
Ojisan Anime Couch-Casting Interview and Enjoy Do H-thing (+18)

Couch Casting x Anime x Hentai x Pervert lead Ojisan. An over forty years-old salary man, is choose to be a lead fictional actor and director, for making erotic interview with female who come to search something or do something, generally without know why she do that. For Helping him, many other character from other fiction come to help him, for making the hottest and lewdest interview he could. Every time he conquered a woman or girls, he gains new ability about the world rule. Summon and buy stuff from somewhere he didn't know. And provoke many problems and what if universe. --- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the original source materials, they all belong to someone else, except my MC or some minor character. Don't Follow some logic, just R-18 with no reason. Smut and easy girls. Super Harem, System, Cheat, Weak to Strong, NTR (Generally with their lover watching), Many First time Intercourse, Target always became pure Lover and R*pe Victim Becomes Lover, S*x Friends, S*x Slaves, Stockholm Syndrome, Twisted Personality and western reference. Teenager from many anime, manga, light novel and game. Immortal MC. No Mind control and hypnosis. She always (maybe) consenting for unprotected s*x, no Pregnancy without plot inside. No bad ending for MC. Super persuasion. Possibly became strong enough to beat Saitama no serious level. Bad English Grammar. Story Writing level equal I don't know. Lewd story. Seriously is just a guy who bang fictional anime girls. NSFW if I could make it. Release? When I have time or boner or whatever circumstance. (Don't have many free time, take nearly 6 hours for writing something near good for me. Or just if I had a precise plan)

Heroy · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Oleana Interview (1/3)

Oleana, Ex-Secretary from Macro Cosmos and vice-chairman from Rose enterprise. She a Calm beauty and highly skilled for being vice-chairman from the largest company from Galar region. And devote secretary, before some accident with the previous chairman and teenager child who make her lost her job.

Now she here, on a couch cross leg and sit with her back straight for looking right onto the eye of her new boss.

Strangely, she doesn't know why she come here, but she wants the job. Primarily for move on after her failure and the one she trusted the most are under arrest. And working on Galar mine n°2. She had more degree and qualification than most average graduate college student, with plenty experience working.

Matsuda knew about her past, or more precisely from the wiki. She a newcomer and her expression is cute and funny.

"Let start the interview and your Tutorial." Matsuda hear a robotic voice in his mind. He wants to touch his head for examine if everything is good. But ICAM don't let him speak first.

"Don't worry Matsuda. I am the Great One proxy, and I have many power like telepathic power

and Telekinesis power, for helping you." ICAM answer bit by bit information about all thing he need to know from job and useful hint about the step to follow.

"First, prepare some drink. Generally Tea or Coffee. But for Oleana Tutorial, I have prepare everything for her. Special coffee from a world of wonder with a capture level of 5. Don't bother to search the coffee from common earth. You just need to know the place all tea and coffee are kept. In the shelf from your right near the camera. Of the six shelves, the middle from left are the place the special coffee are guard. And take some too" ICAM leave Matsuda with information for searching the coffee.

Meanwhile. Oleana sit on the couch. And meet her future new Chairman. A man shorter than her. Overweight than her last ex-boss. And strangely she is not disgust about him. He looked like a father figure for Oleana or more.

One thing she find out very strange is the camera he just passed for searching some drink before beginning the Interview. Generally, it's the work of the secretary for making drink. And one thing she need do to soon.

"Miss Oleana, I don't know if you will like the coffee I serve here. But I will be glad if you like it." Matsuda take two well craft porcelain cup and pour the fragrant coffee inside.

Oleana and Matsuda, smell the coffee inside the thermos, that let a delicious odor and coffee color that bright inside the cup. Oleana have taste plenty of good meal and drink over her career. And is the first time she smell something so fragrant. Matsuda never taste or drink something so rich in favor.

Oleana taste a bit of coffee and fell like float over the clouds. And loosen all pressure from the interview. Matsuda drink too the hot coffee. But fell a bit of Illumination and cell activated inside him.

