

"No, you are mistaken. Your biggest debtors are the five countries of the desert. They already signed an agreement to become our va.s.sal state the day before, and have given the empire the rights to collect all debts. In other words, the empire is your country's current primary debtor. Should you refuse to sign, you will need to pay the empire that outstanding amount on top of the five chests of silver Castor coins you owe the empire."

The woman looked at Castell's contemptuous smile, then at the invoice with the enormous amount he sent her, bit down on her lip hard and said: "The empire's quick work has surprised me… Whatever. I agree to all your conditions, including disbanding our navy and army, as well as redirecting our debts to the empire. However, Castor's religions should be respected!"

"That will not be an issue. The empire guarantees that we shall not hinder Castor's right to practice its religions freely. Further, You also agree to pay the empire's second and third army platoons to cover their expenses in protecting your country, train the empire's navy, pay the empire half of your annual income, exempt tariffs for the empire's exported goods, and to prioritise the needs of the empire. Do you accept all these conditions?"

"I do…"

"That is great. Please sign here… And stamp it with your national seal. Correct."

I watched the king of Castor get picked up by his mom, and give his wobbly signature. The servants beside them handed him the seal. The kid took the seal, and placed the fate of his country onto the sheet of paper.

"Thank you for contribution to the people of our nation. Your nation has earned itself the greatest peace… Your majesty…"

Castell took up the seal and pen, and handed it to the empress. The empress waved it off and then said: "Son, you sign it."

"As you command."

I nodded. I was very excited. I finally got to sign an agreement where the opposing country had to deal with unfair conditions! I've left my name in history and will remain even after I pa.s.s on!

Troy Rosvenor, stamped!

"Great. Today, we witness history."

The empress stood up and smiled with great satisfaction. She walked up to me and said: "I will hold a ball tonight. King of Castor… No, City Master, I'm extending my invitation to you to my ball. A toast to the peace of both our countries."

"As you command…"

It's alright… I understand how you feel… But now understand how awesome it felt for warlords back in the day now!Your majesty, your clothes have been prepared. Ah! Your majesty!!"

Luna panicked and knelt down on one knee. The empress waved her hand with a smile and then said: "Rise. I've got free time today, so I've come to my son's room to see him and have some tea together."


Luna shivered as she stood up. She was at a loss for what to do and stood in place. She still held my clothes I was supposed to wear tonight. I said: "Luna, you can leave once you place my clothes down. It'll be alright with her majesty and the maids here."


Luna placed my clothes down and then turned around to leave. I noticed her legs were weak. It's normal for people to be scared by the empress when they first see her in person.

The empress picked her cup of tea up and took a sip. She then looked at me and said: "Son, how have you been recently? Has anything felt off?"

The empress lightly placed her hand on mine. Her eyes were filled with concern. No. Her gaze seemed to contain a hint of pain within it. Her hand which was placed on the back of mine was shaking gently. I paused for a moment. The empress didn't ask me about my health as a casual greeting. She was genuinely worried about me.

"Ah, no… I've been well recently…."

"No, that's not what I meant. What I'm worried about isn't right now, but…" She looked like she was feeling conflicted. She bit down on her lips and her eyes moved back and forth on the ceiling. She held my hand tightly and gently whispered: "The moon will soon be full."


Now I know what the empress was getting at. Mom can't suck out my berserk mana on a full moon night while I'm here, and mom's suggestion was to not resist my own mana. She said that I have to let it out instead. But if I release it then half of humanity's imperial capital would probably…

Alright, here's my next big problem. How am I going to get past the full moon night this month?

I looked at the empress and softly said: "It's alright, mom. I'll… Think of something."

The empress nodded, pursed her lips and her eyes slowly turned red as tears formed in her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, and with a sobbing voice said: "It's all my fault… If I were a bit braver at the start… If I took you with me back then, then you wouldn't have to suffer so much… I love you… I really, really love you… Seeing you in so much pain, really… I'd rather die…."

