
Of Blood and Moonlight

Seraphina Sinclair, an orphaned scion of a once-mighty noble lineage of Eclipsia, prowls the obsidian streets by night, driven by the relentless hunger of her vampiric nature. Her twisted existence hinges on the macabre duality of her desires—to quench her thirst for blood and to secure bounties from the lifeless remains she leaves behind. But fate, with its ever-capricious design, weaves a treacherous tapestry when Seraphina's path intersects with that of Adrian Winters, the enigmatic prince of Luparia, a formidable adversary kingdom to the South. Their destinies, once separate and defined, now become inexorably entwined, ensnared within a web of clandestine threads and well-guarded secrets. Adrian, a beguiling figure of power and allure, extends an unexpected lifeline to Seraphina, promising her an escape from the wretched existence she endures. However, Seraphina harbors a perilous truth—if Adrian were to unravel the dark tapestry of her identity, her existence would be condemned to oblivion. In this realm where shadows conceal far more than just the night, Seraphina must navigate the treacherous waters of deceit and longing, forever balancing on the precipice of revelation and annihilation.

bananamilkcow · Fantasy
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Chapter One - ENCOUNTER

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a haunting, silver glow over the darkened alley. I crouched in the shadows, acutely aware of the distant heartbeat echoing through the humid air. I clutched my stomach with a tiny wince, but I had learned to be patient, to hunt only when the moment was right. 

A soft breeze whispered through the cobblestone streets, carrying with it the mingling scents of humanity and with it the promise of both bounty and sustenance. Then, carrying a new scent, came footsteps, swift and determined, drawing nearer with every passing second. My heart quickened as the footsteps approached, and I pressed deeper into the shadows. 

My fangs elongated in anticipation, as I reminded myself of the need for caution. The figure drawing near was tall and lean, moving with an almost regal grace. I watched as a man, his face partially obscured by a hood, stepped into the alley. 

The man's hood slipped back, revealing a shock of dark hair and a profile that was strangely familiar. My heart skittered as recognition dawned on me. 

Adrian Winters, prince of Luparia, he was no human. My heart pounded so aggressively that I could feel it in my throat. What was he doing in human territory? My hand glided over the dagger concealed beneath my cloak as I realized the perilous situation I had found myself in. 

Adrian was not someone to be taken lightly. He was known for his strength and his fierce loyalty to his people. I quickly retracted my fangs, should he discover my background, should he discover me at all, my life would be forfeit. But at that moment, as our eyes met under the silvery moonlight, I was overcome with unfathomable stupidity. He was beautiful.

"Who are you?" A sharp voice rings into my stead of shadow, more a demand than a question. It took me a moment to register that it had come from him and I shook my head to clear my stupor. My mind grasped for some alias to conceal my identity. "Well?" He pried harshly in my silence.

I swallowed hard, my mind racing to come up with a convincing lie. "It's… Rose," I stammered, trying to appear as ordinary as possible. "Just… uhm passing through. I got lost in these winding streets."

Adrian's piercing eyes bore into mine, and I could feel his gaze probing for any signs of deception. The tension in the air was palpable, and I knew that one wrong move could reveal my true nature and seal my fate. I held my breath, we had known each other once, before the war, before I had fled, but I was a child then. 

His brow furrowed as if he were trying to place my face and I prayed to any god listening that he wouldn't. "Rose," he repeated, his voice softer now, "You… remind me of someone…" he shook his head as if to clear it, "Are you from around here?"

I hardly contained a sigh of relief as I nodded, trying to maintain a facade of innocence. "Yes, from a small village not far from here. I've been traveling for days, and I must have taken a wrong turn."

Adrian seemed to relax slightly, though his eyes never left mine. "You should be careful," he warned, his tone now more parental than threatening. "These streets can be dangerous, especially at night."

Ironic considering my job, I offered a weak smile, my heart still racing. "I'll… try to be more cautious from now on," I say breathlessly, 'to stay away from you' are the words I don't say.

He nodded and pulled his hood back up, partially concealing his features once again. "Good. It's best to stay safe." With that, he turned to continue on his way, leaving me in the shadows, my hunger and mission temporarily forgotten in the face of this unexpected encounter. 

I stood there, my mind reeling with questions. Why was he in human territory? What was so important that he trespassed the borders? Will I see him again? I cursed myself for the last one, hating the way it made my cheeks flush.

I leaned against the damp alley wall, my thoughts consumed by the memory of his piercing gaze. It was foolish to be drawn to someone like him, but there was a pull I couldn't deny. My stomach growled again, and I pushed aside my conflicting emotions and resumed my hunt. If my hunger wasn't motivation enough, then the bounty for my target certainly was.

Though Adrian's image lingered in my mind, I moved silently through the shadows, my senses on high alert. Hunger still gnawed at me, but I knew I had to be patient. I couldn't afford any more risky encounters like the one with Adrian. 

The night wore on, and I managed to find my quarry's lone figure, drunk and stumbling through the dimly lit streets. Guilt tore through me, but I was too starved for blood and strapped for Lunarian to be concerning myself with the moral semantics of my occupation. Denying myself this would be a death sentence all its own. My death sentence.

In one fluid motion, I sank my fangs into his neck, his intoxicated stupor preventing him from putting up much resistance. The blood flowed into my mouth, warm and inviting, tasting vaguely of whatever alcohol he had so clearly consumed. I drank only what I needed to sate my hunger, careful not to drain him completely. After all, I had no intention of exposing my vampiric identity by leaving a blood-drained body in my wake.

As I pulled away, the man slumped to the ground, still as the night itself. I slit my dagger across his throat to conceal the two puncture marks left by my fangs and sliced a finger off his right hand as receipt of his death. With a final glance at the man, I dropped his finger into a small leather pouch and disappeared into the shadows, my hunger temporarily appeased, as the first rays of dawn began to paint the sky with soft hues of pink and orange. I raced the sunrise for purchase in the shadows and I was back at the tavern before I knew it.

"Sylvan," I called, punctuating my voice with a knock on the wood of the bar table. The older man turned to speak, but before he could say anything I tossed the pouch at him. "I'll be back down for the bounty later, I need a gods damned nap," I say before swinging up the stairs to the little bunk above the tavern and letting myself plunge into the mattress.

Let's see how well I can balance this with college lol

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