role of Oliver in all these events. Is he the key to save Amestris or is he the doom?

DreamMerchantH · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Choices (Part 6 - The Letter)

Boris, Danny, and Maria were able to get the results they were expecting out of their plan, which was to get some answers from the chimera of Selonova village. The chimera dug out a purse hidden in the cave where it was residing and offered it to Maria. And when Maria opened it, she found a letter which was addressed to the chimera when it was a human. They found out that it was not a monster from the beginning, but a teenage girl who was happy once. Due to some incidences after converting to a chimera, she completely lost her memories, even her identity, and morality.

After Maria found the folded letter in the purse, she unfolded it to see what was so important in that piece of paper that the creature hid it. As everyone was looking at the letter, Maria decided to read it aloud. She began reading it under the light of the torch which Boris was holding. "Dear Louie," She said while Boris and Danny were looking at the letter. And meanwhile they were busy reading the letter, they were unaware that the creature was walking slowly and unsteadily toward the exit of the cave.

Maria continued, "The choices which we choose in our lives defines how our lives going to be. Sometimes making choices affects others in our lives whom we care about. It might be too late now to say these things, but I don't want to say my goodbye with this burden in my heart. So, I want to let you know that you were always been my world and will always remain my whole world. I always wanted to protect you, I always wanted to make the world a happy place for you, but I was so occupied to bring you all the happiness that I forgot about the choices I was making. Sometimes I thought, if we would have stayed in the slums, we might not have enough food to eat, but we would have been satisfied with whatever we eat. Unfortunately, it's too late now, and I can only ask you for your forgiveness. Please forgive me for I was unable to be a good brother, please forgive me that I led you to Lab C, and please forgive me for I was unable to ask for your forgiveness in front of you.

Yours foolishly,


When they finished the letter, Maria's and Danny's eyes were filled with tears. And suddenly they heard some noises coming from out of the cave. The old man which tried to kill the chimera had brought a group of the villagers equipped with weapons to kill her. "Come out you monster, your time has come," The old man fiercely shouted from outside while the mob was accompanying him.

When Boris, Danny, and Maria looked around for the chimera, they couldn't find her. "I think she is going toward the exit," Boris said.

"We have to stop her, otherwise the villagers will kill her," Maria looked at her team with a concerned face.

Right after Maria spoke, all of them quickly stood up and ran toward the exit. Meanwhile, Louie, the 14-year-old girl who was turned to a chimera, was only a few steps away from the exit, and she took those few steps. As soon as she stepped out of the cave, the angry mob which was waiting for her outside pierced her with wooden spears, attacked her with various weapons. All the rage they had against her was unleashed that night. She fell on the mild snow floor, while the sky was sprinkling snowflakes on her wounded body. She was busy taking her final breathe in that cold weather, remembering the happy time she spent with her brother and trying to forget all the sins she committed as a chimera. She finally regained her memories with only that photograph which was lying in the cave from years, and regaining those memories reminded her that she was a human once.

When the team came out of the cave, it was too late, she was already gone, but the people were still kicking her body, unleashing the infinite rage they had. Watching that, Maria rushed toward the mob and stopped them from kicking her dead body. Now she could only shed some tears after knowing the truth.