
Whoops, Reflex

"If you don't start pulling your weight then just get the f*ck out!"

Gorko's countenance became incredibly ugly as he barks at me.


"It's ok Leon"

I smiled at him as I pat his shoulder. With a slight shrug, I urged him to continue forth without addressing the issue. Afterwards, I looked back to Gorko and smiled with an indifferent expression.

"No problem but I don't have a weapon to fight with"

"Useless.. Then just be the bait then"

He smirked as he looked at me.

"Don't push it Gorko!"

Leon yelled back filled with anger.

"Ok no problem"

"Don't listen to him. Just help me carry the things and you don't have to fight at all. Don't worry, you'll get the same pay. But just in case, carry this dagger to protect yourself"

As Leon finished saying so, Leon handed me a small iron dagger and to the side, Gorko became incredibly furious.

"Don't worry. Being bait is no problem"

"Sorry about this.. At first, I never wanted to bring him along since his attitude left me with a bad taste but no one else was willing to accept this job.."

As we traversed the forest, the tranquil state of nature would be peaceful but every now and then, a lost wolf would wander in. Luckily, the wolf girl, Reika, would handle it rather swiftly so the journey has been smooth thus far. I was surprised with her strength. Just with one slash, the force of her swing would stir up a gale of wind. Although her skills with the sword is lacking, if someone was caught by her sword, they would definitely die in a mere instant.

As for the man, he doesn't do much. Apart from complaining, he hasn't contributed at all. Well, I'm not one to talk if I'm going to be completely honest. Apart from helping out Leon in picking up herbs, I simply stood there and let Reika handle everything.

While walking in the forest, Leon could be seen picking up herbs and tree barks from specific trees. I'm not quite sure what he's doing but I'm assuming it's for his business.

"Alright, only a couple more and I'm done"

As Leon spoke out, the wolf girl named Reika abruptly turned around. Her scarlet ears started to twitch as she unsheathe her sword from the silver scabbard.

"Enemies are coming"

In a cold tone, she spoke out while preparing for battle. The man just snickered as he lazily stood there.

The rustling noises of footsteps as they traverse the forest could now be heard. Crackling noises appeared from what seemed like heavy stomps smashing on twigs and dead leaves.

In an instant, five shadows emerged from the forest. There were red goblins that sat on black wolves with a multitude of weapons in their hand. They surrounded us leaving us with no escape. Reika stood at the front while the man lazily stood around. I stood beside Leon to ensure that he stays safe.

"Just goblins. Nothing but trash. Go finish them off already you mutt. Also you, brat. Why don't you do something for change huh? Didn't you say that you would be bait"

For some unknown reason, he keeps insisting on provoking not only me, but Reika as well. I don't mind as much but I'm surprised to see the calm expression on Reika. She was akin to a proud wolf in her own world.


I commented as I stood in front as well.

"There's no need for you to get hurt. Just stand by our commissioner's side"

The cold countenance of Reika coldly spoke.

Hmm so she does speak.

"Don't worry about it too much. Here, you handle the two wolves, I get the rest"

She didn't say anything else. She simply turned around as she stares down at the two wolf riders.

I stood in front of the three wolves and ran to the side to make sure I don't hinder Reika.

'Hehe let me hear your pathetic cries as your limbs get torn apart'

In the distance, the abysmal voice of the man leaked out under his breath. I leisurely looked back and amusingly looked at his anticipation.

I'm sure he thinks that no one heard him but looks like my ears still works just fine like before.


The three wolves encircled me while their foul breath landed on my nose. A whistling noise passed by my ear while the two wolf riders pounced at me. Without looking back, I tilt my head ever so slightly when an arrow passed by inches away from my neck abruptly landing on a nearby tree. One of the wolf pounced forward wanting to rip my limbs apart but with a simple sway of my body, the wolf missed. As for the other wolf rider, the wolf charged ahead while the goblin pointed it's spear towards me. With a nimble back step, I seamlessly dodge it as well.

Several seconds passed by and the number of times that the three riders attacked me has surpassed the number I can count with my fingers.

I tilted my head looking at the man.

"Aren't I supposed to be the bait? Why haven't you acted yet"

His face became incredibly ugly as he clicked his tongue.

"Hehe my bad my bad, I was simply waiting for the right moment"

He then started to do the weird dance once more and a small dimly lit fireball shot towards me.

I dodge it with ease and the fire ball landed on the ground.

Countless more fireballs attempted to burn my body but a leaf dancing in the autumn wind is far more confusing than that of the female mind. Like the fleeting wind, I dodge the fireballs as well as the attacks of the riders.

I looked back once more and tilted my head.

He clicked his tongue under his breath before speaking out.

"My bad my bad, since your such a novice at fighting, I can't aim properly"


Should I do something about this?

Nope, nope. I've been reborn and given a second chance so I shouldn't smear my hands with blood the first day of my reincarnation. I don't even know the laws of this world so I shouldn't be too reckless.

