
Oh My Demon Lord

What do you expect if one day you suddenly got 100 years back? Misty lived her 20 years of life in a society where each magical species lived in harmony. One day, when she came back from the library, she blanked out, and when she opened her eyes, she was 100 years back in the age of war and the age of Demon Lord Asherheart. What's more, she got inevitably tangled up with this demon lord, but sometimes rumours are worse than reality, and reality is worse than imagination!! Let's go on this journey with our FL fighting her way up to the positions and removing all the prejudices of the monarch era.

immortal_shizu322 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Black Silhouette

The hut was quite dark Misty was not able to see the facial features of the person properly but as soon as he entered the hut, she was enchanted by the sandalwood smell. The shadow was that of a full-grown man, he had to be quite tall and had a good built.

Misty was dazed for a moment, but when she came back to reality, she saw that the man was already very close to her. She tried to lunge back but couldn't. The shadow tilted a little in front of her and the next instant she was in his embrace.

'Pleaseeeeee noooo... he seriously princess picked MEEE?!'

"Uh... Sir I'm sorry but I guess you've got the wrong person..."

There was no response.

'Oh, so now you don't wanna talk to me huh...'

She started struggling, putting her hands on his chest she tried to loosen herself. Sometimes she would hit his shoulder but all in vain. She was tired of it, the man endured everything, at last when she finally gave up, he started moving outside.

"Sir, I know you don't want to put me down but at least tell me where you are taking me or who are you?"


"Sigh.... Uhhh sir...?"


Getting annoyed, yet again she started throwing a tantrum like a baby, pushing him away, trying to reach his face to head-butt him ,she accidently slid her hands near his neck, she felt his Adam's apple, for a minute she was dazed but the next second, she withdrew her hands and squeezed them close to her chest.

'His apple is.... kinda...'

She was confused for a second.


Suddenly the person brought her closer to his chest, she was quite shocked and wrapped her arms around him in the spin of movement.

Her face was pressed on his well-built shoulders, even her own chest was quite close to his, she could feel his hot breath near her ears and was becoming more and more self-conscience.

'No NOOOO Misty aren't you strong, how can I feel this much conscience around a person I just met with.... but... for some reason... I kinda feel at peace... maybe I....'

They had already arrived in a forest when she was calmed down. Looking closely now she was sure that this person had no heartbeat. She was not much startled since even in modern era there were many creatures who needn't breathe or had a heartbeat.

"Hmmm... not gonna ask questions anymore?"

She heard a very deep husky voice just near her ear, the voice felt like sweet sugar, she could herself fall for this voice even without looking at the face of this person. Unconsciously she started wagging her invisible tail. Yup she had a tail and a pair of fox ears every spirited person had these and she was no exception it's just that she used to keep her ears ad tail invisible with the help of magic, due to past occurrences she had some kind of deep trauma hidden inside her heart.

"Sir was not answering my questions at all so I thought that sir might have been deaf and dumb." She replied sarcastically.

"You are really an interesting lady. Well now you know that I'm not deaf or dumb, just keep that in mind." The man said as if he had found her amusing.

"Alright so now please answer me, who are you and where are you taking me?"


'There he goes again....'

"Haaa... why are you not replying me again?" She led out a huge sigh and gave a small punch on his


Still no reply...

Seeing another party so much uninterested in the conversation she also gave up and started looking at her surroundings.

It was a full moon night, the forest was very dark and should have looked scary but for some reason she was at peace, she could hear different sorts of animal noises around, there were no large animals at the vicinity, just the smaller ones.

Suddenly she heard some howling noise and out of nowhere there stood a man with flowing white hair in front of them. The man had quite a good built, his golden eyes were shining in the dark and his aura looked like that of an immortal.

"Having fun huh... What do you think, you can take away the jade eyes without me noticing?"The white-haired man said laughingly.

"Well, I don't even regard you as much, why would I be running away? Now scram."

'Jade Eyes?'

She looked up to the man's face and tried asking, "Hey what is--"

Suddenly the white-haired guy jumped towards them and a long silver sword came out of his hand, the sword started shining and was enveloped in blue colored fire. The man dodged his attack and stood several meters apart from him.