Oleana cannot remain calm and curious about the coffee. "Director, please tell me what kind of coffee you just pour now? How could I never taste something so good before coming here?" She ask Matsuda about the coffee with calm expression, but Matsuda can see some smirk from Oleana, but cannot tell her where he had found the coffee.

"Don't worry Matsuda, I am here. Just tell here, that come from a reclusive plantation from tropical country." ICAM help Matsuda with an answer from the place where he bought the product.

From a tropical country, the producer are local and limited quantity." Matsuda hold the cup of coffee and drink more coffee with large smile.

Oleana is stunned to know that Matsuda knew product from some country. That show he have some resource in hand.

"Now, should we start the interview?" Matsuda position on his couch. Relaxed after the coffee.

"Yes, Director." Oleana agree with him.

"Don't need to be so formal Miss Oleana. Just call my by my first name when we are together. After all, we will be close for a long time." No joke from Matsuda. She a Free pass from the tutorial. Like every tutorial from Gachas Game.

"Understand, Direc..." Oleana stop before telling the director name again. "Matsuda-san" She correct herself and continue with a honorific.

Matsuda could make honorific too, but he so bored to add every time honorific each they time he told her name.

"Good, Oleana. Tell me your prior experience." Matsuda is curious about her past.

"Oh, well. Not so much to show. I graduate from a prestigious high school for elite gifted and among my peer, I belong to a group of elite among elite and graduate with extremely high score. And enroll to another prestigious College Academy over the world." She told with pride about her early achievement.

"Some years later. I was scout and enroll to a big company from my home country, and be one of the core research for a project who have boosted the country value." But she close her eye to recollect something who shame her greatly. "And the project too, endangered the country later." She grips her skirt from anger, but calm herself quickly.

Matsuda knew what kind of thing could have make her mood to fall down. But from the fact her mood are not very good, he could use is skill for influence her.

ICAM strangely could notice his thinking give Matsuda some explanation. "Is a chance here. For using one skill, just think about the one you want cast the skill [Persuasion] or [Parameter Controller]. [True Immortality] are always activated and cannot deactivate."

Matsuda follow ICAM instruction, and try Persuasion toward Oleana.

"Oleana. Is not your fault." Matsuda tell her with a large smile. "Everyone could make error in their life. But nothing tell you to not advance toward a better path." Matsuda tell her some bullshit for trying the skill and see how is work.

But Oleana smirk a little from Matsuda word. Is true a teenager make her ex-boss go to jail. But she could move forward and continue her research.

"Thank you Matsuda for your word." She feels something she never feeling before.

"Well, you could continue your resume of Curriculum Vitae." Matsuda feel happy to see how happy she is toward him.

Matsuda concentrate his view toward Oleana who calm herself, and explain the rest of her experience being secretary from the chairman of the biggest company of her country. The fact she reach the rank of vice-chairman from a subsidiary company and all other thing before being fired after some intern problem. She retired somewhere and come to seek a place inside the new company. And the fact she doesn't know why she come her.

Matsuda listen for a long moment before light up the camera and film her.

Oleana is perplex about the fact he just light up the camera, but remember is without doubts for the interview and leave him film her.

She always in her starting position, cross leg. From Matsuda gaze. he use the other skill for see her mood sitting with [Parameter Controller]. A screen appear like a Vrgame and show her feeling.

[Trust 55]

[Romance 22]

[Lust 10]

[Loyalty 44]

She have good score. Nothing is in the negative. She trust him enough to listen to simple request. Her loyalty too is good. She cannot betray him for some small matter.

Is possible to raise quickly her feeling, by increase why his skill. 50 point in total. Is more than half he need to make her conquer.

Matsuda think about which parameter he need to increase? The best is to give 50 point to romance or lust for make her horny or in love. But two other parameters are already high enough to max in one go. If she trusted him totally. Can she lend her pant without question? or Loyalty make here do thing she never does without loyalty to him like hold the door?

But for now is just a tutorial. Already half an hour have pass, from Oleana enter the office to him search how to trigger the couch-casting thing. She Introduced herself now. She knew her job and one thing she need to knew more is. What the boss needs.

