
Oh..how the tables have turned

Taichi was the school bully that everyone was afraid of and Kenji was his victim. Taichi wasn't as tough as he seemed and Kenji wasn't as sweet as he seemed. One day Kenji pinned Taichi to the wall. Taichi: ???? Kenji: I'm done waiting for you.

Falaki_Favour · Realistic
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3 Chs


Taichi POV

I don't know when I started to become someone I never was, I guess it was when I first broke. You can say that I became what I always hated. Ha...how ironic becoming something I despised. The victim became the bully...who would have thought I would end up the enemy in the end because of how I looked.

I wonder of one day I could be me instead of the me that's hiding inside that shell of a disguise. I kicked at some pebbles in front of me as I walked towards the school building. Life is tough and I am the walking proof.

Kenji POV

This is infuriating I really can't take this anymore. Just why is there so much tests?!

I just joined the school cut me some slack. I slouched in my chair and rubbed my temples. Ok...I've got a math test tomorrow then next period I have to write an history essay...

Oh my good golly gosh god darn dang it!

I am NOT cut out for the mental fatigue school brings. Everyone else seemed as troubled as me and everyone was chatting about the potential leaking of the school papers. I was about to make a comment when the class went quiet. I looked around and to see that blond that tripped me up the day before. He looked at me....and his eyes looked somewhat lifeless....he turned away and traversed to his seat left of mine.

When he sat down the class started whispering.

"I heard he beat up our seniors"

"They had to go to the hospital"

"He's bad news"

I wasn't surprised to hear that was what they were whispering about. I could tell that the blond guy was the type to bully. I turned my head towards him and he smiled at me sadly. I looked back at him and in his eyes I could see a flash of sorrow imbedded into his eyes. At that moment I couldn't help but feel somewhat bad for him.


The sadness I felt vanished into thin air after what he did next.

"You piece of shit what the fuck are you looking at"

I hadn't realised at the time but I was still looking at him whilst I zoned out. My mouth went dry as I remembered that this guy was still a bully. I licked my lips and attempted to speak but he cut me off.

"Cat got your tongue huh?"

He lifted me up by my collar and pushed me against the wall and the rest of my classmates just stared with their mouths agape :o

No one dared to move especially when he craned his neck and glared at them. No one except a boy with pitch black hair and an icy glare. He confidently walked towards him. He pushed up his rimmed glasses and said "Taichi, put him down this instant"

The class was in shock at this; no one had tried to tame this wild beast. Me on the other hand was about to piss my pants out of fear.

Taichi reluctantly released me and he dropped me to the ground..... gently?. I had expected him to slam me to the ground.

I was released from my thoughts when the boy that had helped me earlier had began approaching me.

"Are you alright? Taichi is such a brute"

"Uh yeah I'm fine"

And spectacularly that was true; it was as if Taichi hadn't really tried to hurt me.

The boy reached out his hand to me and said "My name's Shota and you?"

"My name's Kenji, nice to meet you and thanks for your help back there"

"No problem! You should be careful though Taichi has his eye on you"

I was not happy with the last piece of news he has his eye on what? Personally I don't want to get involved with that log head if I don't have to.

Now that I thought about it Taichi wasn't that strong his arm was trembling when he picked me up. I chuckled at the memory. For someone who bullies someone for a living he wasn't very strong. Or is it really just an act? I recalled the look he gave everyone in the room this morning... if he's acting he is one hell of an actor.

Taichi's Diary

It would be a lie if I said that I was shocked when everyone started bad mouthing me. Let me confirm that what they said was false, they enjoy spreading false rumours about me to ruin my reputation but I've grown used to it and I don't care anymore. They do it more when there's a new kid. They'd go to him and say stuff like "You shouldn't be friends with him" "He'll beat you up if you cross the wrong side of him"

If anything I'm the one being bullied they don't want me to make friends and when I have the opportunity to make one they all scare them away. It's a cycle I can't break free of.

I have to say when Shota interrupted me when I was 'bullying' Kenji I was hella relieved, I didn't know how long I could hold onto his weight before I dropped him. But seriously what the hell does this guy eat?

I need to be careful if I ever wanted to pick him up again in the future because no one might be there so save my ass cheeks. I dropped him to the floor carefully as to not to hurt him.

I don't want to actually hurt the guy it's not like I could anyway I'm built like a twig. Shota is one of the people in my class that really despised me I'm sure the only reason he approached him was to get him on his side for the long run.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also let me know if it's bad!

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