
Of Flames and Gold

[My WSA 2024 Entry novel! Please vote] In a world where mythical beings have fallen into an "eternal slumber," a thriving underground market exploits the stolen essence of these dormant creatures. At its epicenter are dragons—majestic beings desired for their scales, organs, and prized eggs. The most coveted treasure of all is a dragon's name, a key that holds the power to control its very existence. Dragon Lord, guardian of a clutch of dormant eggs, lives in isolation atop a hill, surrounded by a forest that veils his castle. He bears the scars of past betrayals, having been deceived by those who feigned love to steal his treasures or claim his head as a bounty. Jaded and cold, he trusts no one, living a solitary existence. However, his solitude is shattered when a woman unwittingly stumbles into his life. Yara finds herself in Dragon Lord's treasured den amidst a battle between the dragon and thieves. In a twist of fate, she mistakenly bonds with the dormant eggs, breathing life into them. Reluctantly, Dragon Lord allows Yara into his world, and their journey unfolds amid the looming threat of underground organizations seeking to exploit the dragons for profit. As the eggs come to life, so does an unexpected connection between Dragon Lord and Yara. Despite his cold and jaded exterior, he finds himself unable to ignore her presence. Yara, too, cannot deny the pull she feels towards him, and emotions begin to burn beneath the surface. Together, they must navigate the challenges of waiting for the eggs to hatch, fend off those who seek to exploit the dragon and its offspring, and confront the secrets that Yara harbors—a revelation that could destroy everything. In this tale of flames and gold, two scarred souls in a world where trust is a rare and precious commodity must confront the ghosts of their pasts. They navigate the dangerous currents of love and deception, protecting unborn dragons from a world hungry for their magic. Will their bond withstand the trials ahead, or will the flames of betrayal engulf them in the end? A/N: It starts out SLOW, because I tend to get lost in the pages and be descriptive but once it gets to the action, it really picks up! Looking forward to growing with you all on this journey!!!

QuillMistress · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Yara drifted in and out of consciousness; the scent of herbs hung in the air, mixing with the warmth emanating from the cavern walls.

She was aware of a presence tending to her. Rough hands brushed against her forehead, cool and soothing. The touch sent shivers down her spine, and she leaned into it unconsciously. 

Time passed in a slow blur.

Something pressed to her lips at one point, and cool water trickled down her parched throat. 'A cup?' she instinctively drank. She reached for the cup weakly, hands nearly knocking the cup away.

"Easy now," a voice, a low rasp, whispered soothingly. 'A human? I thought I got caught by the dragon. Did I manage to escape?' Yara tried to respond, but her words came out as a mumble, lost in the fevered haze.

Her body felt heavy, anchored to the cot. The heady scent of mashed herbal remedies wafted through the air.

Sometimes, she felt herself being lifted, a weightless and secure sensation. Her injuries throbbed with each heartbeat. She winced as the bandages were gently peeled away, the pain initially sharp before reducing into a dull ache. She lost consciousness the first time it happened, bursts of stars filling her vision at the sensation. Now, the hands moved with practised grace, putting pressure against her skin, pressing herbs against her wounds that stung but brought a soothing numbness.

Other times, her eyes managed to flutter open, the world a blur of undefined forms. She could make out a figure, a silhouette that seemed to shift between human and something else. 

Through the haze, Yara sensed the dragon's presence. A hot, scaly snout pressed against her side. She winced as a rough tongue brushed against her injury, the sensation sending a jolt through her body.

'Was it trying to finish the job?' she tried to struggle but was held down by something heavy. 

Yet, amidst the discomfort, she sensed the same strange healing energy, 'right, the dragon's saliva had healing properties,' The healer in her wanted to know so badly how it worked. She felt herself get weaker as it continued its ministrations. 

The dragon's low rumbles resonated in the background, dragging her deeper into a fevered sleep.

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Days melted into one another within the cavern. Yara's consciousness drifted between hazy dreams and fleeting moments of clarity. The scent of herbs lingered, the remnants of the mysterious human's care for her injuries. The cavern walls emitted a warmth that chased off the Frostweave chill. 

Yara's eyes fluttered open to the dim light filtering through the rocky entrance. Soft drops of water in the background echoed as she gradually regained full consciousness. A scabbed-over wound had replaced the gaping wound in her side. The healing properties of the dragon's saliva and those herbs had worked wonders.

 As her gaze adjusted, she noticed the colossal form of the dragon curled around the eggs, its eyes fixed on her.

The dragon shifted uncomfortably, golden eyes avoiding hers. 'well, that was new. At least I know it can feel something other than pride and anger.' Yara propped up on the cot and studied the dragon curiously and warily. 

As she shifted on the cot, testing her strength, the dragon's gaze followed her every movement. 

The dragon rumbled, its gaze shifted to the eggs nestled in the nest. 

With a deep breath, Yara mustered the strength to sit up fully. The silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the echoes of water droplets.

"You hurt me," Yara whispered, her voice a mixture of pain and accusation. The dragon's eyes dropped, unable to hold her gaze. It shifted uncomfortably, fighting through with a mix of guilt and pride.