"Sir, to fight properly, I guess you should put me down." She spoke looking at the sword.

"Hmph, no need this lizard can't do anything." He hummed.

She tried to get down on her own and pushed his chest but the man held her hands tightly and spoke, "Stay still."

Once again, the sword was lunged towards them but this time, the shadow did not evade it but went to tackle it head-on.

Misty looked up at the man's face and as she was about to speak, she saw a glint of bright red color in his eyes forming a design of sword in the pupils, the sword was blazing red and was enveloped around crimson colors.

 He thumped the sword on ground and the grounds formed some kind of formation around them, the white sword shattered and the white-haired man was left with his mouth about to hang out.

Soon he regained his posture and lunged towards them, now they both were much closer and started a physical fight, Misty was shoved here and there, trying to regain her posture, she wrapped her arms tightly around the black shadow and even the man held her more tightly resting his chin on her head. Misty's heart started thumping wildly she was afraid that even the man was able to listen it.

Soon she heard some voices, they were the soldiers and horses coming to help out, in front of them was the man she had just met in the day. They held torch, having the sufficient light she could finally looks at everyone's face.

In front of them, the white-haired man was long gone, he might have been afraid of the reinforcements.

'Hahaha... You jade butterfly, I'll soon get to you and make you mine!'

Misty held her head, she heard these words in her mind, a sudden pain shot up in her head making her unable to speak for a while, she was at her knees trying to massage her head. After some time, she was back to normal.

Before her, stood two enchanting men and some soldiers, the men had well-formed bodies and had godly appearance. If they would have been in modern era they would have been among top-models.

She recognized the one as the man she met in the day, and stood up, "Hello, we meet again..."

The man smiled politely and bowed to her. He introduced himself, "Hello young lady, it's a pleasure to meet you again, the name's Brock Calister, Ghost general, at your service."

For a moment she was dazed, 'what did he just say?'

'Ghost general, ah right...'



She calmed herself in a second, "Greetings to you and... Uh... Thank you, this sir, for helping me out..."

She looked at the black-haired man who had protected her all this time. He was looking at her intently, without saying a word he moved forward towards her and held out his hand. The man's hand was slender and he looked like a noble, his skin was pale white and his eyes which were earlier shinning bright red were now of a dark red shade, his eyebrows were arched and he had an intimidating air around him.

"What were you doing all alone in woods?" He asked with his brows knitting an inch.

Misty took his hand and her hands actually fit in his palm. Feeling a bit flustered, "Uhm... it's not something I can tell you here. Sir, who was that white-haired man?"

"That is something we shouldn't talk here." He replied.

He went ahead towards soldiers. The soldiers had two horses tied around, at one gesture of the man they went ahead and untied them.

 "Do you know horse-riding?" He asked looking at her.

'Haaa... I'm from modern era man, how do you expect me to know about horse and stuff?'

She shook her head. No reply was heard. She started looking at the fire-flies present in the vicinity. Suddenly she felt two arms circled around her waist and picked her up without a hitch. The man made her sit comfortable on one of the horses.

He himself hoped on that horse and tugged the lead-rope.

Misty could feel his chest and abdomen muscles through his shirt, The horse shook suddenly and the next moment she was in his embrace.

They started moving out of the forest, no one spoke first, Misty saw the main city's board coming up named 'Laplace'. It was quite a big city as compared to the one she saw before, it had large walkways almost no alley way, the houses were very large, many children were running around happily talking and laughing, at some distance she saw a music troupe singing to their heart's content and the spectators enjoying the show.

When the horses came to the square, she was not able to keep calm anymore and spoke up first, "Sir at least tell me where are we going exactly?" she spoke intimidating him.

"The Demon Castle." 

'Hmmm... the demon castle huh. Right, I heard some rumors about it today... 'She started remembering the rumors she heard while walking through the streets in the daytime. A soldier spoke up, "My Lord, shall this servant arrange a place to stay for the young lady?"

The man shook his head, "No need the lady will be staying at my place today."

Misty came back to her senses, "Just who are you to make me stay at your place Humph."

"Hmmm, me, I am the current demon lord, Asher heart." He spoke.

"Yes...?" She asked.

"Mm... That's me." He replied.


