
Dreams of a Human ~ Fereria


I looked up from my cutting board. I had been peeling potatoes since breakfast… if I even ate breakfast. I blinked, trying to figure out if I had eaten anything. Someone rammed their elbow in my side. Shaking my head, I focused on the woman in front of me.

Drea, the Senior maid was yelling.

"Yes you! Come here this instant!" Drea's blue eyes were blinking rapidly, showing just how angry she was. And with one glance I couldn't blame her. Usually the head maid's uniform and apron were pristine, and kept in perfect condition. Not only was there a deep red stain on the left side, there was also water all over her front. Her hair was out of its usual tight bun, with wisps flying out in front of her ears. Drea wasn't angry - no, she was livid.

Putting my knife down, I rushed over, wiping my hands on my apron.

"Yes Ma'am?" I asked politely as I could manage.

Drea didn't even bother to respond. She simply pointed at a bucket and turned sharply out the door.

Sighing, I picked up the bucket and followed as fast as I could without sloshing the water.

I followed Drea into the small corridor, a hallway partitioned off with a continuous row of panels. It hid the servants from sight, but every other panel was a hidden door, allowing access to rooms and hallways. It was how we got around without being seen. For every door, staircase, and bedroom, there was a hidden corridor.

Drea and I went straight for a long while, turning right, and then going up a staircase. Once we reached the top, I knew what I was about to do. It wasn't as I expected, though - not a mess of wine and water from a clumsy kitchen girl, but rather something more. And sure enough, three panels down from the staircase, Drea opened the door and shooed me out into a great hall. The Guest wing main entrance. A party must be happening tomorrow. It would be the only reason why someone would clean the hall in broad daylight.

The Senior maid said nothing at all, leaving as quickly as we had come, leaving me behind.

Sighing, I lowered the bucket to the white marble floor. At least I had the great hall to myself, and no one would expect me for the rest of the day. Six hours of blissful nothing. Well, except for washing the floors.

The hall was lined with deep mahogany doors and pillars, framing the white panels of the servant's passage. The strength of the beams and panels mimicked that of actual walls. Warmly lit lanterns hung from the high arched ceiling, accentuating the golden-red hues from the wood along the walls and of the many doors.

Twirling, I took it all in. I loved the times when I was alone around the castle. I could imagine the life of the immortals that lived here instead of the bleak one of a simple human who served them.

I imagined one of the dresses I had admired at a past party. A rippling stream of gold enveloped me, trailing behind. I looked into the water of the bucket to see myelf in all this glory. My chocolate curls were pinned and fell like a waterfall to my waist, twinkling with the golden flowers and leaves entwined within. My hands were smooth, my face was clean, beautiful even. I smiled, my violet eyes shining. It lasted for but a moment, and then reality clicked back. My face was smudged with flour and soot, my hands were marred with calluses and scars from the knives and brooms from over the years. My long hair, held back only by a headband made of rags, was matted and full of knots. The only thing that remained was the sparkle in my eyes. That touch of gold in the violet that remained from the image I saw in my mind's eye.

Oh! What a dream! I lived it in my precious hours of sleep, and imagined it for fleeting moments. But for now, it was time for my actual life - the task I was given.

Falling to my knees, I took one last look in the soon to be filthy water, the gold fading, and plunged my hands in deep.


Later that evening, I lumbered down the stairs to the servant quarters. I didn't care about how loud I was going down the hall or waking the other girls as barged into the room.

I stumbled into the dark room, blinking to get used to the pitch black. Just as I did, someone lit a candle. I looked over and saw Eiselle holding it up and gesturing for me to come to her. She was in a different bed than usual. Eyebrows raised, I creeped over.

When I sat down on her bed, I looked at her, my question in my eyes. She smiled.

"Some of the girls left today and since I was here, I got us first pick!" my fair headed friend whispered, gesturing to the two beds beside hers. Our friend, Mara, slept soundly in the corner one, leaving the bed between her and Eiselle for me.

I couldn't help but smile too. Mara, Eiselle and I had grown up here, and had stuck together as much as we could. Since Eiselle was a room maid, she had some privileges Mara and I didn't, since we worked in the kitchens. She always shared those privileges with us, especially if she had access to the bath rooms, or clean bedsheets. The room maids always pulled seniority, leaving the leftovers for the scullery maids to fight over, which almost always fell to the oldest, meanest crones. Since Mara and I were the youngest in this room, we wouldn't even be able to touch or even smell those nice things if it wasn't for Eiselle.

I sighed and rose, moving to my new bed. Turning, I gave Eiselle one last, thankful smile before I collapsed, shoes and all.