
Of thrones and kingdoms

New name. New life. New problems. Dinah is suddenly displaced from home- not that she's really had any- she finds herself in a new place, meets new people and soon realizes that her mother who she can't find may have lied about a lot of things. She struggles to come into terms with the loss of her mother, the weight of ruling and her love for a boy who she has almost forgotten. Is peace even possible anymore? Can she be the queen she is expected to be, and still stand despite the weight of her mother's lies?. * - * - * She was as he remembered, though all traces of baby fat were gone. He was so shocked and mesmerized that he didn't remember rising from the chair- and just in time too- because he felt a weight on his chest, she was hugging him. One of the others cleared his throat and she let go, albeit reluctantly. ' We've been expecting you, your highness' ' Highness?' she asked with a look of confusion ' They have a way with it here, you're their next queen

Mercury_Abba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Dinah blushed as she noticed that everyone in the room had their eyes trained on her. Clearing hey throat, she made a gesture towards the table ' I'm sorry I interrupted'

' By the way, I...' she was interrupted by a man in a cloak ' Diana Etcher, gate keeper and guardian of the earth'

Blinking, she heard her mother's voice in her head "From this moment, you are Diana Etcher" it felt like a memory. One of the boys in the room turned to her ' You sure took your time, keep keep keeping us waiting for days'

She frowned, his words left her with even more confusion. One of the cloaked people in the room spoke up. 'We welcome you to pelta, these are your fellow guardians'. A blue-eyed girl stepped up to her, ' I'm Eleanor Jenning, guardian of beasts ', and one by one, they turned to her.

'Alexa Harris, guardian of the night'.

' Guardian of the sky, George Warren'.

' Kurt Manning, guardian of the wind'

' Dinelle Lakh, guardian over seas'.

'Guardian of storms and disaster, Bryan Koope '.

' Primrose Gangnam, guardian of plants '.

' And I am Jake Cardiff, guardian over times and seasons.'

' We've been expecting you, Your Highness.' a man in a green cloak spoke as he came into the room.

' Highness?' the look of confusion on Dinah's face was obvious.

' They have a way with it here, you're their next queen' Jake said, almost as soon as he spoke, a man in a black cloak came in.

' Welcome, Your Highness'.

* * *

Dinah - now Diana -rubbed her forehead- if a pounding pain per nano-second could be called an ache, it was getting worse each minute, and the girls' tending to hey hair were not helping either. She rubbed her sweaty please together, still unable to process the fact that her coronation would begin in a few hours. The seers didn't deem it worse to delay crowning her, she was simply expected to be queen in a place she knew literarily nothing about a few hours ago.

The girls dealing with her dress stepped back and bowed before leaving, none of them meeting her gaze when she spoke to them. The sudden respectful behavior unnerved her. Finally, the girls tending to her hair and face bowed and left the room.

Diana sighed as she thought about the events of the day, the meeting with the other guardians made her know that there were about twelve thousand people in Pelta, how was she to lead twelve " thousand" people. Sighing again as the pain in her head which has slightly diminished returned with frevor. Walking to the full length mirror, the girl she saw made her stop, the prominent cheekbones, dark green eyes and prop purple lipstick made her look older and more imposing. Turning suddenly at the sound of the door, she saw Jake, he paused when he saw her yet none of them said a word, she felt awkward being with him after all these years, he'd changed, a lot. She wanted to ask him some questions, but before she spoke, he said in a cold voice ' The other guardians are waiting'. Clenching her fist in anger, Diana sighed and maintained a neutral expression. Turning to the mirror, she muttered ' Lead the way'.

* * *

They walked past series of hallways in silence and soon some noise, on one end of a hall, the other guardians stood with annoyed looks, as soon as she joined them they got together and began to walk through a door.

The sudden brightness made Diana blink severally before taking in the view, they stood on a platform overlooking a large space filled with people and more people were swarming in. The castle was actually surrounded by a moat over which a drawbridge was drawn. Diana saw a lot of women dressed in simple Grecian gowns while the males were dressed in shorts and other odd dresses. A man in a cloak led her to a large chair which was the only furniture on the platform. Feeling small, she say on the chair and admired the intricate carvings on it. Another cloaked man brought a tray with a cell velvet cushion on which a crown and a scepter say. The crown was a small piece of metal embedded with several small gems which glittered under the sun. Another man in a cloak came forward and handed the scepter over to her, then taking the screen, he muttered a few odd words over it and placed it on her head. The courtyard was silent, then a single cheer broke the silence and a roar broke out.