
Ojisan Anime Couch-Casting Interview and Enjoy Do H-thing (+18)

Couch Casting x Anime x Hentai x Pervert lead Ojisan. An over forty years-old salary man, is choose to be a lead fictional actor and director, for making erotic interview with female who come to search something or do something, generally without know why she do that. For Helping him, many other character from other fiction come to help him, for making the hottest and lewdest interview he could. Every time he conquered a woman or girls, he gains new ability about the world rule. Summon and buy stuff from somewhere he didn't know. And provoke many problems and what if universe. --- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the original source materials, they all belong to someone else, except my MC or some minor character. Don't Follow some logic, just R-18 with no reason. Smut and easy girls. Super Harem, System, Cheat, Weak to Strong, NTR (Generally with their lover watching), Many First time Intercourse, Target always became pure Lover and R*pe Victim Becomes Lover, S*x Friends, S*x Slaves, Stockholm Syndrome, Twisted Personality and western reference. Teenager from many anime, manga, light novel and game. Immortal MC. No Mind control and hypnosis. She always (maybe) consenting for unprotected s*x, no Pregnancy without plot inside. No bad ending for MC. Super persuasion. Possibly became strong enough to beat Saitama no serious level. Bad English Grammar. Story Writing level equal I don't know. Lewd story. Seriously is just a guy who bang fictional anime girls. NSFW if I could make it. Release? When I have time or boner or whatever circumstance. (Don't have many free time, take nearly 6 hours for writing something near good for me. Or just if I had a precise plan)

Heroy · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Make a good Deal?

Matsuda Bunta feel so dizzy after wake up from being kidnap by his PC, or he didn't know who have taken him. He just felt so much pain inside him, and puck a large amount of vomit.

The place he woke up are a strange room with a good deal of furniture, from large bed to red carpet.

The first thing he met is a strange man in strange dress code, and half naked that leave many fat over is body fell from his belly. But his head is hiding under a long censored barre. Very strange and abnormal from average human point of view.

The half naked man is the Great One. And many other thing in existence. But Great One here.

He looks about the middle-aged salary men, overweight and ugly. The kind that make other spit a large amount of saliva just because he smelly badly and look very ugly like nearly all middle-aged men with Asian origin Born before the great economy boom.

Matsuda Bunta meet the Great One, or a strange man half naked men without visible head. He just has an abnormal body with a shirt and mini short with black and yellow pattern.

Nothing is good about him. Matsuda fear the thing who kidnap him, but just about to cry. He remembers about the fact before coming here, he receives a job offer. Who look extremely suspicious and unreliable.

But If the one he saw here, is like what he is thinking is true, the other are the one who send him the contract about the strange job. He will like this job. Just make Love with girls.

The great one look at him. The one fitting the job. He got up and welcome him. With the best smile he could make, look like joker when he laughs. Or the villain when the plan go well.

"Well, Well. I don't have so much time, seriously i don't have time for that now, listen well old men." The great one tone and speech are very strange, Matsuda fell the might and strangeness about his tone. One thing he knew about him. He a pervert and he can feel it. Especially when he just saw a giant muscle yellow bear tattoo in the right arms. Look Creepy.

With a loud tone "Listen, the job are like what you think. Just the fact he is very special and absurd from your point of view, but good for me" he made a little break for explaining to Matsuda the real thing.

"Do you know if you are real? The Great one ask Matsuda about something strange. He doesn't Know.

With curious tone "I don't understand about what is real or not. For me, I live every day like other day. I never ask about what i do is not dictate to me. I Follow the rule (Puff) and move forward" Matsuda is very curious about what the Great one tell him. He cannot think so much and answer directly.

The Great One smile if he could look under the barre censored he could see a little smile from his face. And explain something ridiculous and maybe true. "You are just a tiny bit of code from my point of view. Just one among many other code. Or we could tell them a person in the vast universe. Everything is possible, and the job i give you is one of them."

Matsuda astound about the Great One speech. He Cannot understand but just nod for showing he understood but doesn't know what he mean.

"The Space and time are a concept really good. What you do somewhere is just a "What If" thing. Never happen from other reality you come. But the universe have their own rule. And you will travel to other world and meet other people. Generally, you could tell them, they look like a fictional character from other point of view, but you will see them like true person. Like someone told them she the most beautiful girls on earth. Matsuda you will see her like the most beautiful girls on earth, and believe me, when i tell you that. You don't know what is really beautiful really from other point of view."

Matsuda listen and nod. Just remember some text. Speaking about a job, go to some universe who look like fiction world like manga and novel, anime. Through link hook he make by sharing some relationship with one character from the fiction.

Did he can meet some big girls like Nami and Robin from One piece? Or survive into a world infect with super zombie with a group of survivor? Thinking all the possibility and danger he could meet make him shiver from knowing he could meet some Saiyan and godlike being.

The Great One look at him shiver about knowing the true about the universe. He spoke for a long time, when tell from the start he didn't have many time.

"Well, Now you know the true some explain about the job." The true thing about his job. "Just make some couch casting and bang plenty different girls from many other fiction and reality." Very simple. " And you will be the Director and the actor of my show." Matsuda understand being the actor and director. He the one who choose and make casting, all over the multiverse.

"Lastly and the more important thing. You need to clear and become strong enough to conquer the girls. Every time you have, like a leaf on the contract. Deflowered the girls or just have a long section of sex is enough. You could gain some skill and talent from the one you have done that. Like knowing how to fight bare hand, rifle specialist, cook like a god etc. For Beginning, you will have some asset. Like 10 Billion dollar actually." Matsuda her 10 billion dollar, make him happy. He just gained enough to maintain one girl. Now he could go make a huge harem.

"But remember, you could just could go to a world with normal and super human people. Not like one of them could hold the world on his palm. And beware if you bankrupt the 10 billion dollar. I know how to punish bad worker." The last phrase make Matsuda be attentive about how to spend the money. How could he lost all the money directly?

For beginning you need to construct a company, he will become the anchor for traveling to other universe. And hire fictional character into the company for working and earn item for conquer your target.

Matsuda are happy about all the thing he gave him. The Great One knew how to play stick and carrot with some lowly men.

"But for making thing more easy. I gave you one of my proxy for monitoring you and give some advice and hint for catching your target. You we love him." The Great One extend his fat hand, and make appears a miniature orb who look like Wheatley. With a blue lenses and mini propeller.

After showing the strange orb. He activated himself and begin to float toward Matsuda who are a little afraid about him.

"Let me present you your proxy. ICAM. No joke." Really, Great One know how make bad joke.

Theoretically i could make two other. But tonight i am out.

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