
The Road to Life and Death

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With such high morale, the Great Horn officer did not miss the chance to distribute new swords, golden fruits, as well as a pill sealed with wax and engraved with mysterious runes, to all the rat people.

"This is the divine medicine given to us by the Rat God!"

The Great Horn officer roared, "As long as our faith in the Rat God is strong enough and the situation is critical enough, we can bite into this divine medicine and pour the Rat God's supreme divine power into our bodies. The rat warriors will then be able to fight the clan warriors!

"Remember, from this moment on, you will no longer be pigs and sheep at the mercy of others. You will be the Big-horned Rat God's bravest, most loyal, and most glorious warriors. Raise your sabers high and unleash your fury to the fullest. Let all our enemies see how terrifying the insignificant rat soldiers of the past are when they gather into a storm!"

There were wild cheers inside and outside the entire camp.