"Oleana, I am sorry for telling you something inappropriate like that. But do you know the works in private behind the door? You have some experience from the time your works with Chairman Rose?" Matsuda throw a huge bomb to Oleana Ego.

For so many years she works for Chairman Rose. Rose (male) never had done something inappropriate behind the door with her or other person. Generally, her boss never have time to begin some relationship. So busy to save Galar he told. It the most frustrating thing she cannot bear about him.

Matsuda see well Oleana blush from that. He didn't know if she is some kind of virgin or not. But nothing tell him she already had some affair with opposite sex.

Matsuda watch again her parameter.

[Trust 52]

[Romance 18]

[Lust 15]

[Loyalty 41]

Lust began to rise a little but other parameter fell a little. Matsuda try other method with her.

"You are so pretty, is a waste he never show his affection to you." Matsuda get close to her.

She already had a large group of supporter for cheering her, but nobody will search to defiled their idol without drastic repercussion.

Matsuda sit beside Oleana and make the couch change form and Oleana fell toward him. Matsuda move to hold here.

Doki doki. Oleana feel her hearth race so much but don't dislike the fact, man hold her for not letting her felt sad about her past and don't fell too.

Matsuda have change one parameter for her. Loyalty. She believes on him now with 92 point.

"Dear Oleana, do you feel well." Matsuda question her, but know the trust.

Oleana begin to switch from cold to embarassed. But don't dislike the fact, Matsuda holding her. He least handsome of many middle-old man she have meet before. Nor good lookink too. She have smell from the begining some strange smell but the coffee hide for a long moment matsuda odor. A least is not worst than some place she have work before.

"I feel a little hot, I don't know what I have?" She is not prepare for his kind of feeling.

"Is a waste to your youth to not know that feeling." Matsuda Hug her Gently.

Oleana is talled than Matsuda from 20cm. And she have high heel too that make her leg look better.

She feel so hot now. A sentiment she doesn't feel for a long time awake agains. Is love.

Matsuda need to lift his head to meet Oleana shy gaze. He takes the opportunity to reach his head close to Oleana Mouth. Oleana Feel is not right but want to follow her woman instinct and try love.

Her lip meet Matsuda lip. Her first real kiss. She knew love is some biological reaction about hormone rush to the brain, creating oxytocin or love hormone, she feel too the dopamine reach all her body. The Hormone of pleasure with a peak of estrogen awake inside her. Love is a strange feeling for her but she like it too. Be happy.

Her first Kiss duration just durate a blink of a eye. But she need to recolect herself or she could fell for Matsuda.

Matsuda is happy to kiss her, just the first step to conquer her. he need to move swiflty and slowly for take care of her. She will follow him for a long time." Do you want to continue the interview and try more pleasur or wait for a moment?" He need to make her fall normally.

Oleana want to continue. She don't know why but if she leave the opportunity to feel good. She will regret greatly not take one more step to adulthood.

"Matsuda. Teach me, how to be loved." Her gaze to Matsuda have improve and make her look like a young maiden who meet her fate partner.

"Alright, before continue. We need to show our true self." Matsuda tell her something strange that she cannot really understand quickly.

She need some hint. "What kind of thing?" She is curious but soon saw what he mean by true self.

Matsuda lie on the couch and show is crotch with a hill formed who stand proud and want to be releash. He taking about his penis to Oleana. Who blush more and hide her eye with her hand. But Matsuda saw her looking between her hand his crotch and show some expression he don't see normally with her. Lust.

"You know what to do next?" Matsuda need to confirme she know what next.

"I don't know. Teach me what I need to do now." Oleana show some concerne for not know what to do next and request Matsuda to teach her.

"Fine, you are new to is. First you need to undress my pant and meet my P*nis." He tell her with a large smile that make him look like scheming character. And point his crotch for let her know where to begin.

"I Understood" Oleana take all her strengh, and get up from the couch and step from maiden to true woman.

Matsuda watch her actual progress through Control Parameter.

[Trust 71]

[Romance 42]

[Lust 48]

[Loyalty 52 + (50)]

Tutorial is the best.

Next chapter Yabba Dabba Doo. for now.

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