

So as you all know riya was already late for work and when she reached the bus stop, she came to know that she is not having her ID card.

She stopped a auto, told the driver her address and asked him to drive fast.

After covering a distance of about 100 metre the vehicle stopped. Riya asked the driver he replied,"it seems like the engine has stopped.it'd take time to fix it.you can take another auto. I am sorry".  That day it seemed if the god was even against her like  the god was playing a joke on her. Nisha was thinking ,"it seems like god is behind all these incidents. First the alarm,then my phone,then ID, ohh!! I forgot about the ID. I should rush to home if I don't want to lose the job on the first day" she walked in search of a auto or rickshaw but that day every auto she saw was going to the opposite direction. She had made up her mind that she would reach the destination at any cost. As she was 'walking' no, not walking neither running but walking at a speed which one can not call 'running'. You know.

Her phone again rang, it was garima again. She picked it up,"I know i am late, but I'll be there in an hour"said riya. "But I wanted to tell you that our...!!"  She cuts the call and without hearing a word from garima continues her journey to her home. After a walk of about 9-11 mins, she reached her apartment. Knocked the door hardly as if she's being chased by a goon.

Her mom opens up the gate. She is shocked to see her daughter back so early. She asked her but without saying a word she just went into her room picked the damn ID card and ran out of the house saying,"I'll explain you later."

it was 9:45 and she was still wandering on roads in search of a auto. When she wanted to come home all the autos were going towards bus stop and now when she wants to go the bus stop all the autos were going towards here home's direction.[I don't have any explanation for that]

She changed her mind and thought of going in a metro and  she was like ,"why I didn't thought of doing this earlier"

The metro station was  about 5 mins away from her. She was relaxed as she knew that she'd make it to the office but it was GOD in the opposite team. When she reached the metro station she was shocked to see the gates closed. In her whole life she first time saw closed metro station gates.

She asked a person passing by he said that it's under maintainance.

In a city where there are more than 100 metro stations the station under maintainance was the station where she was standing hopelessly.

When she had lost all the hopes

   She saw a rickshaw coming towards her. She was so pleased to see the rickshaw. She shouted but the driver won't hear. She ran towards it

What water means to a thirsty

What beer means to a drunkard

What the 'REMOTVA' meant to P.K

The rickshaw meant the same to riya

A lifeline,yes a lifeline.

When she was just about 20 metres away from rickshaw she accidentally placed her leg over a banana peel

And slipped off.  People came to her running to help her but the rickshaw driver went away.

With the driver went her hopes

The water,the beer' and the 'REMOTVA'

And then she saw.......


That would be the end of part 2

To know what happens next and did riya made it to the workplace

Stay tuned part 3 will be up soon