Mom couldn't control her tears, and they inevitably ran down her face. Her hands tightly held mine as if I'd disappear if she let go. Her expression showed endless pain. She was like a child in that moment even though she's the empress who's as tough as nails. I don't know what happened back then, but I could feel her heart-shredding pain. She was blaming herself. Perhaps it was her fault that I have to go through this pain every month.

She was in more pain than me. Perhaps mom has been drowning in pain all these years. I believe that she would gladly endure the pain for me if it could somehow be shifted onto her.

I believe that as she's my mom. My elf mom can relieve me of the pain by sucking out my mana, but the powerless empress can only watch her son writhe in pain. Mom must be suffering a lot.

I walked over, knelt before mom and gently hugged her. Mom cried as she held me tightly. She pulled me into her embrace tightly. I could feel the warmth and gentleness of a mother. Mom's tears fell on top of my head. I didn't know what to say either. I have no clue what happened in the past, but having mom hugged me tightly like this was enough.

"Mom, it's not your fault."

"S-Son… My son!!"

Mom hugged me tightly and cried loudly. I hugged her back as a weird feeling rose in my chest. I always considered my elf mom my mom, but not the empress. However, when the empress tightly embraced me, I felt a strange feeling of familiarity, grief and sorrow, like that experienced by someone who'd left home and finally returned home to his family. It felt like I'd been held like this by the empress before.

I only know about the war over their son on a surface level, but nothing about the pasts of my moms. People can only be born once. It's not uncommon for people to say that the father of one is unknown, but right now, it's my mom who's unknown. I could feel a feeling of attachment from my elf mom, and a nostalgic feeling from my human mom, both of which left me intoxicated. It's said that a child can recognise his mother regardless of how long he's been apart from them. But my body is telling me that they're both my moms.

What exactly is going on here?

I don't know how long it took for mom to stop crying. I raised my head, and extended my hand out to wipe away mom's tears. The empress closed her eyes and let me wipe her face. The corner of her mouth slowly crept up into a smile and she said: "How… How nice would it be if I could always watch over you as you grow…? My husband is no longer with me, but this is the most beautiful time in my life, and you are the greatest gift to me during this beautiful time in my life."


"It's been tough on you, my son. It's our stubbornness that led to you shouldering this pain. I've never had a kid… Nor do I know how to fulfil the role of a qualified mother… I make lots of mistakes, but… But…"

"Mom, you're already doing very well. You, are a qualified mother…"

I don't possess the memories of this prince. If this isn't muscle memory, then I have no idea what's going on. I don't know what the empress did to me, but I know she loves me. What can you ask of a mother? A mother is a qualified mother as long as she truly loves her child.

At least, mom suffers for the sake of her son.

I stood up and mom gently leaned her head on my chest. She revealed a smile showing her ease and said: "I'm tired too… I have to deal with so many matters every day. If possible, I really want to pa.s.s the crown to you, and then become a mother waiting for you to return home every day, cooking for you, doing your laundry, looking after the home and holding you as we sleep at night. We could have a child… Son… and my dear. It feels so similar…"


Are you sure that's something a mother should be doing?!

There's something wrong with both these mothers!! My elf mom adds "onii-sama" when she calls me while she's in her berserk-mode, while the empress before me has started to feel that I resemble her "dear"! Are you two alright?! Please don't displace your gone-love onto your son, okay?!

Mom's gaze started turning strange… I struggled to get out of mom's embrace, then took two steps back and said: "Mom… mom! It'll be nightfall any moment now, so you should get ready for the ball, mom!"

"Oh… Right… Right… You're right… The ball, the ball…"

Mom wiped her eyes, stood up, ma.s.saged her face and her majestic look from the other day returned. She cleared her throat gently, finished her cup of tea and then said: "I'll go get ready now. Son, don't be late. Oh, right, I still have a question for you son."

"What is it?"

