
Ogboso Chukwuemeka

DaoistqDKiKj · Urban
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7 Chs



The day came with an unexpected twist for me. I was getting ready for work when my housemaid informed me of my father's presence in my home. It was an unprecedented moment because he was never one to come around except when the matter was critical.

I thought of reasons why he would decide to drive down here and all I could think of was that he probably had come to finish the argument we started during the weekend. If that was why he was here, then I had nothing to say to him.

"You insolent child, I've been waiting ages for you in the living room and you kept me waiting on you like a dog", Brandon Ace White barked as he stepped into the massive room encompassing both a walk-in closet and a bathroom.

I stood by the mirror dealing meticulously with my cuffs while containing my anger. I knew my father and I knew he was pushing me to my wits, wanting to break me.

"I apologise, I had difficulty finding a nice suit" I responded in the best tone possible without sparing him a glance. Rather, I went ahead to fetch my signature perfume from the rack. It was an expensive one I got from my stay in Ibiza and of limited edition. I carefully wore the scent on while waiting for the old man to state his intentions.

"You have no manner of approach, Jeremy, we spoke about this yesterday back in the villa and yet here you are brandishing a spear and armour at an innocent man. Your uncle Tito had nothing to do with your mother's demise and that's it!" He stated as a matter of fact.

"Then who did?… Was it you then dad? Was it your idea to have my mother, your wife, used as a scapegoat for your stupid little clinical trial?"

"It wasn't a stupid trial_"

"Oh but it failed then!! You have the guts to stand before me dad and say these things to my face. Mother was ill but had higher chances of survival if you and your stupid brother didn't decide to play God. If you'll excuse me, I have work to get to"

Brandon walked behind me through the living room and out into the hallway. "Don't contact your uncle anymore and if there's anything you want to say, you come to me. My company has recorded major losses in the past few weeks all because you're throwing tantrums about the dead" he said drily. "Get your head together and focus on getting things right or kiss your role as CEO goodbye", Brandon admonished in his deadliest of tone.

He left me in thought. There was this doubt about whether Brandon was actually my biological father, because the man treated me with disdain. My feelings never mattered to him, the only thing he saw me for was as a mannequin filling up the CEO role in his company while he had the time in the world to meander. I sure knew my father was involved in lots of illegal stuff but the truth I learned about my mother's death threw me off.

I wasn't thinking straight even as I stepped into the company foyer. I was so deep in thought that I didn't see it coming. I quickly realised myself when I felt the hot air burn my skin, then a ragged voice repeatedly apologising.

I frowned when I realised I had collided with a clumsy fool who didn't know how to walk in a different direction from his boss.

Danti, my driver, was already at my rescue with a paper towel, trying to wipe off the hot liquid but it had already spread on my white shirt. I glared daggers at the employee. If only he knew how bad my day already was then he'd watch his steps. I flung Danti's hands off me and strode into the nearest elevator, not wanting the day to start with a commotion.

After I got changed, I sat in my dark themed office having my moment of meditation. I usually did that right before I jumped into work. It helped my anxiety a lot. The drugs did nothing, I swear.

Dad coming around really threw me off balance, but I wasn't going to let my workers see me in such a weak state, so I shut my eyes and thought of the beautiful things in my world.

There were very few of such I could imagine, like my mother's voice when I was a little boy. She'd sound like a broken record whenever my brother and I played around the block tormenting the young lady. I smiled when I recalled how peaceful it all felt then. Spain was another place I could think of and felt at peace. It was my escape, my breath of fresh air until_ I got pulled out of it by the thoughts that followed.

Adjusting my chair, I went through the files on my desk, noting how organised everything was, just the way I liked them.

When Miss Wembley read out today's schedule, I shared my attention between her and the sheets of documents before me, noting how familiar the names were.

"You have a meeting with your father at six in the h_" My secretary read out but I quickly intercepted that part with a raised finger.

"Scrap that off, I don't feel like doing that. How about you tell me what these sheets containing names of laid off employees are doing on my desk early this morning?" I said sporadically to avoid thinking about a bloody meeting with Dad.

Reluctantly, she offered what seemed like an explanation. "The HR team thought it would be of bad reputation to the company if their employees were sacked without compensation or fairness. It goes against the laws of corporate organisations."

I shut the binder with a loud thud "Oh really?…"

These people think that the company is a charity organisation where feelings matter, where one can get away with whatever thing they do. There were consequences to every action and I, as CEO, wasn't exempted.

"Since they cannot involve the CEO in their meetings, then you would have the head of HR Mr. Louise Smith knows that he's been suspended for two weeks straight and it will be deducted from his next pay", I stated with finality. I hoped this taught the old man a lesson to have me fully involved next time before submitting such requests.

During the later hours, I attended meetings with the board of directors regarding our lapses in the stock market, which wasn't in any way my fault, but Dad seemed to think otherwise. I changed into casual wear while Danti drove us down to the first warehouse for a thorough inspection. On our way back, a message popped in. I sighed when I saw who it was from.

"Stupid man" I whispered to myself, and made an attempt to delete whatever it was that was sent to me. At first, when the message started coming in I thought they were spam messages from random strangers, but soon I realised it was a particular person claiming to be a worker at A & T law firm and his pseudonym was Black Tea. He claimed to have intel on some interesting information about my family.

I chuckled drily at that. If he thought I was going to fall for such nonsensical antics, then he read me wrongly.

By the time I checked the clock again, it was past ten and my tummy twirled like crazy. I knew I had a poor feeding habit, probably stemming from my anxiety or so, but I didn't pay much attention to it as I hurried to finish with my work. When I stood up to leave, I felt a pang of ache in my head. My eyes burned, distorting my vision. I had to rush home quickly and have dinner or else I might as well be damned.

I got into my car and started the ignition. It purred smoothly, giving me extra satisfaction as I drove out of the garage. I was happy to drive myself home and not keep Danti waiting for me at all times. The young man had better things to do for his small family than wait on me like a bell boy.

I stopped when I saw the ruckus by the gateway. I didn't have time for that and it was none other than my secretary and her blue Hyundai sonata. I blared my horn at them.

"Get this thing off the road would you", I barked at the security officer who rushed over to explain the situation to me. I didn't wait for him to fulfil his empty promises to handle the matter before I swerved past them all with dexterity. My head banged again in such a brutal manner that I veered to the corner of the road and turned off my ignition.

I searched for some aspirin on the console but nothing was left. I needed to get to a drugstore, were my exact thoughts before I saw her painstakingly stroll down the lane in her very high heels. Those were meant for office environs alone. What was she thinking? I lamented in my head, totally forgetting my headache.

By the time she walked a mile she was exhausted, her hair fell over shielding her petite face. I wondered why she didn't just change into flip flops for a woman who was as smart and organised as her. She seems clumsy as well.

I watched her exhausted, her hands on her knees taking a breather. Then I had a sudden urge to help. I didn't know why, but I did. I drove towards her and winded down hoping she'd catch on to what I meant without having to say a word. She did.