'Apology' wasn't a word the dragon understood in the conventional sense. Instead, it lowered its head slightly and flicked its tail almost sheepishly.

Yara sighed, a mixture of frustration and understanding clouding her expression. "We both made mistakes," she admitted. "I left without understanding. You attacked on instinct. We both messed up." she continued.

 As Yara spoke, the dragon seemed to relax slightly. Its nostrils flared, absorbing her scent. It moved closer to her, slowly closing the gap. She tested instinctively, which was to be expected because she had just been attacked by it. 

The dragon paused, staring at her with wide eyes. The eggs seem to hum, vibrating slightly in their nest. The dragon's head swerved from her to the eggs, and back, eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring.

The realisation settled over her like a heavy cloak. She was affecting the eggs; that's why it had gone crazy. They needed each other—for the safety and care of the eggs, for navigating the treacherous woods, especially in the Frostweave season. 

"Thank you," Yara whispered, her voice carrying genuine gratitude. "For not leaving me in the woods, for healing me," she said, acknowledging the dragon's choice, even if it was driven by the necessity of protecting the eggs. 

" I'll have to stay. At least till the eggs hatch or till the roads are accessible again." The dragon's head snapped towards her; she couldn't help but cringe again. The dragon drew closer, snout bumping into her good side. She reached out hesitantly and traced the dragon's scales with a gentle touch. It closed its eyes and leaned close, head nearly laying on her lap. 

"I guess this is your way of apologising?" she asked quietly as it began to rumble. She sighed, " We have to work together if we want any semblance of sanity. Do you get that? YOU HAVE TO WORK WITH ME." She emphasised with small pats on its head.

Still avoiding direct eye contact, the dragon shifted again, silently acknowledging her decision. The cavern fell into a momentary silence, and Yara relaxed into the cot again.

Yara's mind, however, couldn't rest without resolving one more mystery. "Who was the human helping me when I wasn't fully conscious?" she asked, her eyes searching the dragon's for answers.

All she got in response was a louder rumble; she sighed. So much for communicating with it. Was she hallucinating when she saw someone in the cavern? The dragon distrusted humans; who would it allow near its clutch? She felt herself get sleepy as the rumble lulled her again.

' No, no. I've been sleeping for so long! I don't want to sleep agai-' 

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The dragon carried Yara gently as it gracefully glided through the Frostweave woods. The air carried the earthy aroma of pine, and the sunlight filtered through the sparse, frost-covered canopy, casting dappled shadows on the snowy forest floor.

It had suddenly woken her up this afternoon by smacking a heavy cloak on her face and shaking the cot. After a lot of questions, she realised it wanted to take her out. This was the first outing since her attempted escape, showing that the dragon was starting to trust her a bit, right?

They arrived at the edge of the woods, revealing a serene hot spring hidden away, untouched by the frost. Steam rose from the inviting water, starkly contrasting the Frostweave chill.

It rumbled, motioning to the hot spring with its head, the sound resonating in the quiet clearing. Yara's eyes lit up. "A hot spring? In this freezing weather?"

Sliding down the dragon's wing, Yara walked to the bank, dropping her satchel on the side despite the lingering weakness from her recent illness. "Did you find this just for me?" she asked, turning to the dragon. It snorted, eyes rolling as though saying, 'You think too highly of yourself.'

"Yes, yes, of course not," she smiled, too happy to take offence. "Thank you for this, old grump!" she heard its growl as she turned back to the water. It wasn't like she could read its mind to know its name or what it would like to be called. She did know that it didn't like being called an old grump; the proud creature wouldn't accept it.

Yara hesitated for a moment, glancing around to ensure her privacy. The dragon, indifferent to such concerns, observed with unwavering eyes. "Hey? A little privacy, please?" she asked, staring it down. Its gaze remained unimpressed.

"Great, of course not. It's not like I can run away," she said. Grumbling under her breath, she turned back to the hot spring. 

Filled with the need for a refreshing bath, she gave up and began to undress, revealing the curves of her tall, dusky-skinned form against the Frostweave landscape. The sunlight caught the highlights in her thick, curly hair as she bent to set her clothes aside.

The dragon remained stoic, its gaze distrustful yet curious of the scars on her body. Yara waded into the warm waters, her muscles relaxing as she immersed herself. A soft moan escaped her as the hot spring eased the tension in her stiff muscles.

"Ah, this is heavenly," Yara exclaimed, her eyes closed in bliss.

The hot spring sparkled around her, enhancing the dual-coloured brilliance of her eyes. The warm, comforting water embraced her silhouette, teasing at the lean, toned muscles sculpted by countless travels.

After a few minutes of soaking, she turned towards the bank and grabbed her soap bar. As she bathed, Yara couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom; washing away the dirt and grime of so long was exhilarating.

The dragon's presence was an unusual comfort rather than an intrusion. It stood up and walked over to her, sniffing her hair and neck. She squealed as she felt its snout press against her healing side. "Stop that! You're going to make me fall." she pushed it away. 

