
Oh Goddess, My Mate

"I Jackson Blears, alpha of the south blood pack, reject you, Aurora as my mate and future Luna of this pack."~ During the time of war between species, Aurora is betrayed by her destined lover, the only being that was supposed to make her feel a sense of belonging. Because of this, her mind has forced hurtful memories and experiences to be suppressed as her body changes into her wolf form for the first time. Aurora is a very rare being to come across in a lifetime. What happens when Aurora discovers her past and falls for someone she never thought she would. And what happens when she uncovers hidden secrets and relationships between her closest friends?

Daoistj3xVhS · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Within the cold darkness of an unknown environment, Aurora begins to stir; feeling the pain in her body due to her first shift, she halts further movements, trying not to damage her body further. New cuts and scratches in the healing process adorned her beautiful skin like battle scars. Aurora tries to remember what happened, only to come to a complete blank, not remembering anything about herself aside from her name.

Aurora cowers further into the shadows hearing the loud creaking of metal doors, it had only dawned on her that she was indeed locked in some jail or dungeon. Seeing a few men come forward led by a female similar size to herself, yet still if not more intimidating, Aurora remains in the shadows, praying for them not to see her. Alas, they unlocked her cell and walked toward her. Bringing out electric batons which come in contact with her skin once, twice and a third time. Aurora screams in fear and pain, loud enough to be heard by the next generation of wolves. Suddenly a much more prominent figure slammed open the heavy doors and marched forward snatching Aurora out of the arms of the men dragging her weak body. Despite being in the arms of a stranger, Aurora is somewhat comforted by the presence and faints from exhaustion.

Feeling her body fall limp, his majesty the king grows furious, a dangerously deathly aura emits from his body as he secretes his dominating pheromones, choking every being within a good 10 feet from him. Feeling the little being in his arms begin to writhe and stir within his arms he calms down enough for his pheromones to become tolerable before rushing out towards the clinic.

After making sure Aurora was safely taken care of by the pack doctor, his majesty the king is called for an emergency meeting by the elders and advisors of his kingdom.

"Your majesty, we must rid the girl off the face of the earth! There should be no argument on whether she should be kept alive or not!"

"Your majesty please consider that she is still young, and seeing how she is a rogue, I doubt she has any knowledge of her heritage."

"I agree. We cannot sacrifice an innocent life for something that was written so long ago."

"Might I remind you, all those previous prophecies have happened, who are you to judge the authenticity of the prophecies that have allowed wolf kind, our kind, to survive all these years despite close encounters with extinction?"

The room falls silent as all members in the room turn to the king for guidance and leadership. The king sits powerfully on his seat as everyone waits with anticipation for the king's final decision. Deciding to break the silence, one of the king's advisors stated his opinion on a possible future for Aurora. "Your majesty, if I may; Aurora may not know of her heritage, nor the powers she possesses; if she were to be observed and trained, we may be able to turn the tables concerning future wars with other species. As you the witch covens have been creating more havoc, abducting people and risking the exposure of our species and species alike. If she were to believe that we fully support her and make her feel welcome and wanted, she may be willing to fight alongside us rather than against us."

The assembly all chorused their approval which left the king with no room for argument. With a simple nod, He stood and left for the clinic once more.

Laying in bed still unconscience, a frown is stationed on Aurora's face as the doctor continues to treat her injuries.


"Aurora my darling girl, are you ready to meet your brothers?"...


"I'm sorry my beautiful girl, I won't be able to stay with you much longer"

"Stay strong my precious girl. Be true to yourself!"

"I love you... My Aurora."