
Oduduwa's Heir: An Existential Conquest

Follow the children of the Yoruba gods as they conquer and build empires. The story follows the life and journey of these people, a powerful warriors who overcomes many challenges and obstacles to become rulers of a vast empire. They are devout worshippers of the Yoruba gods and shares their teachings and beliefs with his followers. Spoiler : Adebayo's son, Adeola, succeeds him as the ruler of the empire after his mysterious death from a disease. Adeola continues his father's legacy and expands the empire beyond Earth, eventually leading to a conflict with an alien species. His son, Adejare, becomes the disciple of a powerful goddess and uses what he has learned to conquer the multiverse. However, he is suddenly ambushed by enemy gods and loses, leading to a speech on the Yoruba dao, life and death, existence and everything. -- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stones! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week! Updated daily

SeriouslyWolf · Fantasy
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44 Chs


As the negotiations were nearing their conclusion, Adejare suddenly slumped forward, a knife protruding from his back. The Adents had betrayed them. Chaos erupted as the Yoruba delegation fought back, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. The Adents used their magic to overpower the Yoruba warriors and take them captive.

Adegboyega, who had been observing the negotiations from a distance, rushed forward to help his father, but he was hit by a powerful spell and knocked unconscious. As he lay there, he drifted into a deep sleep and began to dream.

As Adegboyega drifted into his dream, he found himself standing in the centre of a large circular clearing. The clearing was surrounded by tall trees, and in the distance, he could see the peaks of mountains rising up into the sky. He knew that this was a sacred place, a place where the Yoruba people came to offer their prayers to the gods. In his dream, he saw himself being crowned the new Emperor of the Yoruba Empire in a traditional coronation ceremony. The ceremony was filled with the sounds of drums and songs of praise, as he was anointed with oil and adorned with the royal regalia. He felt a deep sense of pride and responsibility as he accepted the mantle of leadership.

As he looked around, he saw that there were people gathered around him, singing and dancing to the rhythm of the drums. They were dressed in colourful robes, adorned with intricate beading and embroidery. The men wore tall hats, decorated with feathers and shells, while the women wore geles and beaded necklaces.

Adegboyega felt a sense of awe and reverence as he realized that he was about to be crowned the new Emperor of the Yoruba Empire. He knew that this was a great honour, but he also knew that it came with great responsibility.

The drums grew louder, and the singing grew more intense as a group of elders approached him. They were dressed in white robes, and each carried a staff decorated with symbols of the gods. They led Adegboyega to a large throne, decorated with gold and precious stones.

As he sat down, the elders anointed him with oil, and one by one, they placed a piece of the royal regalia on him. Adegboyega felt a sense of pride and power as he donned the regalia. The crown was made of gold and was adorned with diamonds and rubies. The robe was made of fine silk and was embroidered with the symbols of the gods. The sceptre was made of ivory and was decorated with images of the ancestors.

But the dream was suddenly interrupted by a voice. It was the voice of his father, calling out to him from beyond the grave. He urged Adegboyega to be strong and to never give up on their people. He reminded him that he was the future of the Yoruba Empire and that it was his duty to lead them to greatness.

Adegboyega felt a deep sense of responsibility as he accepted the mantle of emperorship. He knew that he had to be a just and wise ruler, one who would lead his people to greatness. And with that thought, he woke up.

To his surprise, Adegboyega found that the regalia he had worn in his dream had materialized in front of him. The crown rested on his head, the robe draped over his shoulders, and the scepter was in his hand. He felt a surge of energy and determination as he realized that his dream had become a reality.

He knew that he had a long and difficult journey ahead of him, but with the memory of his dream and the regalia as his guide, he was ready to face any challenge that came his way. He set his sights on finding a way back to the Yoruba Empire and reclaiming his rightful place as their Emperor.

Adegboyega had woken up, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He knew that his father's death could not be in vain and that he had to continue the fight for their people.

As he looked around, he saw that he was floating in space, surrounded by stars and galaxies. He realized that he had been transported by Adent's magic to some unknown location. But he was not afraid. He knew that his ancestors and the gods were watching over him, and he had faith that he would find his way back to his people.

With a determined spirit and the memory of his father's voice ringing in his ears, Adegboyega set out on a new journey, one that would lead him back to the Yoruba Empire and to his rightful place as their Emperor.