
Oduduwa's Heir: An Existential Conquest

Follow the children of the Yoruba gods as they conquer and build empires. The story follows the life and journey of these people, a powerful warriors who overcomes many challenges and obstacles to become rulers of a vast empire. They are devout worshippers of the Yoruba gods and shares their teachings and beliefs with his followers. Spoiler : Adebayo's son, Adeola, succeeds him as the ruler of the empire after his mysterious death from a disease. Adeola continues his father's legacy and expands the empire beyond Earth, eventually leading to a conflict with an alien species. His son, Adejare, becomes the disciple of a powerful goddess and uses what he has learned to conquer the multiverse. However, he is suddenly ambushed by enemy gods and loses, leading to a speech on the Yoruba dao, life and death, existence and everything. -- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stones! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Updated daily

SeriouslyWolf · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Adejare sat at the centre of a grand hall, surrounded by the Yoruba gods, all of whom had gathered to hear his words. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

"My dear brothers and sisters, I come before you today as a humble servant of the Yoruba people, to seek your guidance and counsel. We are facing troubled times, and I need your help to lead our people through the challenges that lie ahead."

Obatala, the creator god, spoke up first. "Adejare, you have always been a wise and just leader. We trust in your judgment and will support you in whatever way we can."

Ogun, the god of war, nodded in agreement. "We stand with you, Adejare. Whatever the battle, we will fight at your side."

Shango, the god of thunder, added, "But we must also remember the importance of balance. We cannot simply rely on force alone to overcome our enemies."

Adejare nodded solemnly. "I understand, Shango. That is why I seek your guidance. We must find a way to strike a balance between strength and wisdom, between power and compassion."

Oshun, the goddess of love and beauty, spoke up next. "Adejare, you have always been a man of great heart and soul. We must remember to lead not only with our minds but also with our hearts."

The other gods nodded in agreement, and Adejare felt a sense of comfort and confidence wash over him. He knew that with the guidance of the Yoruba gods, he could lead his people through any challenge.

"Thank you, my brothers and sisters," he said, rising to his feet. "I will take your words to heart, and I will continue to lead with wisdom, strength, and compassion. Together, we will prevail."

Adejare summoned Obatala, the god of creation, to be his child's teacher. Obatala, pleased with the request, agreed to take on the role. The two of them sat down to discuss what would be required of the child's education.

Obatala began, "My child, your child is blessed to have such a great parent who seeks out the best education for their child. I will teach your child the ways of the universe, the Yoruba traditions, and how to cultivate their powers. I will also teach them the importance of balance and harmony, as well as the consequences of using their powers recklessly."

Adejare replied, "Thank you, Obatala. Your guidance is greatly appreciated. I trust that my child will be in good hands with you."

Obatala nodded and continued, "Your child will need to learn about the Yoruba alternate cultivation realms, the different types of powers they can cultivate, and how to balance them. The first realm is the realm of Earth, where they will learn to cultivate the powers of the physical body and the five elements. The second realm is the realm of Water, where they will learn to cultivate the powers of the mind and emotions. The third realm is the realm of Fire, where they will learn to cultivate the powers of willpower and determination. The fourth realm is the realm of Air, where they will learn to cultivate the powers of communication and intuition. And the fifth and final realm is the realm of Spirit, where they will learn to cultivate the powers of connection and transcendence."

Adejare listened carefully, "Thank you for explaining the cultivation realms. I understand the importance of balance and harmony, and I trust that my child will learn to use their powers wisely."

Obatala smiled, "You have raised a wise child, and I am honoured to be their teacher. I will do my best to guide them on their journey of cultivation and help them become the best version of themselves."

Adejare nodded, "I do not doubt that you will. Thank you, Obatala."

Adejare, being the wise ruler that he was, knew that the key to success was not only through conquest but also through alliances. He made many alliances through marriages, childbirth, and various other means.

One of his most significant alliances was with the powerful dragon clan from the planet Draconia. He formed a close bond with their leader, King Drakor, by arranging a marriage between his daughter and Drakor's son. This alliance helped to solidify his rule over the multiverse.

Adejare also made many other alliances through strategic marriages with other powerful beings, including demons, angels, and even some of the Yoruba gods. He also had children with many of his allies, creating a web of interconnecting relationships throughout the multiverse.

Despite his many alliances, Adejare never lost sight of his ultimate goal, which was to become the ruler of all existence. He continued to expand his empire and conquered many new worlds, always seeking to gain more power and influence.

As his power grew, he became more and more detached from the mortal world, spending much of his time in meditation and contemplation. He sought guidance from the Yoruba gods and his ancestors, learning from their wisdom and striving to become a better ruler.

Obatala became the teacher and mentor of Adejare's children, imparting the knowledge and wisdom of the Yoruba people to them. They grew to be powerful and wise, just like their father and helped to solidify his rule over the multiverse.

Through his alliances and conquests, Adejare became the most powerful being in existence. He ruled over the multiverse with wisdom and compassion, always seeking to bring order and balance to all things. His legacy would be felt throughout the ages, and he would be remembered as one of the greatest rulers of all time.