
Reincarnated In A New World

As I walk aimlessly in the endless clouds, after roughly a minute has passed by, my consciousness faded in a mere instance.

Slowly, I could recall my existence once more. It felt very similar as to waking up from a deep slumber yet different at the same time. It was as if my entire existence was detached from the world only to appear once more.

The concept of colour did not exist any longer. All of my senses have been detached and I was simply floating around without any reason. Suddenly, a small buzzing noise similar to a static line could be heard. Right after, a numb sensation could be felt shuddering my body. The once familiar action of breathing once again appeared and the colorless concept disappeared.

Darkness. Everything was dark. The numb feeling on my body started to dissipate and a gradually strengthening gale could be felt. As my body gradually regained it's senses back, I can faintly smell the sweet fragrance of lilac and jasmine. Somewhere nearby, I could also somewhat hear a tepid rumbling noise similar to that of people walking on hard ground.


The wind stopped and my body felt a numb pain course through my bones.

Did I just fall?

I try to open my eyes and attempted for a couple seconds and with great effort, it finally opened.

When my eyes opened, the bright countenance of the peak sun towering over me rendered my vision into a white blur. It took me five breaths before I was finally accustomed to the sun once more.

Looking at what was in front of me, I couldn't help but marvel at the scenery making my heart flutter with much anticipation.

From where I stood, it looks like that I am currently in the middle of a town square filled with all sorts of people. At the center, there was a large fountain with translucent water floating in the air while moving about in an intricate pattern. To the side, plenty of stalls could be seen where people happily enjoyed eating and talking amongst with one another.

As I look at one of the stalls more intently, I couldn't help but be amazed at what the stall owner was doing. In the air, five pieces of raw meat floated about. The stall owner then placed his palms towards the floating meat and a gentle orange fire entrapped the floating raw ingredients. Not long afterwards, the slightly charred meat all landed on a piece of wooden plate before being sliced into smaller pieces seamlessly.

Right beside that stall, another beautiful performance caught my attention. A young lady threw a white, milky substance into the air right in front of a busy crowd. From just this, I would have thought that the onlookers near her stall would run away out of fear that they would have their clothes ruined but instead, a look of anticipation could be seen in their eyes. Just before I had the time to be in a confused state, she placed her palm beautifully in the air. On her palms, a blue thread like energy started to emit a frost hue. Soon after, the airborne milky substance was frozen into a beautiful spiral sculpture.

Soon after, I looked around even more and beyond the square that I stood on, a wide stone path that stretched out farther than my eyes could be seen. In the middle of the stone path, a beautiful floral garden split the path into two sections. There were carriages and citizens pushing carts while sharing the road. What really captured my attention however was that some carriages even floated in the air while some carriages were pulled by ferocious and unique looking beasts. To the side, there was a path dedicated for walking and stores as well as stalls could be seen to the side.

Although the streets were busy, an odd clutter of people stood around while staring intently at me. I don't understand the reason but I pay no heed to it.


While marvelling at the busy streets and the amazing scenery and performances, my body shivered into a clatter as a gentle breeze casually swept by.

Ugh why do I feel so cold?

I unconsciously wrapped my arms around my body while my teeth clattered uncontrollably.

Oh. I finally understand why I can feel the gaze of a hundred daggers. As I wrap my arms around my body, I immediately understood everything.

"Mama, why is that man naked?"

"Don't look!"

"Uwa, how shameless"


"Hey big boy"

"Hmm.. Wearing nothing but a silver pendant.. This might just become a hit"

"Fresh juice for 1 copper!"

I stood there listlessly while covering specific parts that needs to be hidden. It was then that I realized that a small folder was loosely grasped on my left hand and a silver phoenix pendant hang loosely on my bare neck.


When I opened the folder, I recalled the old man from before handing me this piece of folder before telling me to leave. Apparently, the old man told me that it has a brief introduction of the world or something of similar. The content said the following..

"You will be reincarnated"

Eh? That's it?

Below the piece of paper tucked within the folder, there was another message.

"P.S., You will be naked when you are reborn"

Don't fuck with me!

I slam the folder to the ground out of frustration. You could have told me that in the first place you damn old fart!

If I ever get my hands on that old man, I'll make sure to delete all his saved files. Damn you..

As I lament on the current predicament that I find myself in, a middle aged man clad in a simple iron plated armor came running towards the town square that I nakedly stood amidst the center.

"I heard that there was some sort of disturbance going on"

"Sir, there's a nudist standing in the middle of the fountain"

"Not again.."

Ah sh*t.

After realizing that I have gathered way too much attention to the point that even a guard was chasing after me, I started to run for it.

"Ah wait! Come back here!"

"Officer, you've got it all wrong. I'm not a nudist. I was just reincarnated and so I was born without clothes"

"Who the hell would believe that?!"

"Then how would you explain this situation?"

"Simple. I'm catching a nudist who is disrupting the general peace"

As I sprint forth with all of my might, the guard kept chasing behind me while I try to argue my way out.

Haa.. Seriously what the hell kind of situation is this.

First, I had to deal with that old man's antics, now even when I've been reincarnated, he still managed to mess with me.

Although I was just reborn and my body has regressed, my body still naturally remembers all of the experiences that I accumulated for all of those years.

Just when the guard was nearing up to me, I leaped up to a small statue and jumped up to a nearby ledge hanging on the side of an old building.


It didn't take me any time at all before reaching the rooftops of the old crumbling building.

"Get down here!"

I stood up and caught my breath while looking down at him.

"I'm very sorry for the disturbances that I may have caused. Will you please let me go?"

As I stood there, the wind picked up it's pace and directly landed on my body.


If someone was to see this from below, the only thing that would come to their mind is a piece of mushroom struggling to withstand the horrors of a night storm as it flaps around standing Its ground.

"Cover up already god damn it!"

Ok so it seems like I can no longer argue my way out of this.

I immediately left by jumping from one building to another.

After some time has passed and I no longer felt the presence of the guard following bellow me, I jumped down and hid behind a stall.


It looks like I finally lost him. He was quite persistent. I wonder what got him so agitated?

"Uhh, can I help you?"

Above me, I could hear the voice of a young man. When I looked up, I saw that there was a person standing right beside me. He was about the same height as me, a young man with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. As the sun glisten intently, his hair looked fairly clear like that of a noble aristocrat with golden hair. I couldn't help but think back about my previous life. James, I wonder how you're faring these days.