
Old Dragons’ Whispers

It was at the outset of a normal day for two kids in the woods when they got pulled to inside a ball of light that appeared suddenly in front of them!!, They found themselves in a hidden land that has many nations, powers and DRAGONS! But the best was the power of whispers that the little girl has gained which allowed her to read the past of everything she touches since its inception! And since then, she had discovered and saw many interesting old stories that made her to search over for more, but thereupon, her curiosity ended her up on discovering what should not be discovered! HER PAST, The thing that changed their lives and put them in a great danger! So, what would be the solution or how will she manage to end it all?! A super fantasy story in a framework of action, adventure and mystery that will blow your minds... **... HOPE YOU THAT APPEAL TO YOU ...** *published day 17-sep-2021* * Authored and Written by Amina Konyali

Amina_Konyali · Fantasy
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5 Chs

* How everything started *

Running among the giant trees, laughing, screaming and jumping over the permeated light of the sun, in the woods in fun, was Hana and Tom's daily playing routine. But one day, this playing took them to discover a place among those trees where rocks and woods were scattered among the herbs, flowers and mushrooms on the ground. the thing that gave them an idea of an amusing challenge, which stipulates on to build a mountain of rocks but the winner is who gonna make it bigger!

And with that, they both started on putting rock upon the other until at some point, Hana's rocks started to fall and didn't stop of falling no matter how hard she tried, The thing that pissed her off and made her to push all her mountain down, but in milliseconds of the rocks' falling, a very strong ball of light appeared among them, too bright that prevented them from seeing what beyond it! The thing that freaked them up, and made them to run away from it with horror. but at last, their curiosity ended up on wants to know what that light was, and therefore, carefully they went back to it, and approached it, where then the light was peacefully shining in place. So then the girl decided to extend her finger to touch it, but as soon as her finger approached it, that light got crazy and started pulling everything around it that they started screamed and trying to run away but the girl got pulled hard to near the light, when then her brother tried to catch her, it started pulling him too. the thing that ended up by their disappearance with the light, after getting them both inside it..

They got blindness due to that light entering their eyes, but they could sense the asphalt that they fell on, hearing the noises of people in which shows the extent of the crowd around them, the sounds of steps, and conversations, But the strangest thing was a loud screaming from something from afar that can't be explained from its weirdness! Very freaky that rose their panic when suddenly they felt of someone approaching them, when he said with astonishment voice: "How did you both get in here?!!!" Then Tom replied trembling with choppy words of fear: "Very bright light!!! Pulled us!!!" at time then the noise of the people around increased, but the man got silent, after which he came back and had put his hand on Hana's eyes and blow up on them. And as soon as he removed his hand afterwards, Hana was then able to see everything around her, as Tom after her. Where the first thing they saw was a giant dragon flying over the sky, Then they saw the people looking at them with great astonishment. At time then, they looked at the old man with his gray long beard who had removed his hand from Tom's eyes, he stood then, looked at the people around and said: " I have no idea how a light could suddenly appear and pull someone from the outside world to here! But it really happened strangely for the first time in a thousand years!! And accordingly, we'll look into these kids further, but meanwhile we must to accept them as new members!! They will live among us, study with our kids and then, they will become what ever they wanted to be, as normal persons like us.."