Suddenly, a blur pierced out as fast as an arrow directly slashing the wolf as well as the goblin riding it.

Reika appeared out of nowhere and slayed one of the three. Directly afterwards, she smashed the air directly in front of the two wolves and a gale of wind knocked the other two flying. The goblins flew in the air like a piece of paper comically while the wolves howled in pain. She finished off the four with ease.

After the mess has concluded, Leon stormed towards the man.

I appeared before him and stopped him.

"I know what you're going to say but it's fine"

After I finished whispering into his ears, I smiled at him warmly. His countenance was still that of an enraged bear but he didn't say anything else.

"Hahaha what a loot what a loot"

The man started to scavenge the dead counterparts of the red goblins and small pieces of rocks appeared on his cradled arms.


Oh well. From the distance, Reika quietly scavenged the other beasts as well while directly skinning the pelt of the wolves. Not only did she carry large perfect pelts, she also held similar rocks that I saw in Gorko's hands.

Hmm I guess the rocks are valuable?

I also look at the goblin near me and see that a dirty rock sat there. I didn't bother picking it up but a small scroll hanging from the corpse of the goblins waist caught my attention.

After I picked it up, I went over to Leon and said,

"Hey Leon, do you know what this is? It's quite shiny so maybe there's value to it"

"I'm pretty sure that's a magic scroll"

"Is it worth a lot?"

"I'm not sure but if it's of high quality then it must be"

I see, I see. If I sell this then I'll be able to finally buy some food hehe.

"What?! Brat, let me see that"

I looked back and lifted my arm to show him the scroll.

"Shiny right?"

His body shook as he stared at the scroll in my hand.

"Give that to me"


"If I tell you to do something, then you do it"

"But I like it though"

"Shut the f*ck up and give it to me!"

Gorko howled like a mindless beast, scaring the nearby small animals.


In the distance, the cold unwavering body of Reika slightly twitched. She walked slowly to Gorko and pulled out her sword.

"Stop your loud barking. If you keep annoying me, I'll kill you"

"What are you going to do about it haaah?"

She pointed her sword to his neck.


He angrily stomped as he walked away.

After half an hour passed, the gentle sunset painted an amber glimmer on the peaceful forest. Under the brilliance of the glistening sunset, Leon had finally finished his business in the forest and prepared to travel back to the city.

"You're done right? Give me my pay already"

The man grumbled as he walked towards Leon.

Upon hearing this, Leon's right eye twitched.

"You did jack sh*t and you still want to claim your pay? We haven't even left the forest yet you still want it huh?!"

"Just shut the f*ck up and give it"

"You're not getting anything. Once I complain to the adventurer's association, I'll have you revoked"

Gorko's countenance became a sight to behold. The anger has boiled to the point that the sound of his veins bursting could be heard. His hands started to weave unsightly but Reika immediately pulled out her sword while staring at him coldly.

"Good.. Very good.. I didn't want to do this but since you treat my great benevolence as such, you left me with no choice"

He reached for his pocket and swallowed a small purple fruit.

"What the hell are you planning.."

Leon asked.

"I just swallowed a baleroot berry. You should understand what would happen If the scent of my blood leaks out. As for me, before the horde of beasts can come, I can just use my mana to mask my odor and depart from here safely. All three of you, hand me everything that you have or else you can all die together hahaha"

Reika finally reacted while Leon frowned and cold sweat dripped down from his face.

"Where did you get that. You should know that the eight clans has announced it to be illegal! There should be no traces of this left in this kingdom!"

"Hehe.. Looks like you don't understand how the world works. I spent quite the fortune to acquire this fruit. I was planning on going to one of the cavernous lair and use it on a slave so that I can escape safely but you left me with no choice. You stupid little shit, hand me the scroll or else you can die along with them"

He started to walk towards me as he pulls out a small iron dagger. I simply stood listlessly while I sighed.

"Give it to me or else die!"

He pounced and stabbed out with his hands attempting to pierce through me.


He moved at an incredibly slow pace that it actually amazed me leaving me slightly distracted. Well, even though I say distracted, the natural instincts within my body moved on it's own.

As the dagger reached towards my neck, I slipped underneath his arm at the very last second right before it could pierce my skin. As I slip underneath his arm, I shifted my legs and dashed an inch forward and allowed myself to sneak to his left side. Afterwards, I hooked my right arm to his protruding hand and jumped onto his back and curled my legs to his waist. The arm that I used to hook his shoulder reached for his neck so that he wouldn't be able to attack back. I reached for my left hand to grab the dagger that Leon gave to me earlier and stabbed his neck with accurate precision.


The dagger sunk into his neck about two inches deep causing a stream of crimson blood to flow out before I realized that I ended up almost killing him. Instantly, I stopped in my tracks and climbed back down to the ground.


After several seconds passed, he broke the silence after he felt the warmth of his blood dripping from his throat. With great trouble, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and struggle to speak.

"You.. Do you know what you just did?!"

"Whoops, reflex"