
Oh! My Empress

Kim Su Won, a corporate slave in the modern world with average skills in life, is abandoned by her boyfriend of two years. In her sorrow, she gets alcohol poisoning and transmigrates to a historical transmigration web novel. Very cliché, right? However, she gets transmigrated not into a side character who ends up taking place of the main character nor the villainess who flips the whole plot. Neither does she end up in the body of a male character to make the novel a gender bender. She has ended up in the body of the 12 years old female lead, Emmeline Whittemore, the daughter of one of the richest ducal families in the kingdom of Krislabet, four years before the original transmigration was to happen in the novel. “Past memories of the original body? Check.” “I must have finally gotten some magical powers.” “No? It’s okay, may be some spiritual space?” “That is absent too! How about some magical item?” “That’s not present either? Must be some hidden cultivation techniques?” “No? No magical pets either? Then it must be a system for sure! I must complete quests and level up!” “No? F***! I am doomed!” Now Kim Su Won has to navigate this completely new world, without much knowledge apart from the characters that will appear four years later in Emmeline Whittemore’s life. Follow Kim Su Won as she adjusts to the new life, correcting the past regrets she had in her original life and learning the rules and regulations of this place where the schemes abound, and each white lotus is racing towards becoming the crown princess. Wait a minute! And what about the girl who was supposed to transmigrate originally into Emmeline Whittemore’s body? What will be the fate of Kim Su Won?

eastasianlover · History
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217 Chs


"Hah! For yourself? I am sorry my lady. You are proving me wrong by the minute in your assessment," Isaac Laurent smiled on hearing the kid's words. She really had a long way to go.

"There is no such thing as a free meal in this world. And even if you did commit a crime, I am only willing to hide it as long as you cooperate with me. It won't take me even a minute to make you a witch and get you burned on stake," Isaac's face was finally showing its true color.

Such a sly fox this man was! He was only interested in his own agenda.

"Look at you, flexing your adulthood on a kid by threatening her. Say earl, how are you any different from my own parents who have never looked towards my side and only forced their aspirations on the two elder kids? Just because I did not get to see that, now you are fulfilling that role. Do you do the same to Alex too?" Kim Su Won's heart was turning colder the more she heard this man.

She had initially thought that she had found that one person who would be forever her encouragement. He would help her learn and make a name for herself. But as he said, there was nothing for free in this world.

"You do not need to worry about my son. He is working on himself and will become the best knight ever. And I am sure you will also work on yourself to become the best empress ever. Anyway, this is as much freedom as I can give you. Choose your teachers wisely."

With this he flicked his robe and left the room. Kim Su Won put her hand under her chin, this man was not what he seemed. She had to be careful of him.


Starting the next day, she got to meet many people. A lot of them were high ranking officials – countesses, other earls, scholars, and even a few commoners. She talked with them, trying to understand their expertise and what they hoped she would learn from them.

She had already labeled every single one of them as Isaac Laurent's spies. She treated them all politely and distantly. She liked a few and hated most of the people.

Was it because her reputation was not good in the social circles? Most of the people acted as if they were doing her a huge favor by even entertaining the idea of teaching her and that she should bow down to them for being so generous.

She had listened to their obnoxious non-sense quietly, nodded her head as if in agreement and then showed them out. Even if she was not too much into the social classes and hierarchies and would be perfect treating them with respect, this was no way to talk to another human being.

She was lost in her thoughts when she heard another knock on her door. This time, a handsome young face in plain clothes appeared. He was with a helper.

At first glance, the guy, or rather kid, seemed very ordinary. He was wearing knee length brown pants and a beige colored shirt, his brown curly hair topped with a brown beret cap. But the way he walked looked refined. He bowed to her with his cap in his hands.

"Lady Whittemore, nice to meet you. I am Jack Smith," the kid said in utmost polite manner.

"Uhh… how may I help you?" she looked at the kid, who did not look much older than herself and then shifted her gaze to the helper who was standing behind Jack, in almost reverence towards the kid. Was he a servant?

"Ah, this is my uncle John Smith. We are here because Lord Isaac Laurent asked us to visit you with regards to your lessons," the kid was the one who was speaking, so Kim Su Won assumed that he would be the one teaching her. But why would Isaac Laurent bring a child in, that too of her age?

She tried measuring the kid up and down once again. There was something off about him. But she could not place a finger on it. The only kids of significance in the novel that were around her age were the kids of other two dukes and the royal prince and princesses.

A kid who was accompanied by an adult, plus such boring, plain and suspicious names, were these people moving about in disguises? Then why come here?

"And what would you be teaching me, Mr. Jack Smith," she asked, without showing any expression on her face. Countless thoughts were running in her mind, however.

"Ah! I have been asked to help you learn business," the kid replied, "after all, you have been given an opportunity and you need to seize it, no?"

Kim Su Won was startled with the use of words. 'Seize'? Why? Was it a normal use in this world?

"I am not sure if I understand. Could you please tell me your background first?" Kim Su Won hesitantly asked. She was still hung up on the use of words in earlier sentence.

"Ah, yes of course! My uncle here has started numerous businesses and is an expert. We would like to teach you ins and outs of starting a business in our kingdom so that your future is much secure once you are old enough," the kid answered.

The words truly sent her brain into an alarm mode. This kid was treating her as a person not belonging her to this kingdom. And it felt as if he knew about her future, that she won't become the crown princess. But that went against Isaac's plan, so how did this kid sneak in? Something was really wrong here.

"But you are the one doing the talking, young sir. I am not sure I understand the dynamics of your team. Plus, why would a crown princess candidate need to learn business? Economics and Finance are fine, but business?" Kim Su Won still feigned ignorance and tilted her head.

It was hard to figure out the motivation of these two people but she had to do it. On the side, her brain was trying to find the connection between this guy and any kid of prominence.

"Oh, is that so? Are you sure you want to fight for that title? The other contenders are quite strong and I don't believe your fate lies there. Why not use this chance and learn some practical valuable skills?" the kid insisted.

After this, Kim Su Won was convinced that this kid either knew the future or had read the novel. Was he a fellow transmigrator? What could she ask to get the information out of him?

"That's very ironical. You talk about practicality and fate in the same sentence. Thank you for visiting me today kind sirs. I would have been interested in your proposal had I had something else in my mind. I am really trying to focus on my candidature as crown princess. So, I would not be wanting to waste my time on anything else," Kim Su Won was slightly creeped out by the two and tried dismissing them.

"Oh? That is sad for I know for sure that you are fated to the third prince. You will not become the crown princess. I was just trying to give you some avenues to earn money…,"

"A-Are you cursing me right now?" Kim Su Won suddenly sobbed hearing the words of this kid.