"Do you have someone you like here after being here for so long? You don't have any girls accompanying you, so you must feel a bit lonely, right? I heard you have a fiancé at the elf nation, so you need one here too."

I shook my head. What sort of logic is that? Please forgive the monogamy views I grew up with, but I can't come to terms with the messy concepts and views of love you hold here. I'm fine with having Lucia. I don't have any intention of finding myself a princess here.

"Not yet…"

"I see."

The empress nodded and then pulled opened the door. Alice and Nier bowed to salute her. The empress left with Alice and Luna came in. She looked at me slightly tense and said: "Your majesty, you should get changed now…"

"Huh? Oh… Sure."The evening party was held in her majesty's favourite palace, and this time, the attendees were those invited by her. It was on a much grander scale than last time. In the distance, the palace was glimmering with golden lights, while the fires brightened up the palace as if it were daytime. Horse carriages were gathered at the door of the palace. It looks like she not only invited major retainers, but also influential figures of this society.

I entered directly via the back door. We needed to make some preparations in the preparation room before the opening dance. Nier didn't dress differently. She wore her military uniform and equipped her long sword as per usual. She had to wait outside in a bit. When I entered the preparation room, her majesty was already there. But, she gave me a big surprise this time.

Mom didn't wear her usual military uniform. She wore an extravagant long skirt instead. Her white dress was stunning like a wedding dress. The jewellery hanging above swayed with each movement she made. Her usual black hair she didn't care for yet dazzled everyone was done up into a bun, and set in place with a hairpin. It was the first time she wore make-up. Her beauty was enough to take people's breath away to begin with, but now, she could sweep them off their feet too. The empress looked at me shyly, smiled and said: "Son, how do I look?"

"Very beautiful…"

Don't blame me for not saying much. You'll be left speechless when you're stunned like me as well.

The empress pursed her lips into a smile, then walked over and held my hand. Her gauze gloves gently teased every inch of my hands. She smiled and said: "I'm really not used to dressing like this. The jewellery and ornaments are heavy. Military clothing is much more comfortable. But, it's your victory party tonight, so I naturally need to pretty up for the occasion. Nier, what do you think?"

"Very beautiful, your majesty. However, I think that military clothing suits you better."

"Hahaha, absolutely, I agree. I've only worn this sort of clothing twice. Once was on my wedding, and then now. I may have to wear it a third time if my son gets married."

The empress reminisced over the long skirt she had on, then looked at me and asked with a smile: "Son, do you have a dance partner for tonight's ball? I can't dance the opening dance with you today."

I was stupefied… What?! What?! What?! Aren't I supposed to dance the opening dance with the empress, and then disappear to one side and enjoy the food?! Why? Why do I need a dance partner?!

"Ah… It looks like you don't quite understand how b.a.l.l.s work, but that's only normal…" The empress smiled and continued: "I'll dance the opening dance with you again then. Since you don't have a girl you like, dancing with me is your best option. But, son, who's going to help you with your cape?"

"I'll have Nier help me."

I remember being told that whoever helps with our cape is considered a favoured retainer. I don't have any intent of patronising Nier, but I feel like our relationship has eased up a fair bit lately. The number of insults Nier throws my way has drastically decreased. She's quieter now, but that's better than her "please kill yourself" request she made at every opportunity.

Our relationship has become less tense since killing that group of thugs.

I asked Nier to help me. It's more accurate to say that it's proof of our friendship, than to say that I dote on her. Further, I don't care if people happen to think that I dote on her. Nier is a Valkyrie and the empress's bodyguard. There's nothing wrong with me doting on the empress's bodyguard as her son. Moreover, the empress would never believe I had plans to revolt.

"As you command."

Nier nodded and calmly undid her sword hanging on her belt. She didn't look like she hated it or was happy. It was just another job to her I suppose. Castell looked at me with delight and then said: "Your majesty, everything is ready. You should prepare to take the stage with his majesty."

