
Of Flames and Gold

[My WSA 2024 Entry novel! Please vote] In a world where mythical beings have fallen into an "eternal slumber," a thriving underground market exploits the stolen essence of these dormant creatures. At its epicenter are dragons—majestic beings desired for their scales, organs, and prized eggs. The most coveted treasure of all is a dragon's name, a key that holds the power to control its very existence. Dragon Lord, guardian of a clutch of dormant eggs, lives in isolation atop a hill, surrounded by a forest that veils his castle. He bears the scars of past betrayals, having been deceived by those who feigned love to steal his treasures or claim his head as a bounty. Jaded and cold, he trusts no one, living a solitary existence. However, his solitude is shattered when a woman unwittingly stumbles into his life. Yara finds herself in Dragon Lord's treasured den amidst a battle between the dragon and thieves. In a twist of fate, she mistakenly bonds with the dormant eggs, breathing life into them. Reluctantly, Dragon Lord allows Yara into his world, and their journey unfolds amid the looming threat of underground organizations seeking to exploit the dragons for profit. As the eggs come to life, so does an unexpected connection between Dragon Lord and Yara. Despite his cold and jaded exterior, he finds himself unable to ignore her presence. Yara, too, cannot deny the pull she feels towards him, and emotions begin to burn beneath the surface. Together, they must navigate the challenges of waiting for the eggs to hatch, fend off those who seek to exploit the dragon and its offspring, and confront the secrets that Yara harbors—a revelation that could destroy everything. In this tale of flames and gold, two scarred souls in a world where trust is a rare and precious commodity must confront the ghosts of their pasts. They navigate the dangerous currents of love and deception, protecting unborn dragons from a world hungry for their magic. Will their bond withstand the trials ahead, or will the flames of betrayal engulf them in the end? A/N: It starts out SLOW, because I tend to get lost in the pages and be descriptive but once it gets to the action, it really picks up! Looking forward to growing with you all on this journey!!!

QuillMistress · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


Humans were greedy creatures, maybe even more voracious than dragons. 

They stole from one another, with no difference between allies and foes.

Betraying each other at the drop of a hat, no honour amongst them. 

One thing it could commend was their bravery. Even with how weak and fleeting their lives were, they always dared to do the impossible. Maybe, it pondered, the audacity fueled their insatiable hunger for more.

So when it sensed the scent of humans, its golden eyes narrowed with irritation and disdain. They dared to approach, creeping closer like they actually stood a chance. The dragon, perched on the edge of its den, observed the feeble creatures slithering into its territory.

It didn't take long for the dragon to realise the humans' intentions—they always seemed to try to steal its treasures but never learned.

A low growl rumbled in the dragon's chest, and its wings rippled with anticipation.

Flames erupted from the dragon's maw as it confronted the thieving men. The scent of burning foliage mingled with the metallic tang of their blood. The fight unfolded near the woods, echoing the dragon's roars and the men's cries. The battle was quick, the dragon's scales gleaming obsidian in the fiery glow.

Its rage subsided as the last intruders fell, leaving behind the acrid aftermath of scorched earth and flesh. It returned to its cavern, the glittering treasures illuminated by the soft, filtered sunlight, but paused when it caught an unfamiliar scent.

Amidst the treasures it held dear stood a lone human—a woman, battered and bruised. The dragon's eyes narrowed, a growl building in its chest. Another thief, it assumed, seeking to steal its hoard. The dragon's snout pointed menacingly at the intruder, smoke curling from its nostrils.

"I- I mean no harm!" the human stammered, raising her hands in a futile attempt to appease the dragon's ire. The dragon eyed her with suspicion, recalling the treacherous nature of humans. She gestured towards the opening he had not noticed before, a feeble attempt to escape.

'Was that where she came from?'

The dragon growled low, smoke trailing from its nostrils as the human tried to inch towards the exit.

In a swift motion, the dragon lunged, claws slashing through the air.

Surprisingly quick on her feet, the human evaded the attack, stumbling backwards amidst the scattered gems. It watched as she picked a sword, eyes narrowing at the stance. 

'Not an ordinary villager.' 

While she had training, the gems on the floor made it hard for the human to move well. It was a pitiful display. As the dragon closed in, it felt angry at the human who scrambled to defend herself. 

'Why do they keep coming if they fear death? Why can't they leave it and its treasures alone?'

The scent of her fear was clear, and the dragon revelled in asserting dominance.

It prepared for another attack, claws poised for the final strike. The human tripped over a large ruby, her sword falling from her grasp. She attempted to rise quickly, scrambling for the weapon.


The dragon, mid-roar, abruptly paused. Its eyes widened with a mix of confusion and rage. The eggs were pulsing, pulling at its consciousness. The human, too, must have felt the sudden shift in the atmosphere. It looked between the eggs and the woman. 

It gently nuzzled against the clutch, feeling their warmth. It rumbled softly in its throat, trying to feel the heartbeats it could faintly hear. 

It recoiled as the woman lowered her sword. It observed the human with caution and curiosity, unsure of what had transpired.

How did she do this?

The eggs, long thought cold and lifeless, held warmth. The dragon's confusion deepened.

It had guarded these eggs for centuries; now, the human was somehow linked to them.

Hope flickered, a glimmer amidst the confusion and rage. The dragon didn't fully understand, but there was a possibility now.

It circled her, studying her with a mixture of anger and bewilderment.

'Why her? Why now?'

It hooked her clothing with its claw and dragged her away from the clutch. It needed to understand what was happening right now.

Growling, it carried her through the passages into a larger chamber. She smartly remained still as they flew past the gemmed walls. As they entered a more concealed chamber, it released its grip, eyes never leaving her. Now, the human steadied herself and tried to catch her breath. 

The dragon circled her again, a low growl vibrating through the air. The rage that had initially consumed the dragon now seemed laced with uncertainty. The human slowly stepped forward, her eyes locked onto it. The dragon watched as she held out her hand, a tentative gesture that stirred something within. It hesitated; human trickery knew no bounds.

'Yet, the clutch-'

With an impulse, the dragon pressed its snout against the human's forehead. The contact triggered a sensation that startled it. The dragon recoiled, its massive form retreating, leaving the human bewildered on the cavern floor.

'What was that?'

Retreating, the dragon folded its colossal wings against its body. With a powerful beat, it let out a roar of frustration before soaring back into the cavern, leaving the woman behind.

I'm still trying to figure out an uploading schedule, but I'll upload everyday for this week. let me know how many chapters you'd like to have in a week!

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