
Admissions? - Part 5

Wednesday, continued …

"What happened next?"

"To cut a long story short, Miss Jones was arrested, the rings secured, and a deal made with Mr Nang to secure the electronic devices. Miss Jones was transported back here and brought into this room for questioning. Senior Officer Fang made it clear to be before the recording was started that I had to ensure we did what he agreed to do for Vice-CEO Lu or he would report me for corruption. That, given my past history of messing thing up would be the end of my career. Despite all appearances to the contrary I actually enjoy this job."

"Senior Officer Fang started the recording of the interview. However, Miss Jones was extremely uncooperative. She wanted to argue every little point. For example, despite us not being able to find any evidence of her marriage to CEO Hou she was insistent that we call her Madam Hou. This went in circles."