The empress nodded and put her veil on. She then reached her arm out and wrapped it around my arm. She's my mom, but when I smelt the elegant fragrance on her, my heart rate sped up. I cursed my unexperienced self, and then got dragged into the dance hall like a puppet by the empress.

Ear-destroying claps were heard as I entered. On both sides were countless n.o.bles, influential figures and girls dressed extravagantly. The empress had her veil on as she waved to the people. I don't think many people have seen her majesty dressed like this. They looked at the empress with disbelief, which finally explained to me why she didn't want to dance the opening dance with me. And that's because she'll forever be the centre of attention for as long as she's with me, particularly because this party was held for me.

But it doesn't matter. I'm fine as long as mom is by my side. I'm not used to being in the spotlight anyway. I enjoy the life behind the scenes better. Nier stood behind me and held my cape up in silence. Although her military uniform didn't really fit with what we were wearing, the empress likes military clothing, so I should respect that as her son.

And thus, the ball commenced. After her majesty finished speaking, I held mom's hand as we danced. I clumsily tried to dance in beat with her. I never thought her footwork was so good. I didn't know that a mom who was good at killing and conquering was also good at dancing and ended up happily dancing whatever last time. Since mom dressed differently this time, she naturally put on her best performance.

Mom smiled at me to spoil me as she adjusted her footwork to match my clumsy steps. She didn't get mad or complain. She just looked at me lovingly, held my hand tightly and moved in circles with me slowly.

The ball officially kicked off after our opening dance. This time however, I wasn't as fortunate. Not only were there lots of people this time, but I was also the main star of the night. People approached me with flattering smiles even while I was eating to introduce themself in order to get me to pay attention to them. Sorry, but I can't…

I don't want to be involved with politics. I want to ensure there's a power-balance in the future, not get involved with your matters. I've only got a month here. Who knows what sort of s.h.i.t you people could pull in that month. I'm fine as long as I get to eat and play. I won't show up if there's no major matter. That said, I'm the one that saved the people of Castor this time. I was the one that signed the agreement. I felt great when I signed it. I felt a sense of pleasure in being able to determine another's fate.

I looked the smiles of the people in front of me and felt a bit happy. It was the first time in my life I'd been flattered. It feels pretty good. I won't listen to them, but who wouldn't be happy to receive praise.

"Your majesty."

I smiled as I turned around. I saw the mother of the king of Castor walk up to me and raise her gla.s.s of wine. I picked mine up and raised mine with a smile as I looked at her. You don't have to thank me. Honest. I just made a tiny contribution. Nothing much.

"You are the hero of the empire."

I smiled as I rubbed my head and said: "No, no."

"Do you feel like you've attained glory now?"

"A little, since I saved Castor after all."


She chuckled coldly, then placed her gla.s.s down, looked and me and in a low tone said: "What a joke. How did you save us? Is your idea of saving us making us sign that humiliating agreement? Do you think you are a judge? Did we have any other choice but to agree to your terms?! You are the hero of empire. Your so-called save has put a burden onto the shoulders of all of Castor's people. The power you wield really is infinite and cannot be opposed. Not only have you brought pain onto my people, you are enjoying their pain as you stand atop them! You call it negotiation, but in reality, it is just oppression!"

Her veins were showing since she was enraged. She can't touch me here, let alone slap me. She can't even splash a gla.s.s of wine in my face. She paused and then angrily stomped off after flapping her sleeve. I was left there in a daze as if I was in a dream, and at the same, like somebody poured a bucket of cold water on me.


I was happy. I was happy.

I was happy that I forced another country to sign an unfair agreement.

The reason I was happy wasn't because I saved Castor's people from a war, but because it was the first time I forced someone to sign an agreement where the terms imparted on them were unfair. Looking at their expressions made me excited… It… It was the first time I wasn't nervous or scared about signing an agreement. I was like a kid who got his first wand and was excited to turn to transform everything around him.

I was using my power… I wasn't like this! I would've been happy, but not because I signed the agreement. I'd already forgotten my reason for collecting those coins while I stood in the large hall…