
Of Love and Blood

Cynane, one of the four generals of the Macedean army is also the princess of the Macedean kingdom. Vowing to protect the people she loves and the kingdom, what will she do if she finds out that everything that she has believed in are all lies? As secrets from the past start to unravel, the peace of the kingdom, the royal family, and her relationship with the man she has secretly loved for years are at stake.

solaze · History
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16 Chs

Dinner at the Royal Villa

Among all the virtuous man in the kingdom, one can probably find some of the noblest of them in the government - upright and unselfish men who are dedicated to serve the kingdom and its people. However, it is also no secret that the most wicked men can be found in the same group. Throughout history, there has always been one, two or even more government officials who are corrupt. Whether a government official is to be trusted or not is a question that can be answered by both yes and no. There are those who can be trusted, and there are those who cannot.

Cynane understands enough to know that the world of politics is a messy one. While she believes that there are those who have genuine good intentions like her, she believes that majority of those who are in the position are cunning and deceitful in nature, and that is why she is very vigilant with these kind of men.

Looking around at the table, Cynane finds familiar faces. Macedea is obviously ruled by a monarch. The reigning monarch is no other than Cynane's older brother, King Filip. As the king, he has all the power of the three branches of the government: the executive, legislative, and the judiciary. However, the kingdom has also different sectors that are headed by ministers who are appointed by the king himself. While the king has the authority to pick whoever he has in mind, anyone is free to apply for the position. Nevertheless, the decision resides on the king at the end of the day. Whether he will grant the application or reject it is up to him.

Macedea has four sectors: the finance sector, education sector, agriculture sector, and the defense sector. The first three are headed by the so-called ministers, the latter however is a special case. The defense sector is led by a general, and there can be more than one as long as they meet the requirements.

The minister of education is the firstborn son of Duke Ross, the ever-clever Kaliso Ross. He oversees the Academy, the school for scholars and high intellects in Macedea, the same school where Joram graduated from. Kaliso is eleven years older than Cynane, and at the age of twenty-four, he became the youngest Minister of Education. Rumor has it that he is the smartest person in the kingdom, and that is something that Cynane can confirm. He is at least the most intelligent man she has ever known. His knowledge is so wide and deep that Cynane cannot help but consider herself as stupid. Kaliso was her tutor from she nine until she was thirteen, when he was appointed by her father the late king Phirrus.

The finance sector's minister, Marquess Eliaz has just recently retired at the age of seventy-five. The minister of agriculture on the other hand, passed away last month. He was Count Esteban, probably the oldest person that Cynane knows from the group. Cynane remembers him as a very enthusiastic person. The two oldest officials have already left their post and so the reason why the dinner at the royal villa tonight was arranged, for the purpose of introducing the newly appointed ministers.

Seating across Cynane is the son of former Count Esteban, Piere Esteban. Truthfully, she does not know much about the guy. He is quite a lone wolf - silent and enjoys his own company.

'If he is here, then that means he is probably the new minister of agriculture. Then, who is the new minister of finance?' Cynane thinks. Her eyes continue to search around, there are currently five of them seating at the table: her brother, Kaliso Ross, Count Piere Esteban, herself and Michal. The two other generals are not present for they are still in the East. Remembering them causes Cynane to wonder if they are alright. It has been almost two weeks since Joakim left, and they are expecting a report to be on the way. Cynane is suddenly pulled back from her deep thoughts as a man enters the royal villa.

"Forgive me my king and everyone for being late. I faced some unforeseen trouble before coming here. One of my men has turned out to be in a feverish state. I had to make sure that he was first tended by a doctor. Thank God, he is fine now", Joram explains as he joins the group. He seats beside Count Esteban.

"I am sorry to hear that one of your men is ill Duke Vernan. I will surely pray for his fast recovery", the king responds with genuine concern.

Joram smiles and bows his head at king Filip. "My deepest gratitude my king." He turns his head to Cynane and finds her shooting daggers at him. She raises one of her eyebrows. Her entire expression and body language tell Joram that she needs an answer and explanation as to why he never mentioned about his appointment to her. Joram just grins at Cynane in return, causing her to be more frustrated.

"Alright, now that we are all here already. Then let us begin. I have two reasons for arranging this meeting tonight. The main reason is to properly introduce the new ministers of finance and agriculture. As you all know, Duke Ross has already retired, and Count Esteban has passed away. As saddening it is for us that they are no longer with us, I am proud of the legacy that they have left. They are truly two of the noblest men of the kingdom that I have ever known."

Cynane nods at her brother's remarks. They are indeed some of the most upright people that Cynane have come to meet in her life.

