
Odyssey to omnipotence

Journey of a not-so ordinary mortal begins with him ascending 'above'. Started a new novel, Nirvikalpa. Check it out. Better than this one.

Kabbalah · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Resource Collection III

I asked,"Why are you lot looking at me like that?"

Burkh,"How did you bring it like that?"

"With telekinesis?" I replied tentatively.

"No, wasn't there any being being born out of it?" Burkh asked.

"No." I replied.

"You did not tell him the procedure." Rose said to Burkh.

"What procedure?" I asked.

"You were supposed to feed it with your genetic information with the means of hair or blood or something ." Burkh said.

"You entered the room confidently so I thought you already knew about it."

There was a moment of silence.

"So what are we supposed to do with it?" I asked.

Once again there was a moment of silence.

"Normally 'they' don't even have any instinct left but this one seems to still have consciousness. We haven't operated on them in this state." Rose said.

"We cannot bring it back in this state, it can wreak havoc in case of any slight mishandling. Let's deal with it the proper way and bring it back." Madeline proposed

Rose and Burkh expressed their agreement.

"Let's go inside, we will show you the proper way."Burkh said to me.

As we entered the white room Burkh asserted me to release the blob. I gingerly released from my telekinetic barrier in the middle of the room. Burkh placed a strand of his hair on it and briskly backed away.

The blob devoured the strand of hair and in a few moments, it had already transformed into a humanoid monster with build similar to Burkh.

Burkh, Madeline and Rose assumed a steady position to attack it together. Burkh launched himself to the humanoid monster and attacked it punches rapidly, his punches were countered by his own moves made by the monster.

The monster was quickly chained down by fetters on its legs, arms and torso conjured by Rose. Just then Burkh made a beeline to the monster and kicked him to the ground. It was tightly bound to the ground by the fetters. As it was struggling to break out of the fetters, unnumerable air bullets rained down on him and it's body was quickly riddled with holes. Burkh jumped up high and smashed it's head to smithers with his enlarged fists joined like a hammer.

Just like that the battle was finished in hardly a minute.

I saw the monster turning into an eye, eye of human.

"What's that?" I asked pointing towards the eye.

"It is the resouce I told you about."Burkh answered.

"Why is it like that?"

"You can ask Judith about it later. Now that we have assessed your strength, you are now eligible to enter the Human sect. I will tell you about the sect in the meeting room." Burkh said as we walked back to the tower.

While walking to the meeting room at the top of the tower, we stopped before a room just below the top of the tower.

Inside the room were several high tech machines responsible for processing the resources. Burkh placed the core in one of the machines and came out of the room.

In the meeting room.

We were seated on our seats. Burkh looked at me and said,"First of all, congratulations on passing the test. I will create a identity for you as a sect member of Human sect after a while. For now ask any question you have."

"How am I supposed to break my shackles?" I asked.

"For that we need to look at how you ascended. If you ascended with your body then making your body stronger will automatically break your shackles. If you ascended with your spirit then corroding the shackles with spiritual energy can break your shackles."

"What differences are there between those ascended with their spirit and those who ascennded with their body?"

"There are not much differences between them. Except the cultivation process, much of their characteristics are as one would expect such as physique ascenders don't have spiritual sense. And some shackles are easier for spirit ascenders to break while some are easier for physique ascenders to break."

"What are the 12 shackles?"

"You can ask Judith about them. For now, return to your room and rest. I will send you your ID later. Most of us are busy cultivating, so until it's important, do not disturb us." Burkh said as he and the 2 girls walked out of the room. I also returned to my room and sat on my chair. How am I supposed to access Judith?

I tried calling her name and I saw blue hologram of a woman being projected out of the glass table in front of me.

Tentatively I asked,"Judith?"

"Yes, any instructions Mr. Kaal." Judith replied with a pleasant voice.