It stared at her hand for a few minutes before brushing it away to look at her back, sniffing at her scars. "Relax, big guy. It's just some scars," Yara grinned, sensing the dragon's curiosity. "You don't see me gawking at your scales, do you?" she splashed soap suds on its face.

It snorted, shaking its head to clear them off. Yara couldn't help the laugh that escaped her at the look on its face. It glared at her before stalking off to a corner. "Hey! Don't sulk; having a bath might be good for you," she called over her shoulder. She understood its glare loud and clear. 'Fuck you.' 

This time, she laughed out loud, hair flipping to the side as her shoulders shook with mirth. The dragon stared at her, a strange look in its eyes.

"Enjoying the view?" Yara quipped, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

The dragon responded with a low growl, its eyes narrowing in mock offence. Yara chuckled, scrubbing away the remnants of her fever-induced pallor.

"I suppose even dragons need a lesson in modesty," she teased, glancing at the creature with a twinkle in her mismatched eyes.

The dragon merely rolled its eyes, a puff of smoke escaping as it dismissed her comment.

The bubbling sounds of the hot spring and the rustling leaves created a harmonious melody that echoed through the tranquil clearing. "I could get used to this," Yara mused, closing her eyes and allowing the warmth to seep into her bones. The dragon grunted in agreement, a rumble that echoed through the snowy clearing.

Once refreshed, Yara emerged from the water and found a smooth rock near the water's edge. She sat down, letting the warmth of the Frostweave sun and the bubbling sounds of the hot spring envelop her. Droplets of water clung to her skin, catching the sunlight like diamonds as she began to dry herself with a woven cloth from her satchel.

As she carefully rewrapped the bandages around her healing side, Yara plucked a few herbs she had gathered earlier. A soothing blend of lavender, chamomile, and healing moss infused the air as she worked, the aroma mingling with the crisp scent of pine from the surrounding woods. Despite her powers not being effective on herself, Yara's knowledge of herbs had proven great in her recovery. She winced when her hand brushed against the scabbed injury's edge while wrapping it.

The dragon observed her work. Focused on her task, Yara broke the silence. "You know, it's strange. I can heal others, but not myself. These herbs do the trick, though. Found them in a cavern when I woke up there. Lucky find."

The dragon grunted, "Will you really not tell me who was in the cavern when I was sick?" She asked, trying to decide if she wanted to braid her hair or leave it to dry.

The dragon pushed her gently to signal their return. "Okay! Okay, what's with you and pushing today?" she asked as she hastily packed her things. Dressed again, Yara climbed onto the dragon's back, her damp hair clinging to her shoulders. The dragon spread its wings when she was settled, and they soared into the sky. 

The sharp wind whipped against Yara's face, leaving her cheeks rosy and tingling with cold. She leaned into the dragon's neck to block out most of the chill.

"Where are we headed?" Yara shouted over the wind, her voice carried away by the gusts.

The dragon responded with a subtle tilt of its head towards the distant manor, "Why the manor and not the cavern?" she asked, curious.

The dragon simply shook its head and dove towards the courtyard. Yara sighed; it seemed the dragon was back to its mysterious phase. The manor grew closer, and with a graceful descent, they landed in the courtyard. Yara dismounted, her feet sinking into the snow. The dragon, its wings folded, urged her toward the manor's entrance. 

"Why the manor, though?" she asked again, leaning close to the dragon's ear. It grunted in response, nudging her towards the door.

"Ah, I get it. You think I'll do better here than in the cavern, don't you?" Yara mused, surprised at its thought process. 

"What about the eggs? Will they be alright without me?" she asked. It huffed a plume of smoke, its eyes reflecting a strange mix of emotions. 

Yara ran her fingers through her windswept, damp curls. The sharp wind from flying with the dragon had tousled her hair, and strands clung to her shoulders and cheeks.

"Thanks for the ride, big guy," she remarked, patting the dragon's scaled flank. She dodged a small swipe of its tail at the name and hid a wince at the sudden movement. 

"Really, thanks for the bath. I really needed it," she smiled at it. The dragon simply shook its head and nudged her towards the manor again. "Alright, I'll go in. See ya!" she called, walking past the threshold.

The warmth of the manor enveloped her as she entered, leaving the Frostweave chill behind. She sighed, her breath visible in the air. A fire was already crackling in the hearth, casting a comforting glow across the room. The dragon lingered, watching her momentarily before taking off into the darkening Frostweave sky.

She sank into her cot, still dressed in her slightly damp clothes, and let out a sigh of relief. Her gaze wandered to the window, where she could see the dragon disappearing into the distance. "Strange creature," she mused aloud.

As Yara changed into dry clothes, she couldn't help but think about the events of the day. This showed that she could work something out with the dragon. Settling into the comfort of the manor, her tired body finally succumbed to the need for rest.

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Also, what do you all think? Did Yara forgive the dragon too quickly? Is our scaly boi trying to get forgiveness with the bath?

QuillMistresscreators' thoughts