
Old Dragons’ Whispers

It was at the outset of a normal day for two kids in the woods when they got pulled to inside a ball of light that appeared suddenly in front of them!!, They found themselves in a hidden land that has many nations, powers and DRAGONS! But the best was the power of whispers that the little girl has gained which allowed her to read the past of everything she touches since its inception! And since then, she had discovered and saw many interesting old stories that made her to search over for more, but thereupon, her curiosity ended her up on discovering what should not be discovered! HER PAST, The thing that changed their lives and put them in a great danger! So, what would be the solution or how will she manage to end it all?! A super fantasy story in a framework of action, adventure and mystery that will blow your minds... **... HOPE YOU THAT APPEAL TO YOU ...** *published day 17-sep-2021* * Authored and Written by Amina Konyali

Amina_Konyali · Fantasy
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Hi readers!!

Old Dragons Whisper is going to be available at (Web novel"paid story") and (novel cat"paid story") which novel cat is best choice because it has no technical problems and I'm publishing on it at first place..

I hope you to understand and thank you all ❤️❤️

48 chapters been published, and still on going..

Note please that in webnovel there are two books to my novel with its new cover book while only one of them, i publish on..

Great wishes

Amina Konyali...