

Getting into the elevator and making her way down to the lobby, Natalie looked for the receptionist. Walking up to her she said ''Hi. I am Mrs. Talbot ,you said someone was here to see me?'' ''Yes.'' The receptionist replied. ''A Ms. Adair. Look she is sitting right there''.

Natalie turned around and saw Amber. She walked up to her and said ''Amber?'' Amber heard her name and quickly turned around. ''Yes'' she said somewhat tentatively. Natalie smiled. ''Hi I am Mrs. Talbot. we spoke on the phone a couple of weeks ago regarding your assistant job?'' ''Yes.'' Amber replied . ''I remember you form the phone, you told me to come on Friday to arrange my schedule.''

''Right this way.'' Natalie said, leading her to the elevators. Once inside, Natalie proceeded to tell Amber about how her job would be like.

''Now, there are four bosses that run this company, they are, Mr. Chad Green . He is the head for marketing for the Asian Division. He takes care of things regarding our products in Asian where our other branches are situated. He has three heads working under him.''

''' Mr. Thomas Anderson.'' He runs the sub-marketing division. He along with Mr. Green take care of our products that are about to be put inline for distribution, but of course, Mr. Green has the final say.''

''Ms. Fawn Jaidyn.'' ''She runs the sales department in marketing.'' ''Her job basically is to represent the company when our new products are about to be launched. She is our representative when we launch new products or when we have to recall our products, but since this is a company run by Mr. Adler.''

''Who is Mr. Adler?'' ''Is he the CEO?'' Amber asked. ''Yes, he is.'' replied Natalie. '' The Chief Executive Officer of our company.'' ''Mr. Liam Adler.'' ''He is one of the first trillionaires of our time along with Mr. Brady Carson and Mr. Channing Cohen, who coincidently happens to be his best friends.'' ''But more of that later. The way this works is, there are four assistants, for each of the four heads, to avoid firings when the assistant makes mistakes and having to put out an ad for a job offer, we work on a rotating system. This means that if for example Ms. Jaidyn is unsatisfied with her assistant, she can switch to Mr. Green's assistant and so fourth.''

''Well why did you company put out an ad with an assistant position available?'' Amber queried. ''As you can see.'' ''Natalie said. ''I am six months pregnant, and i had an accident last week and the doctor ordered me to be put on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.''

[We all know that by now they have gotten off the elevator and are waling slowly down through the hall. For those who think this is a really long ass elevator scene it's not.]

''Moving on.'' Natalie says. ''You are to be paired with … ''Crash!'' the sound of a chair flying through the glass wall intron of them stopped them in their tracks. Two steps forward and they would have been hit!

''What the hell !!!'' '' Amber shouted. ''Who is the idiot who almost hit us?!!!''

Liam turned around, he was furious! He admitted that throwing a chair thro the wall was indeed a bit much, but at the moment he was to angry to rationalize his thoughts properly, add on being called an idiot also didn't help much.

''Who called me an idiot ?'' he demanded. Amber turned around and got up from where was was tending to Natalie. The pregnant woman had had quiet a fright!

''I did.'' she said. ''I called you an idiot, so what.'' ''Only a complete idiot would throw a chair through a wall and look there,'' she pointed ''I'm certain a piece is stuck in the wall !'' Audible gasps were heard around the room. ''Who was this woman, and how dare she call the great Liam Adler an idiot?!'' '' Didn't she know that he could ruin her with one phone call?!!''

Liam looked at the woman in front of him and he was astounded by her brazenness and her beauty, but mainly her brazenness. ''Who are you to call me an idiot?'' he asked. ''Who are you to behave like one.'' she countered. '' That chair could have hit us !'' ''What would you have done then? Even if you Are, angry does it really call for you to be throwing furniture through walls?'' ''Your behavior is like a four year old having a tantrum!" she bristled.

Liam was furious, how dare this woman compare him to a four year old ! He was twenty-five for heaven sakes. It was his company for crying out loud. If he wanted to throw thing through the window he could, hell if he wanted he could burn the building to the ground, he would just buy another one !

Liam turned to her ''A FOUR YEAR OLD !!! '' He yelled . " You are comparing me to a FOUR YEAR OLD!!" " Who are you to judge me on what i can and cannot do?!!" "Huh?" " Look at you, you are nothing but a dog in the gutter, rearing its ugly head at the newest thing. I bet you are one of those women. " " Tell me little doggy, if i throw a stick will you leave?"

Amber looked at the man in front of her and could not believe what she was hearing. He thought that he could insult her and get away with it! No way, No how. Amber was going to show this asshole just who was boss.

She stared him down and said " What you think you're all that?! Let me tell you, a sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind. In the land of witless you would be KING ! Then again no one would be around for you to rule over because no one is as idiotic as you are !!"

Liam stood with his mouth agape for once he had no words, how dare She insult him. HIM. He was Liam Adler, international billionaire. He had branches of his company on every continent! How can this nobody insult him?! As he scrambled for a reply, Amber continued "You sir, are the reason God created the middle finger, by the way, isn't it dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in one sentence ?!"

Gasps were heard all around, Amber was sure she saw someone faint! Looking down a Natalie she extended a hand to help the startled woman up to her feet.

Natalie looked at Amber with wide eyes , she could not believe that Amber delivered a verbal smackdown to her boss! " Amber " she said . "Do you know who that is ?" she questioned. " No " Amber replied. "Of course you don't !" "That person is …"

" AHH AHHH AHH " Natalie screamed holding her stomach. Amber quickly caught the woman and lowered her gently to the ground. " What's wrong Mrs. Talbot ?!" "Are you hurt, are you injured? " "Tell me."

Natalie felt a wetness between her legs. " what is that" she thought. "Am I going into early labor? No, No! my baby is to young! " " Oh my God! ,Oh my God! , someone call an ambulance . Now!" she heard Amber scream.

Glancing down she say blood pooling out form underneath her legs. " MY BABY! MY BABY! PLEASE SAVE MY BABY!! " she cried. Amber knelt down and hugged the distraught woman. " Hey, Mrs. Talbot! " Its okay you, and your baby are going to be just fine, breathe , okay. 1,2 breathe. Breathe with me okay. In and out and in and out".

As Amber got Natalie to stop worrying ,she pointed out "look, the ambulance is here, you are going to be just fine".

After being strapped into the gurney and put into the ambulance. Natalie turned and said " Amber, I had to tell you, the person who were insulting , that man right there, he is our boss , your boss to be exact, you were replacing me remember". " Yeah " Amber replied ," but didn't you work for Mr. Green ?" "I did" Natalie replied, but last month I got switched to Mr. Adler. Liam Adler." "The CEO."

" Okay , that's enough talking" the paramedic said. " we need to get this woman to the hospital".

As the doors to the ambulance slammed and it was on its way to the hospital ,Amber turned and saw the smirking face of Liam Adler. Then he turned and walked back inside of the building. Turning to one of her coworkers, she said " I just made a big mistake right?" "Yup" " He's going to make my life a living hell now right?" "Yup" " good luck, you'll need it ". Sighing, she looked at the building and said "great way to start your first day Amber." Glancing at the building again Amber wondered if she should jut quit, she could make it pack up and move change her name, she had done it before.

A coworker looked at her and said " you coming are what?" Amber replied " yeah yeah ,I'm coming", and with that she joined the rest of her coworkers who were trickling back into the building.