"Starting tonight, their legacies shall be continued by two great young men. The new minister of finance is Duke Joram Vernan, and the new minister of agriculture is Count Piere Esteban. I believe there is no need for an introduction of them as you are all already well-acquainted with these two gentlemen. With this, we officially welcome them tonight as a part of the government. Please grab your glasses, and together, let us toast for these gentlemen."

Everyone takes their wine glasses, raises them in the air and toasts, producing a clanking sound. The gentlemen drinks almost a fourth of their wines while Cynane only had a small sip. She remembers her promise. She shall not allow herself to get drunk again.

"Now, for the other reason why we're gathered here tonight, I would like to also properly announce the plan of General Michal of getting married. He is in search of a suitable bride, and I know that all of you here shall do good in spreading the news and finding possible candidates." As the king speaks, he gives his sister a quick glance. She is not looking at him. She is staring at her plate. He understands how heartbreaking it must be for his sister to be hearing all of these.

"So, you have finally decided to get married General Michal. As the saying goes, singleness and an unmarried life both have their beauties. Whichever path it is you choose to take, make sure to cherish it. I will make sure to help you find the right woman whom you are going to cherish it with", Kaliso says.

Michal gives him a smile. "I am deeply moved sir Kaliso. Truely your wisdom and knowledge are unparalleled."

"But tell me General Michal, what is your type of woman?" Count Piere Esteban who rarely talks suddenly speaks, raising the question that everyone in the room would least expect to come from him. Cynane grabs her glass of water and gulps it as she finds herself heating up and feeling awkward at the question.

"I am sorry, but I do not understand what you mean Count Esteban", Michal responds.

"You see, while there is a general notion of what a suitable bride should be, I believe we still have our own interpretations of what makes a woman befitting to be one's wife. So, tell me General, what for you is a suitable wife? What kind of woman are you exactly looking for?"

Hearing Count Esteban's explanation, Cynane realizes that he makes a lot of sense.

"That is indeed a very good question Count Esteban", Kaliso compliments him.

"Thank you, sir Kaliso", Count Esteban replies.

Michal burrows his brows. "Hmmm. Now that you have mentioned that. I am not really sure myself. How about you first tell me what your ideal woman is Count Esteban."

"Lively, someone who is full of joy and energy. You already know that I am not a vigorous man myself. I am a man of few words, though I believe I have said too much tonight already. But you know what I mean. Imagine if I marry someone like me, oh how gloomy our household would be. I need someone who is the opposite of me, someone who would bring balance to the scale, someone who would bring summer in my life." As the Count explains his ideal woman, Cynane cannot help but notice a hint of enthusiasm in the way he describes his type of woman.

'He already has someone, doesn't he? He himself is winter and he has already found his summer', Cynane thinks to herself.

"Woahhhh. That actually sounds very romantic Count Esteban", Joram butts in. "What about you sir Kaliso? What is your ideal woman?"

"I am the oldest in the group and yet I still remain unmarried. You probably have not realized it yet, but I have no intentions of marrying."

"I understand, but even so, you must still have your ideal woman, don't you?"

Kaliso nods. "Yes, I do. I have no intentions of marrying, but if I were to marry for instance, I desire a woman with wisdom and knowledge. I do not mean that she has to be a scholar, but she must at least be well educated and mature in mind. There is nothing more attractive to me than a woman with a beautiful mind."

For a person like sir Kaliso who has dedicated almost his entire life to education, Cynane already expects such a response from him. It is only normal to want to be with someone who has the same interests or values as you.

"As expected from you sir Kaliso. I would ask the king what his ideal woman is, but I think we already know the answer to that, don't we?" Joram further says.

King Filip grins at Joram's comment. "You got it right Duke Vernan. My ideal woman is no other than my wife. What about you?"

Cynane takes another sip of her glass of water as she realizes where the entire conversation has been going. Who would have thought that they would spend the rest of the night talking about their ideal type of woman. Aside from the topic is too much for Cynane as she is not yet the acquainted with talks about romance, she also feels a little awkward as she is the only woman in the group.

"Let's see. I guess my type of woman is someone like a stallion."

Cynane almost chokes on her drink as she hears Joram's answer.

"Stallion? Like a horse?" the king asks in confusion.

'What on earth is going on? Does Joram have zoophilia?' Cynane thinks to herself.

Joram nods his head. "Yes, your majesty. I like a woman who is feisty, wild and strong."

There was a sudden silence in the room as everyone seems to be surprised at his revelation. Even for Cynane who has known Joram for years, she did not expect that such characteristics are what Joram likes in a woman. The king clears his throat as he attempts to end the awkwardness in the room.

"Well, this just shows that everyone has their own preferences for everything. Don't you agree?" Filip says.

All the four men agrees with the king's statement.

"Well, it's great to know what each of us men here's ideal type of woman is. You know, I'm also curious to know what women think of us men too. What about you Cynane, what is your ideal man?"